
If you’re old enough to remember the hubbub when Time magazine asked the question, “Is God dead,” or a similar cultural upheaval when John Lennon said the Beatles were more popular than Christ, you might find this humorous given I doubt Jesus ever jumped up and down on a sofa proclaiming his love for a woman. Or any of the other ‘unique’ proclamations and outbursts from this new messiah.

One thing that’s a bit different: this guy is loaded with money. That and he hasn’t brought any dead people back to life (that we know of).

Cruise ‘is Christ’ of Scientology

Tom Cruise is the new “Christ” of Scientology, according to leaders of the cult-like religion.

The Mission: Impossible star has been told he has been “chosen” to spread the word of his faith throughout the world.

And leader David Miscavige believes that in future, Cruise, 44, will be worshiped like Jesus for his work to raise awareness of the religion.

A source close to the actor, who has risen to one of the church’s top levels, said: “Tom has been told he is Scientology’s Christ-like figure.

“Like Christ, he’s been criticised for his views. But future generations will realise he was right.”

Cruise joined the Church of Scientology in the ’80s.

Here’s one person’s view on Christianity and Cruise.

  1. travelsTooMuch says:

    And what led you to cite the twit at the bottom of the post? This pseudo-Christian knows little about what he’s talking about, and worse, has the rampant prejudice about other faiths that earmarks the dangerously orthodox. Perhaps he’s a friend Dubbya’s.

  2. SN says:

    The least Cruise could do is die for our sins.

  3. Mark Derail says:

    There is just so much to hate about scientology. Uncle Dave aren’t you opening this blog to a Cease & Desist from the you-know-who’s?

    Growing up I loved to read Hubbard’s science fiction novels, though I preferred Robert Heinlein’s zanny ideas. What I disappointment when I was 18 and looked into scientology and close to signing up.

    My Mom’s reaction was similar to me trying to get her to sign up to Amway. A big-time NO and multi-hour lecture.

    Imagine cooking up a fake UFO story, then totalling believing it (or pretending to?) and convincing others. Boggles the mind.

    I just had BBS’s to look up “online” back in 1986 like CompuServer the real-deal on scientology. Today, with the power of the Internet(s), they still sign up people and suck them dry.

    Well, they have Cruise and Travolta as crusadors…

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Scientology has a great storyline, but Christianity is coming strong.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Well, I think anyone who knows anything at all about me know my take… religion is for idiots. My apologizies to anyone who thinks I think they are an idiot. I don’t look down on your idiocy any more than you look down on my hedonism.

    But Hubbard, for the record, made this crap up and did a remarkable con job. My hat is off to him. Ken Kesey himself must have been very proud of the grand scale prank Hubbard pulled on these dopes.

  6. OmarThe Alien says:

    Sounds like a deal where the deeper your pockets are the cooler are the titles bestowed upon thou. Just goes to show the lunatic fringe cannot be denied their moments of greatness.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Look at the bright side, now we can justify beating him with some wooden canes and whipping him with a flagrum.

  8. TJGeezer says:

    Maybe Mel Gibson will making a movie about Cruise, starring Cruise in his religious role. The idea has a loopy sort of appeal, though as far as I know the you-know-who’s aren’t particularly antisemitic, so there goes Gibson.

    Still, I can see it now – little alien devils running around whispering evil into the heads of, well, these days it would have to be evangelical “Christians”. And there goes the U.S. audience. Oh well.

  9. Slappy says:

    This is who they choose as a leader? Talk about 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

  10. moe29 says:

    Jesus was the son of God… Tom Cruise is a man who has been bilked by a scam artist, namely Ron L. Hubbard.

  11. Jägermeister says:


    Jesus was a con artist, just like Tom Cruise and Ron L. Hubbard.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    What are the chances that 2000 years from now anyone will even have heard of Tom Cruise?

    You never know! Maybe Ray-Bans will be a religious icon!

  13. Martin says:

    This whole thing makes me laugh. I am a Scientologist and trust me on this, Tom Cruise is not our new Christ. In fact we do not have a Christ like leader or figure in our religion at all. We do not worship L. Ron Hubbard either. At any Scientology event we will end with some clapping and cheering (if someone feels the urge) for our founder, this sometimes is misunderstood by non-Scientologists as worship but it is not the case it is simply a show of respect and appreciation.
    All I can say is that this whole bunch of rubbish comes from a Christian group that obviously has to have some enemy to make their own religion more attractive. What’s even more funny is that Scientology is non-denominational – you can be a member of any religion and be a Scientologist. Why is this? Because Scientology is about improving yourself spiritually and mentally it is not about the worship of God, even though most Scientologists believe in God. There is no interference with other religions and we believe in freedom of speech and human rights to all.
    This article was written out of pure ignorance with no research whatsoever and the fact that it was posted here shows that good old Dvorak did not even bother to check some basic facts. And did anybody actually stop and ask Scientology about this? “A source close to the actor”?? Give me a barf bag, rather add in “Source invented by the author”.
    I can appreciate the fact that everyone is allowed their own opinion but when it is based on ignorance and rumours I am very disappointed and frustrated.
    Please note that by ignorance I don’t mean stupidity I mean just not knowing very much about something and forming opinions from rumours and hearsay.
    On a personal note I am not that big a fan of Tom Cruise. I think between his huge enthusiasm for his new relationship and trying to put out a very serious message of how damaging psychiatry is he has really mixed the message making it hard to take him seriously and I think this is where some of the problems stem from.
    Also it’s quite nice to knock someone off their pedestal isn’t it? Even though sometimes it is not really deserved.
    Anyway that’s my two cents worth.
    Regards, Martin.

