Naw, not stupid. Stylin’. – Baggy Pants Trip Up Robbery Suspect — This is too funny.

COVINGTON, La. Police said they caught a 16-year-old robbery suspect who had eluded authorities on several previous occasions when his baggy pants fell down, causing him to stumble as officers chased him.

“We literally caught him with his pants down,” Lt. Jack West of Covington police said.

Suspected of robbing a man at gunpoint and stealing another mans car after beating him with a brick, the teenager had run away from police several times in recent weeks, West said.

An officer spotted the teen standing on a street corner Monday, called in for two backup officers, then tried to make an arrest.

“They all converged on him from different directions,” West said. “He started to run, but his low-riding pants fell down and he stumbled to his knees.”

  1. Steve says:

    Interesting … about the “tripping pants” … now if all our rappers could get lockjaw.

    On another topic … just read the Dvorak column on the convergence of Vista with Apple (almost, with Vista). You went through a list of various alternative Office suites …. but I don’t think you mentioned the Sun backed “OpenOffice” suite which I have and like. Its “Impress” … the eqivalent of PowerPoint is very smooth and intuitive I find.

    What is your opinion of it?

    Steve Flora,
    Temporarily in Dubai.

  2. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I vote for baggie pants for all paroless.

    #2 & #3 Third for Openoffice

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Take your pick. Be fashionable and wear baggy pants or get efficient and wear something you can run in.

    His pants fell down. Ha. Ha ha,

    ha ha ha ha ha

    Is there another office suite besides OO?

  4. d bennoch says:

    OpenOffice rules. (Or should).

  5. TJGeezer says:

    Another vote for OO

    Okay, okay, I’ll slow down. Another 24 hours, say?

  6. John Paradox says:

    [returning to the subject]
    Not only have I heard several similar stories, but one was classic because of the ‘stupid criminal’ stories. Remember (do they still make these) the running shoes with the built in LED’s? I know of at least one case where the cops were able to follow the suspect because he was wearing those LED’s… giving them a nice trail to follow.


  7. Tracy says:

    Hi Lt. Jack West
    Good Snag on old or young droopy pants.
    Keep up the good work.


  8. Bruce IV says:

    Doesn’t he know baggy is out?

    #10 – He’d have to die to make the Darwin awards

  9. wideye says:

    I think all felones should wear baggy pants and no shoe strings. Hey why not a bar code on the neck?


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