Norwich Bulletin – – Norwich, Conn. — This story is unbelievable and has gotten zero national media attention. This should give substitute teachers pause for thought.

In response to your editorial “Reason needed in teacher porn case sentencing,” I can only say I am shocked and dismayed at what is such a clear miscarriage of justice.

There is no question in my mind, and those of many other experts in the computing community, Julie Amero is innocent of the charges, and should not be imprisoned for one day, much less 40 years.

When I first read of the case, my reaction was how illogical it all sounded: A middle-aged, substitute female teacher accessing porn on a classroom computer, in front of her students on one particular day? It made no sense.

Then I read on to find out the forensic examination of the computer clearly showed this machine was an old, poorly maintained system, riddled with spyware, without adequate protections in place, and it all became clear. Amero is the victim, not the perpetrator.

Piecing together the evidence, we can get an idea as of what happened that day…(read article0

related link:
original report

The heartless State Attorney asked the question as to why she didn’t pull the plug on the computer during a porn storm. I would have testified that most people unfamiliar with computers would worry that this action would damage the machine or they would assume that the problem would continue when the machine was turned back on and they’d get in trouble later.

  1. clk says:

    Is there a detectable trend here? Sutton in TX, Nifong in SC, and Smith in CT. One wonders how many more are on the loose. Lets work up a roll call of these lunatics and expose them for what they really are. Lazy, merciless tyrants who are lathering their own egos with the time, treasure and tears of the innocent.

  2. Kevin Lee says:

    I thought it was some kind of joke.

  3. G says:

    “Also, just because is irrates the right wingers who lurk and troll around here, and not because it is true, I’d like to point out the real responsibility for this belongs to George Bush. If he were not in office, this never would have happened.”

    Blame it on Bush? You’re a nitwit.

  4. Tony Cook says:

    Thank the Lord I’m English, our legal system may creak but the American version is an absolute joke world wide.

    OTH why did not the two Amercan jughead lunatics who shot up a British troop convoy causing the death of one trooper and serious injury to a number of others get away scot free, one of the gung ho idiots has actually been promoted and is now busily training others in how to kill more allied troops.

    Lets face it America – you are just plain uncivilised, uncouth and unfit for human consumption.

  5. amclint says:

    Tony Cook, if we start making sweeping generalizations based on individuals in your populace how many do you think we could come up with? Your comment is proof that you yourself are lacking in intelligence and class.

  6. Gary Norton says:

    If the computer has not been cleaned yet, simply put the principal, IT Director, BoE members, procecutor, and judge in a room with some kids and no way to block the screen (a set up just like the teacher had).

    When the porn storm hits, every one of them should be charged and AUTOMATICALLY convicted AND sentenced to 40 years (or whatever the substitute teacher receives).

    And, of course, no expert testimony would be allowed, based on the precedent that they set of “no experts allowed”. Now, that would be justice.

  7. John Kristofferson says:

    Re: Lauren the Ghoti “

    Um,…except , uh, for this case.
    If this is your issue, don’t you think you picked exactly the wrong thread in which to bring it up?
    Limousine liberals aside, this sort of prosecutorial ugliness is almost always done to pander to the reactionary right-wing sector of the population. In any case, it is far preferable that a few guilty people go free if it helps to protect a larger nunber of innocent defendants from wrongful conviction.

  8. Lois Croft says:

    If the material that popped up showed someone getting hacked to death with a chain saw, this whole event would be a non-issue. Similarly, if she were a Catholic priest molesting young boys or a congressman trolling for pages, she wouldn’t get anywhere near 40 years. But since it involved pornography and kids, it’s a different story entirely. This despite the fact that the teacher tried her best to fix the problem (she had no intent to commit a crime, no motive, and certainly nothing to gain). To call this a travesty of justice doesn’t begin to even scratch the surface. Lawyers are scum, and judges are ex-lawyers. All I can say is:

    Be afraid America. Be very afraid.

  9. Michael Spurlock says:

    A. It’s Connecticut, people!
    B. The DA…he’s a LAWYER. Don’t expect compassion.
    C. He’s a LIBERAL. Don’t expect reason or logic.
    D. He’s a wealthy bureaucrat. Don’t expect computer literacy.
    E. How’s he gonna become governor if he doesn’t ruin innocent peoples’ lives?

  10. Bob says:

    Post the D.A.’s name. And remind anyone you care about not to move to that state!

  11. Jim Vanderwoude says:

    This teacher would have received a lesser sentence, if any at all, if she had been caught having sex with a student in the classroom.

