The simple life….

Of course, remember, this is the government telling you this….

State Inmates Outlive People on Outside

State prison inmates, particularly blacks, are living longer on average than people on the outside, the government said Sunday.

Inmates in state prisons are dying at an average yearly rate of 250 per 100,000, according to the latest figures reported to the Justice Department by state prison officials. By comparison, the overall population of people between age 15 and 64 is dying at a rate of 308 a year.

For black inmates, the rate was 57 percent lower than among the overall black population – 206 versus 484. But white and Hispanic prisoners both had death rates slightly above their counterparts in the overall population.

State prison officials reported that 94 percent of their inmates who died from an illness had been evaluated by a medical professional for that illness, and 93 percent got medication for it.

Eighty-nine percent of these inmates had gotten X-rays, MRI exams, blood tests and other diagnostic work, state prison officials told the bureau.

Maybe incarceration rates in the U.S. are so high because the government doesn’t want you to miss out on a good thing.

  1. Mark says:

    Hey, three hots and a cot, AND free health care, sure, I can believe it.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    No wonder… no women to nag you to death…

  3. dugger says:

    Perhaps one factor the death rate is worse outside prison because criminals are killing people?

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    C’mon, who really believes this bullshit ??? The study is obviously skewed.

    Often when lifer inmates are too old to care of themselves, they are released to hospice care, thereby reducing the number of deaths. If an inmate is terminal, they are more likely to receive parole then if they weren’t. Both these measures reduce the natural statistics and shift the numbers from the one column to another.

    A greater question would be why are only 89% of inmates get diagnostic work? When they claim that 93% received medical treatment, what is the quality of that treatment? Does handing out an aspirin count as treatment in this study?

    Many states have sold the medical care contracts to the lowest bidders. In turn, they use unqualified people and those who can’t get jobs elsewhere to do the work. California has even gone under Federal Court control because the medical system is so abhorrent.

    Being in jail is no picnic. It is an abusive jungle where no one cares. Yet those on the outside will still suggest crap like this article.

  5. KB says:

    Mr. Fusion (#4), I figure the next study is going to show that people in prison are also HAPPIER than those outside.

  6. ChrisMac says:

    Your also sheltered from things like traffic accidents in jail..
    and fast/junk food

    Interesting stat but it seems to me to be a FYI bit of info..

    I’m pretty sure noone is trying to do life in jail.. to live longer

  7. joshua says:

    I notice that whites and Hispanics don’t fare as well as blacks…..maybe because they don’t make their shanks as well as the blacks do.

    My Aunt is a prison Nurse. She is highly qualified and has worked for the prisons since the late 80″s. She said the biggest problem is getting the *house* Doctor(usually a retired physcian who dosen’t give a crap) to refer sick patients/prisoners to qualified Doctors for care. And she said good Nurses burn out quickly, mainly because of the stress(from the prison staff, not the inmates). She has lasted 20 years because she says she has put up with my Uncle for 35 years, prison guards and criminals are a snap.

  8. tallwookie says:

    This would explain why people who have been in jail want to get back – the outside would is TOUGH

  9. B. Dog says:

    Prison conditions are shameful.

  10. undissembled says:

    I notice that whites and Hispanics don’t fare as well as blacks…..maybe because they don’t make their shanks as well as the blacks do.


  11. Smith says:

    My nephew has a sordid past and has spent two years in federal prison. I once chided him about “free” medical in prison and he laughed. He said the inmates fear getting sick in prison. He mentioned two deaths that occurred during his stint. One died from an absessed tooth — the contracted dentist didn’t show and they wouldn’t give him emergency treatment. The other one was lifting weights when he suddenly felt pain in his chest. He asked the guards for permission to see the doctor and they refused. He died an hour later.

  12. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Exactly 50% of the inmates that die in prison do so more often than the other half that don’t.

  13. Bernard says:

    Probably there’s a little sleight of hand in this comparison between prison and outside death rates.

    Hardly anyone – except murderers – dies of old age in prison. Most sentences are in the nature of ten years or so. Even long term sentences usually are geared to the convict staying in prison only until he’s too old and feeble to re-offend.

    Further, because prisons want to save on their health costs – even though prison medical care is already notorious low quality – they have a practice of releasing prisoners whose health problems have made them too feeble to be much of a threat to society. Once releases, his medical treatment (if any) is funded by something other than the prison budget. THe result is that most prisoners, even if their crimes were serious, becomes “civilians” in time for their deaths not to be counted as prison deaths.


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