Taking a cue from Ross Perot with show-and-tell. “Here, lookee!”

Alter: A Powerful Response – Newsweek Between the Lines – MSNBC.com — So apparently this Jim Webb character wowed them after Bush’s speech. The Webb rebuttal must have been watched by 7 people total. I mean how many of us can even get through the uninspired Bush speech in the first place? I couldn’t keep my eyes open. This article is a good read since Webb is now the rare Democrat that speaks his mind and doesn’t sound like a ball-less wonder the way the rest of them do. That said I suspect he’s the go-to guy to knock both Hillary and Obama out of the race on behalf of the Kennedy (aka Pelosi) side of the party. You watch how this works.

Webb is seen as a moderate or even conservative Democrat, but this was a populist speech that quoted Andrew Jackson, founder of the Democratic Party and champion of the common man. The speech represented a return to the tough-minded liberalism of Scoop Jackson and Hubert Humphrey, but by quoting Republicans Teddy Roosevelt (on “improper corporate influence”) and Dwight D. Eisenhower (on ending the Korean War), he reinforced the argument that President Bush had taken the GOP away from its roots.

Webb was given a speech to read by the Democratic leadership. He threw it out and wrote his own. As a well-regarded novelist, Webb has a sense of narrative and human drama. He apparently felt that the boots his son wore in Iraq, which he used to great effect during his successful Senate campaign against Sen. George Allen, might be a bit hokey. So instead, he showed a picture of his father during the Berlin airlift. He then went on to describe taking the picture to bed every night and his family’s long record of military service.

As a highly decorated veteran of Vietnam and the Reagan administration (where he served as Navy secretary), Webb is the perfect instrument for rescuing Democrats from the image of wimpy, weak-kneed wussies that has so hampered them in recent national elections.

Also a prop comic on Saturdays at the Improv

Notice a resemblance?

  1. GregA says:

    Wow, just look at the field of democratic presidential candidates, then compare them to…. John “the manchurian candidate” McCain, quite possibly the last person in america with a view on the war more insane that George Bush.

    Suck on it Republicans.

  2. Tom 2 says:

    Is John C. Dvorak a republican?

  3. JSFORBES says:

    I imagine that he hates everyone equally.

  4. Joey says:

    It was a well-written speech. His persona and delivery comes off as a bit gruff though.

  5. Sundog says:

    “Wow, just look at the field of democratic presidential candidates”

    Like clowns in a Volkswagen they just keep coming out.

  6. ChrisMac says:

    And what’s with Pelosi.. She blinks about 120 times/minute.

    Some type of malfunctioning cyborg? Morse code?

  7. A_B says:

    “That said I suspect he’s the go-to guy to knock both Hillary and Obama out of the race on behalf of the Kennedy (aka Pelosi) side of the party.”

    Not this time around.

    If a Republican wins in ’08, then see him up in 2012.

    If a Dem wins and doesn’t totally fuck everything up, see Webb in 2016.

    That is, assuming that Insight Magazine and Fox News don’t start claiming various things like his wife is a Chinese/North Korean Agent and he’s a Manchurian candidate (See, Lies About Obama, and Obama’s Response: ).

  8. TJGeezer says:

    Wow. All that, and he writes intelligent science-based novels too. But the revolutionary Right will probably use that against him. He just don’t look down home and barbecue-friendly, you know?

  9. Bono says:

    I bloody LOVE the brain!

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I heard the speeches on the radio, and all SotU’s are booorrring. Webb’s response was just right…a few minutes. He looked great on the radio, too. 😉

  11. Mike says:

    Besides the fact that I don’t agree with with much of his domestic agenda, the only quibble I have with his rebuttal last night was that he brought up Korea as an example of a strong president (Eisenhower) doing what was right and cutting our losses, without mentioning the fact that we’ve still got an entire army in garrison there 50 years later.

  12. Roc Rizzo says:

    I want everyone to know that I thanked Senator Webb for reaming President Chimpy McChucklenuts a new one last night. The smug cretin had it coming to him.

  13. Sowat says:

    The problem I have with your snark, John, is that it’s pretty apparent you didn’t actually watch what Webb said. It’s on Youtube. Easy to find. I would have much more respect for your stupid comments (well, I wouldn’t call you stupid at least) if you based them on a little first hand observation.

    Now maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you did watch it. But somehow, I don’t think so…. You said, “The Webb rebuttal must have been watched by 7 people total.” Since I watched it, and at least 4 other people I know watched it, that only leaves 2 people left by your estimation. Are you one of those 2?

    BTW, as a rather conservative minded guy, I have to tell you that Webb really punched me in the gut. He hit me right where it hurt. His point was valid, and I take it to heart. Compared to Bush, this man is a leader. God how this country has become so used to hearing and viewing a guy like Bush as a leader. He isn’t my leader anymore……

  14. Sundog says:

    “President Chimpy McChucklenuts” Ha!!!!

  15. Sowat says:

    Oh, fyi, your captcha didn’t work on that last post. I didn’t need to enter in any verification. It just posted right away. Thought you might want to know, so you can check out your system for problems.

  16. Tom 2 says:

    #3 Your right.

  17. KB says:

    how many of us can even get through the uninspired Bush speech in the first place?

    I like what John Lewis said about the Bush speech:

    “Reagan was good, just darn good at being able to deliver a speech,” Lewis said. “Clinton was the master. Daddy Bush was pretty good.” So how does the president compare? “We all want to see him do well,” he said. [source: ajc.com]

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Bush did not give a good speech. In my opinion, I thought his congratulations to Speaker Pelosi was very gratuitus and sarcastic. His aknowlegement to the people in the gallery was also gratuidous and unecessary.