  12. John Millard says:

    The only way to interact with justice in the United States of America (almost communist united states of america) is NOT become involved with the justice system, none of it. Don’t stare at law enforcement soldiers(criminal, above law group of uniformed thugs), hope that if you do ever get stopped by a LEO, that they graduated at the top of their class in the Sally Struthers University (ITT). I could go on but by now I am sure the government has already seen this post. The quality of law enforment and those who pass the judgments is really no better than those the laws are designed to punish. If the guy would have had sex with one of the students, he could have gotten off with probation.

  13. Rich Steebe says:

    The only way to interact with justice in the United States of America (almost communist united states of america) is NOT become involved with the justice system, none of it. Don’t stare at law enforcement soldiers(criminal, above law group of uniformed thugs), hope that if you do ever get stopped by a LEO, that they graduated at the top of their class in the Sally Struthers University (ITT). I could go on but by now I am sure the government has already seen this post. The quality of law enforment and those who pass the judgments is really no better than those the laws are designed to punish. If the guy would have had sex with one of the students, he could have gotten off with probation.

  14. Rich Steebe says:

    The state of the justice system should be exampled by the DA in North Carolina whose recent motivation was politics at the assumed expense of wealthy parents of Duke Lacrosse players. Porn is a ripe for the picking subject to get your name in print and make a name for yourself, good and bad.

  15. LaughingCanadian says:

    Its this type of ignorance that is simply destroying the great country of the USA. 40 years ago you led the world, but your dreadfully funded public school system has led to a country divided by the elite and the illiterate. In too many areas ignorance is dominant. Some areas, such as Norwich, are being run by people who are obviously so unaware of reality that they are returning to the witch hunts of old. Such witch hunts are a sign that the public is abandoning reason – that they are relying upon superstition, scapegoating, and fear. Its a sign of the times – your country is in trouble…and its not the illegal immigrants you need to worry about!

  16. Ed says:

    I don’t know what its going to take to get through to people that America is really nothing more than a (VERY) thinly veiled POLICE STATE. This prosecutor should be incarcerated and the jurors appear to have made up of people that all have fallen out of the DUMB TREE and managed to HIT EVERY SINGLE BRANCH ON THE WAY DOWN. It’s obvious that not only do they appear CLUELESS about computer technology, they haven’t a clue about one of the most powerful tools in this country and ONE OF THE FEW WE HAVE LEFT TO DEFEND OURSELVES AGAINST THIS TYPE OF TYRANNY: JURY NULLIFICATION. Study up people, you may be the ONLY person capable of stopping some of this lawless B.S. and you could do it WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT. AGAIN, THAT’S JURY NULLIFICATION. Use the search choice but hurry up, soon it’ll be illegal (NOT UNLAWFUL MIND YOU) to link. The jurors in this case are flat out PATHETIC. They should be COMPLETELY ASHAMED of themselves. Because of IDIOTS like these, we have prisons FILLED with people who’ve NEVER COMMITTED A CRIME IN THEIR LIVES. We need to do whatever we can for this woman.

  17. freddyzdead says:

    As an expatriate american living in australia for quite a few years, it is this sort of thing that reminds me why I still live here.

    Anyone who has had this pop-up storm situation happen to them knows that you are tricked into clicking on the “close” button, but that only results in the generation of still more pop-ups. They appear much too rapidly for any chance of success in closing them. This woman was totally innocent.

    I like the idea of a nationwide boycott by teachers of classroom computers until the matter is resolved. I bet it would only take a couple of days.

    The other comment about ruling out any involvement by the students has much merit, too.

  18. bigmike says:


    What is it with girls fighting?


  19. Virtual says:

    Alas, there is only one way to not get in such troubles –
    to not live in USA…

  20. Alex M says:

    In this day and age I would assume everybody (teachers included) should have at least a minimal working knowledge of computers. Regarding the sentence it is a shame on US law system. The quality of law enforment and those who pass the judgments is really no better than those the laws are designed to punish.

  21. matt says:

    that’s weird.. i don’t believe it how the judge blame on her like this:(

  22. Necro says:

    Pathetic…just pathetic. At first when I read Dvorak’s “Computer literacy standard” column article on, I felt a bit of laughs, as well as a bit of thoughts going through my head, most of them a bit of a joke themselves. “That’ll kill us in the tech support industry, though it’ll also eliminate the Indian Tech support people.” “”Yes, but that still won’t teach my mother what she needs to know; shes out of school!” “Yes, it’ll be standard, but how many people won’t just skip it and rely on us tech nerds to take care of it?” Then I read this. 40 years? Really, we’re giving a teacher 40 years in prison for popups? ANYONE who uses Windows knows them; how could the state attorney still persecute her in a case like this? We all have popup blockers(Especially government workers,) so the state attorney should’ve known about the annoyance of popups. ><

    And 40 years for one child seeing a little porn? This is a sad, sad abuse of justice. -_-


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