Ok, this sort of thing is specious and I suspect you could go to any country and do a “man on the street” test like this and find a bunch of dummies who have no clue about anything. Jay Leno’s Jaywalking has done this bit for a decade only he actually finds teachers and college students who seem to know nothing. Someone needs to do this in Canada. That said there is a low-level ignorance that permeates the entire country as is pointed out by people sticking a needle into Australia and saying that it’s North Korea. Cripes.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    My question would be how many were asked to come up with the group they showed. At least give some credit to the two girls that found Sri Lanka.

  2. bac says:

    No wonder we are loosing the war on terror. We have our troops in the wrong location. The troops should be on the big island in the south hemisphere. You know the island with many names like France, Korea and Iran.

    I am glad tax payer’s money is well spent.

  3. Slappy says:

    I vote for Elisabeth Hasselbecks house.

  4. ChrisMac says:

    In Canada…

    It’s more important to carry a condom.. Than a gun

  5. tallwookie says:

    #34 – and how useful is the condom gonna be in a gun fight?

  6. Greg Allen says:

    It’s nice to finally see the 24% of Americans who still think that Bush is doing a great job in Iraq! 😉

  7. matt says:

    Greenpeace animation with a South Park Twist


    Blame Canada (and España)!

    (even if I live in Canada)

  8. harry ballzonyah says:

    I hate it when they find these morons.

    Did anyone really look close on the video? The people have the countries labeled wrong also, Australia is really labeled North Korea I believe. Why does the Australia in the video go onto two lines after only a few letters? I wish there was a better quality so I could look at it.

    Not all of us college students are useless sheep. Some care about the world around them and international relations and how some people in power are leaving the new generation a giant pile of shit and hatred to clean up after.

  9. Greg Allen says:


    It’s a funny video but I think we all understand that most Americans aren’t quite that dumb about the world — but the “stupid American” is the predominant stereotype around the world.

    It used to be, more, “friendly but stupid” but the Bush administration has widely shifted that to “thuggish but stupid.”

    As others have argued here, stereotypes have their basis in reality.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    By the way, Matt, you are totally on-to something. Good observations.

    Here is one screen grab from the middle, you can’t exactly make it out but it definitely isn’t “Australia” — It’s either Iran or Iraq I think.


    Now look at this screen grab from nearer to the end:


    That is two words — you can’t make them out but I’m guessing Saudi Arabia.

    This is clearly a “hit piece.”

  11. Greg Allen says:

    Oops — messed up the second URL:


  12. Greg Allen says:

    Sorry to keep posting — Australia is almost surely mis-labeled as “North Korea” and some small Island below it is labeled “South Korea”

    You get pretty-much surmise it in this screen grab


    What a cheap shot!

    It reminds me of Dan Quayle’s mis-spelling “Potatoe” Even though I was no fan of Quayle, I never faulted him when I heard is was misprinted on his card. I would have deferred to the card too.

  13. ChrisMac says:

    #35 Perfect canadian situation.. If i can’t use the condom I may aswell be dead

    you may aswell be afraid of killer frogs

    the war on terror is a mytrh

  14. Malcolm says:

    Less than 10% of US Citizens have ever traveled overseas according to the Bureau of Statistic.

    Life is hard for the average Americans.

  15. Named says:


    If you’re brain don’t work right, I guess you have to believe what’s on the paper held by the important looking person.

  16. Greg Allen says:


    You have a point — it still is pretty dumb to not notice that Australia is mis-labeled as Iraq!. Australia is one of the most recognizable items on a world map. And what they _say_ is stupid — invade Italy? What the heck? Italy was in the coalition until just a couple months ago.

    As for Dan Quayle — I have to say, I just can’t fault the guy because I can so pictures myself making that same mistake. Even though I know the correct spelling of “potato” I would second guess myself for a second if the card in front of me said “potatoe” — and that’s all it took to make that mistake.


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