How soon will this be a job description on Craigslist: “Retired But Need An Income? Work at home by putting your empty womb to work! ”

Why I lied to doctors, by world’s oldest mother, aged 67

A spinister who has become the world’s oldest mother lied about her age to undergo IVF treatment, she admitted yesterday.

Carmela Bousada, 67, convinced doctors that she was only 55 – the age limit for treatment at the fertility centre she chose.

The pensioner chose sperm and egg donors from a catalogue and underwent the procedure without telling her family.

She gave birth to healthy twin boys, called Pau and Christian, after a difficult pregnancy on December 29 – seven days before her 67th birthday.

It is more than 18 years since she went through the menopause, but Miss Bousada said she never lost the desire to have children.

Doctors began her IVF treatment by giving her hormone injections to reverse the menopause.

She had the final stages of the treatment in May last year after choosing the donor parents – eggs from an 18-year-old brunette and sperm from a blond, blue-eyed Italian-American.

I don’t know which is weirder: that she had this done at this age or that you can choose the ‘ingredients’ from a catalog like buying a new car.

  1. RTaylor says:

    Technically she incubated someone else’s children.

  2. Improbus says:

    I guess 67 is the new 55. For the love of …. [shakes head]

  3. cheese says:

    An asterisk should be placed next to her name in the world book of records because she relied on IVF to accomplish this feat at great risk.

  4. Joey says:

    I hope those kids aren’t squeamish – cleaning up your mother’s bedpan is no joke. And those kids will get ribbed in school something fierce. “Your mommy has diminished mental faculties and is not ambulatory, Ha ha!” (I’m assuming private school with her resources)

  5. JT says:

    Women have used the entrance to their womb as an income stream for ages. This appears to further the ability of women to cash in on their reproductive tract.

  6. lou says:

    1. If you are going to think of rules as to what makes a good parent, I would say age is down on the list. Reasonable income, access to multiple (non-governmental) caregivers, ability and desire to help with homework, etc. are much more important.

    2. Let’s face it, in fifty years, everything about reproduction will be different than the old insert Tab A into Slot B to build a baby. Regular old babying without science will be as quaint as using a midwife in a cottage in the forest.

    Call it a Brave New World.

  7. GregA says:

    I find myself hoping that IVF technology is simply banned, even for couples unable to conceive otherwise. The potential for abuse of IVF technology is simply too great.

    I feel that way, even before the amazing double standards for men and women on paternity in western legal traditions. I mean sheesh, here in Michigan, they want to make it a felony to tell your girlfriend that you would rather she had an abortion.

    Besides there are way to many people anyhow. If the world wide population dropped over the next hundred years to 2-3 billion people, most of our current most pressing problems would simply evaporate. At the current rate of population growth everyone on earth will be living in the dystopian cities of speculative fiction.

    And man, if I had a dollar for every fundy xtian woman I knew with 5 children from three different dads who is shit broke poor, and thinking she wants just one more…

    Man, as I age, I get less and less tolerant of morons.

  8. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #9 – I wouldn’t wound up over it. In a hundred years the population absolutely will have dropped to a couple of billion or less. Global Warming (TM) is going to take out tons of us and Bird Flu/Mad Cow (TM) will finish off the rest.

  9. joe says:

    either way she is GOD DAM FUGLY!!!

  10. tallwookie says:

    that old lady looks like a vampire

    mmm – baby back ribs

  11. Oil Of Dog says:

    Males discussing pregnancies …Geeez

  12. jccalhoun says:

    Maybe it is because I’m not actively trying to have children, but I think the number one question someone should have to answer before they undergo any fertility treatment is, “Why don’t you adopt a child that already exists and needs parents instead of bringing another person in to the world?”

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, I totally agree. The best answer I can come up with is that so many of these “childless couples” want a designer baby. You know, blue eyes, blond hair, tall, athletic, etc.

    I think it is the designer aspect that bothers me the most.

  14. TJGeezer says:

    My theory – she just wanted to get into the Guinness Book of World Records.

    Maybe she’ll hire out now as a baby-making machine to that Japanese politician mentioned earlier.

  15. Sandy says:

    She is going to be SO SORRY! She could have enjoyed the rest of her life instead of facing her “golden years” raising two artificially created brats.
    This is no “miracle.” A new baby is squeezed out somewhere in the world every few seconds. That’s not a miracle. If everyone who had a kid was emotionally and financially able to care for it, THAT would be a miracle.

  16. Monkey64 says:

    How would the poor kids fell they will be forced to mature at an early age while other kids are playing outside having fun these kids will have to be looking after their mum when really she should be looking after them thats what being a parent is all about.

  17. julie10 says:

    I think she is awesome and looks GREAT for 67 years. I also think it is wonderful she has twins. Good luck

  18. bobbo says:

    Yea!==and if she lives to 75yo, those will be great orphans on public assistance at age 8. Just what every kid needs.


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