    Webb was much better even though he had little to work with. He came across as more human and less autonomic then did Bush. But,… he still stunk. Don’t bull sh*t me with what you or your daddy did years ago or boy does today. They aren’t in front of the camera. Discuss what is on the agenda. Tell me why Bushes State of the Union agenda is wrong or whatever.

    My best advice to Bush would be to hire a new speech writer. Then take some public speaking lessons. Geeze he is hard to tolerate for more then 10 minutes.

    And I really love the substance of some critics here. Instead of criticizing Pelosi for her stand or politics, they criticize her because of her appearance. Her blinking annoyed them. I’m sorry, but I didn’t notice so it couldn’t have been all that bad.

  19. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    If you put a hood on Pelosi she would look a lot like the Emperor from Start Wars. 😉

  20. ChrisMac says:

    Since when is american politics about substance.. or even politics for that matter.. Near as i can tell it seems to be a popularity contest..

    My point was.. I think something is wrong with the woman..

    I look to a persons eyes first to get a sense of whether i can trust them or not and from the first time I saw her.. Alarm bells rang

  21. MikeN says:

    It’ll be interesting to see how Webb fares with Democrats. He agrees with Republicans on many issues including defense spending, and won his seat based on Iraq alone.

  22. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #21 – Of course there’s something wrong with her. If you watch her closely, it’s obvious that it takes everything she has to avoid jumping off the stage and eating someone.

  23. JustinNerger says:

    #19: The chimps who are posting about Pelosi’s eye-blinking are only parroting what they read on the Drudge Report site. They are “Ditto-heads”, each and every one of them.

    Jim Webb has bigger cajones than anyone in the House and Senate could ever hope to have. His candor is a breath of fresh air. If we had more senators like Jim Webb holding elected office, our country would be much better off.

  24. jason says:

    Pelosi enters stage left – wearing a black buisiness suit with black shawl draped perfectly over her shoulders and wrapped around her head… only her ever blinking glowing eyes, nose and chin visible from overhead lighting. She speaks in an oddly powerful, yet raspy voice:

    “Yesssss young conservative voter…. I can feel the anger and hatered welling up within you…

    STIKE ME DOWN… and release yourself to the POWAH of the Democratic Paaaaarty.


  25. ChrisMac says:

    #24 Drudge Report? Never been there.

    But I was amused to see The Colbert Report pick up on the same thing last night.. Maybe he got it from there..

  26. Ballenger says:

    Sick of slick? Webb may be your guy. He is so un-slick it’s hard to believe he won over “where’s my football? I have to give a speech” George Allen. Based on his record, he’s been hard to muppettize. Pelosi and the rest of the current Demsmurff leadership, who I would imagine can barely keep their mouse on the pad, aren’t likely to keep their foot on his neck. A guy willing to tell the Republican party to take a hike, isn’t going to cave in from pressure from the Ewok wing. Another thing Webb may have going for him is, he doesn’t seem to know how to smirk. The timing on this couldn’t be better. Six years of Smirk-master Bush 43 may have paved the way for politicians who are smirk challenged for the next decade.

  27. Tim says:

    Until the Democrats come out solidly against America’s war on Iraq rather than playing games to exploit anti-war votes without delivering they are just hypocrites.

    Bush needs to stand trial in an international court as a war criminal. A US court is not appropriate for crimes of his scale. The US needs to withdraw and pay billions in compensation to the Iraqi people (i.e. not the current puppet government installed by US bayonets).
    Compensation would be cheaper for US taxpayers than continuing to fund a unwinnable war.

    And putting Bush and Cheney on trial would do more to undermine the massive growth of anti-americanism around the world than any taxpayer funded Washington propaganda and “aid” (i.e. bribery of foreign governments) circus.

    And the only way to “win” the war on terror is in the long run is to reduce, not increase, anti-americanism. A clear cut recognition of the mistakes made in Iraq, and an admission of their essentially criminal nature, is the place to start the reconstruction of America’s reputation. Currently the US is rated in the trash can in even traditionally pro-American countries.

    The Democrats by failing to call Bush what he actually is only contribute to the problem. No more pussy footing. Bush is worse than Nixon and he has to go.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, I wouldn’t count on it. Mavericks are only given so much leeway before they get roped in. Finding support for bills, committee assignments, and even speaking time are all inducements used to help keep the independently minded in line. Those who go against the party will find themselves outside looking in.

    Webb will be allowed some breathing room, but only as long as he keeps close to the party line. It is a two way street though as Jim Jeffords showed in 2001.

    Right now the only reason the Democrats will even be in the same room as Joe Lieberman is because they need his vote so disparately. Watch for Lieberman to mellow somewhat before the 2008 elections because if he doesn’t, he will sit as an independent.

  29. joshua says:

    #6….ChisMac…..The constant eye blinking is a frequent symptom of too many face lifts. She has had several over the last few years. Look at her Doe in the headlights look….same cause. Another thing to look for(and Pelosi has it too) is the large forehead….from the hairline being pulled to the back. It’s the best way to tell a man has had a face lift(can we say….ARNOLD)as well.

    I noticed the Doe look a couple years ago and said something in front of my Mom….she is the one who gave me the low down on facelifts.

    You can compare her to Barbra Walters, Joan Collins, Phylis Diller, Joan Rivers, and others, and see what I mean.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, I never knew that. Hhhmmm, interesting.

    But gawd, wasn’t Cheney’s tie horrible? I mean, it was just butt ugly and he had the gumption to go on National TV wearing it. It might help if he had a face lift too. Couldn’t hurt. Well, no one would notice his forehead getting bigger.


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