Move over Soloflex and NordicTrack, I think you have some fun competition! – January 15, 2007:

Six weeks ago, I began what has become a huge obsession of mine. It is called the “Wii Sports Experiment.” I outlined a 6 week game plan for myself, the idea being that I would continue ALL normal activity and eating habits, and simply add 30 minutes of Wii Sports to my day. For the past month and a half, I’ve stuck to these guidelines very strictly.

To be honest, I was genuinely surprised by my end results, so I’ll just get right to it. I lost 9lbs! Obviously this doesn’t compare to Jared and the Subway diet, but I started out at a weight that I’ve been at for the past 2 years. My weight has really never fluctuated from 180lbs. in those two years, this makes the weight loss that much more of an accomplishment for me, considering I did not change anything I ate or did. Also, this experiment took place during the holiday season, where I ate holiday dinners like I normally would and drank what I normally would have drank.

  1. TJGeezer says:

    That’s impressive, but I bet you don’t look like that model yet.

    Seriously, I’ve been told by my doctor that for sedentary geeks like me, a half hour or hour of any kind of physical activity a day – walking around the neighborhood, using expensive gym equipment, cutting the lawn, really anything at all – will do a lot more than trim off a few pounds. Good for heart, muscles, digestion, even nerve and vascular health in cases of diabetes.

    I love the idea of using a Wii as a health regimen. Now I just have to talk to my wife. Great idea – thanks!

  2. Named says:


    Hmmm… How about saving a couple hundred bucks and take a walk around the block every night? Maybe bring your wife along? She’d probably enjoy that too.

    And cut your damn grass! The neighbours will be complaining!

  3. SN says:

    2. “How about saving a couple hundred bucks and take a walk around the block every night? Maybe bring your wife along?”

    Mmm… having fun playing a hot new console or spending boring quality time with your wife. Something about your comment seems so wrong. I just can’t put my finger on it.

  4. Gigwave says:

    Well, the Wii might be good for upper body but for the complete workout you need to add a dance dance revolution floor mat game too.

  5. Wait until the tendonitis that is going to appear all over the place from these games.

  6. Jim says:

    i can’t wait for the new games! Extreme Jumping Jacks, Push-up Revolution, Running-in-Place Mania!

  7. James Hill says:

    I’m sure I’d lose something if she was playing with my Wii.

    And it’s better than me getting tendonitis when playing with my Wii.

    Yea, I know…

  8. YeahRight says:

    3. Hey SN, if you wife is boring , poor you !
    My wife is hot so whatever I am doing with her is great…

    Cheers 😉

  9. sheva says:

    hmm finally I see the Wii put to some good use. This is actually a fine idea.

  10. SN says:

    8. “My wife is hot so whatever I am doing with her is great…”

    If that’s the case, I can think of a few other things to do with her besides “walks around the block every night.” Unless that’s some sort of euphemism I’m not quite familiar with.

  11. Named says:


    Maybe you can teach your wife to play with YOUR wii again?

    And to clarify… walking around the block with the wife is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to loosen her up to make the beast with two backs.

  12. Mark Derail says:

    #5, John, you don’t have to use your wrist with the controller.

    As seen in this rather funny video :

    I find that the Wii breaks down all kinds of barriers between age groups and sexes. Face it, the first time you tried playing a PS2 or XBox game, you really were lousy until you could master the controller.

    The Wii controller is so easy to master, allowing for greater game play concentration.

    On my PS2 I have the USB camera, comes with non-cute but fun games that everyone tries and loves. You whole body on the screen is the controller.

  13. Mark Derail says:

    Five pigs in a bar, drinking lots of beer.
    First four use the John, but not the fifth. Bartender says to last pig as he leaves, “Don’t you want to use the bathroom?!”

    Of course, the last piggy says, “No need, I go Wii Wii Wii All The Way Home!”

  14. Sundog says:

    12. Mark Derail – OK, I am not typically a gamer, but I am actually going to break down and get one of these. I just wanted to get something my wife would actually play, and the games for it do look like fun. Is there any “must have” games you or anyone here would recommend?

  15. Hedgehog says:

    Oh yeah!

    The Wii is really cool. I have a buddy that managed to get two, with four controllers and nunchuks BEFORE XMas. I’ve played all the games, and really like bowling and golf. There is a little delay in the movements, especially when the batteries start to run low, but that’s to be expected.

    JD – yeah, I was feeling a little sore after the first night of it, but we bowled about 5 games. Even at a few ounces (versus 16 pounds for a real ball), my shoulder was a bit achy the next day. The ball control in bowling is really superb, though! It’s also fun to golf with only one hand. 🙂

    One catch: the 2 year-old wants to play, too — so we give him a controller without the batteries in it. What’s the catch, then? Although we check before swinging, he has a talent for sneaking into the path of some pretty fast golf and bowling swings. The good news? He hasn’t needed stitches, yet. I blame his dad’s genes.

    I’ve played the PS3, too. It’s almost as good as my PC was a year ago, with an NVidia 7800 video card and a Logitech Rumblepad wireless. Since I already had the PC and use it for work (write-off), I paid for the video card and joypad myself – so my PC doubles as home entertainment for $200 LESS than a PS3 — and I can listen to my favorite tunes in GTA:SA with the MP3 option on the car radio (K-rAd, ladies!)

    Check this out (you’ve probably seen it, but…):

  16. Peter says:

    Actually, John *is* correct — though people won’t have problems with their wrists per se, they might get “Wii-elbow” from playing too much. I know the muscles around my elbows have gotten sore from playing the Wii for a few days, so it’s definitely possible.

  17. Mark Derail says:

    Sundog, I’m glad you liked my little piggy joke so much to buy a Wii.
    I know, it’s wiicked.

  18. Chris Evans says:

    I thought the joke was a bit Wiik myself…


  19. Greg Allen says:

    If my wife uses the WII for 30-minutes a day, will she look like that woman in the picture?

  20. Aaron says:

    #19- If she runs from New York to California first!

  21. Greg Allen says:

    Something tells me that woman in the photo couldn’t run from New York to California either! 😉


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