  14. Cursor_ says:

    All I can say is Xenu’s gonna get you Tom!


  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Logic-Free Reasoning®™ 101:

    Tom Cruise has been criticised for his views;

    Jesus has been criticised for his views;

    Therefore, Tom Cruise is Jesus. QED

    Sweeping generalizations are rarely accurate, but here’s one that’s pure fact:

    Every member of CoS falls into one of three distinct categories:
    idiotic victim, sociopathic victimizer, or both.

    And LRH’s SF is utter shit; it makes Heinlein’s silliest juvies read like the Foundation Trilogy. Anyone sufficiently dain-bramaged to accept a “religion” cooked up by an author of bad pulp SF should be locked away for everyone’s safety.

  16. Gond says:

    I hate to say it, but I think Martin’s comment has a point. I’m not a Scientologist, but these statements made by prominent people in Scientology don’t constitute the views of the majority of Scientologists, any more than a few abortion-clinic bombers view constitute the views of the majority of Christians. Or the radical (sometimes violent) hatred of all religions by some Athiests constitute the views of most Athiests. At this point, it’s just speculation that Scientology will ever adopt Cruise as their “Christ-like figure”, and I didn’t think Dvorak would stoop that low. Soon he’ll be reporting on Russian peasant women who claim they were impregnated by aliens.

  17. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #17 –
    Miscavige is far from a “prominent person” in Scientology, the is the Pope of the CoS, and his word is therefore far more significant than that of some hired PR flack. His statements constitute the official positiion of the “Church.”

    Martin’s comment has every hallmark of a typical CoS attempt at spin.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Who the eff cares ???

  19. Whaapp! says:

    # 16, spooky, almost exactly my opinion!

  20. TJGeezer says:

    A Scientologist I knew back in the 1970s told me he was on the verge of being able to project his perceptions as he approached the crown of a hill, making it safe to pass on a hill riding his motorcycle. I have no idea if he is still alive.

    I wouldn’t take him as representing all of Scientology any more than I would take Tom Cruise or Catherine Bell or any other celebrity. And I suspect Martin’s rather temperate remarks reflect his own opinions, not some Scientology spin doctor’s.

    That said, I still wish Mel Gibson would make a movie with Tom Cruise as Scientology Christ figure and evil little Xenu minions whispering evil into the ears of evangelical “Christians.” If he won’t do it, maybe they’ll do the animated version on, what’s it called? South Park?

  21. Martini says:

    Martin, you are classic! You guys are facing a serious PR problem here and people are not buying your shit anymore.

    You do not worship L.Ron? My hairy ass! Why is there an office for “Ron” in almost all of the orgs for his return? Why do Scientologists go “hip hip hooray” to his pictures like a cult of personality?

    Yea, while the church says L. Ron Hubbard is continuing his research, the world says he died with a drug injection of Vistaril in his ass.

    Sorry Scientology, the see-through games and many lies are not working anymore and neither will the intimidation tactics used so often .

  22. Tootskies says:

    Greg, sweetoes…you guys have a leak in the CoS castle!
    Now…run along and go find out who did it!!

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 This article was written out of pure ignorance with no research whatsoever and the fact that it was posted here shows that good old Dvorak did not even bother to check some basic facts. And did anybody actually stop and ask Scientology about this? “A source close to the actor”?? Give me a barf bag, rather add in “Source invented by the author”.

    Well, it isn’t like the newspaper is at all reliable. It’s a gossip rag. What source would you go to to be reliable. Scientology is a cult religion slash scam and there is no other truth besides that.

    It’s based on bunk science and a bullshit scifi story about a space aliens and volcanos. There is no source inside the cult that can be trusted any more than The Sun. And Tom Cruise is an actor, obviously mortal, and not a personal part of any of our lives… so who cares?

  24. funky says:

    Silly Martin….
    You know that’s just PR hype that whole thing about being able to practice any religion and Scientology at the same time – not true!
    Silly Silly Martin…..your spin won’t work here…..


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