Think Progress » Obama Smeared As Former ‘Madrassa’ Student, Possible Covert Muslim Extremist — People will blame Fox for this smear. I can assure you that the Clintons are behind it. This will get funnier and funnier. Next on the agenda: he set cats on fire when he was a child practicing to be a terrorist.

This morning, Fox News featured a segment highlighting a right-wing report that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) attended an Islamic “madrassa” school as a 6-year-old child.

Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy pointed out that madrassas are “financed by Saudis” and “teach this Wahhabism which pretty much hates us,” then declared, “The big question is: was that on the curriculum back then?” Later, a caller to the show questioned whether Obama’s schooling means that “maybe he doesn’t consider terrorists the enemy.” Fox anchor Brian Kilmeade responded, “Well, we’ll see about that.”

The Fox hosts failed to correct the false claim that Obama is Muslim

found by Mr. Justin

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, Lauren, Don’t blame Andrew. It is my fault he didn’t get the memo. When I went to give it to him, he was outside smoking some shit with his homies. Since you know that isn’t my scene, I meant to give to him after he came back in. I missed him then because he was on some, oh what did they call it, a “Quick Boat” mission to ruin some halfrican, whatever that is all about. I ended up giving it to some fat dude named Carl Rove who promised to make sure he got it.

    So blame me for him not getting the memo.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, John,
    Stories like this are not developed by the press. They are tipped off. I can assure you that few of today’s reporters have enough time or resources to dredge up this sort of stuff on their own anymore. Everything is now manipulated by PR firms and sleaze balls.

    I couldn’t agree with you more. The problem is when people consider Fox Spews a legitimate news source. They are guilty of the very machinations they so often accuse the main stream media of. Their bias disqualifies them of any hope of being considered legitimate.

    This story is so disgustingly bull simply because it benefits Fox and the Right Wing Nut cabal more then anyone. By attributing the source to Clinton, it makes her look sleazy and it is the Hillary hate that fuels the Right Wing Nut crowd. By calling Obama a Muslim (he isn’t) appeals to the Religious Wing Nut crowd.

  3. TJGeezer says:

    Fascinating – I live in Mexico, and even I got the damn memo. By the time it got down here the particular interest groups had been erased and written over by other interest groups so many times I couldn’t tell who was victimized by whom. That made it sorta generic, which no doubt improved its accuracy.

    Seriously, this whole flap stinks of right-wing disinformation, like Swift Boat. (I’m not a Kerry fan, by the way.) The fact that so many still believe that smear proves P.T. Barnum’s assertion about a sucker being born every minute. And it’s why the right wing pro haters get away with smear-‘n-sneer tactics. People get all excited and hateful and willing to shoot themselves in the foot by voting against their own best interests. It’s not the Dems who mastered Karl Rove politics.

    But since sneer-‘n-smear works so well, it wouldn’t be surprising for the less principled Democratic politicians to take it up.

    Could Hillary have started this one? Oh, hell yes. Did she? I’m with Doug on that one. Doug’s also right about the likely smears awaiting Bill Richardson (a man who does appear to have one or two principles – nothing scarier to other pols). Edwards has already been sneered at for being too pretty (wink, wink). A Dean post-primary victory yell got twisted into false evidence of psychosis.

    I recently read a smear screed indicting Hillary and Kerry for being rude to the staff and secret service agents on their private planes. Not Dumbya, though. He’s a much-loved good ol’ boy you’d actually want to invite to your tailgate party.

    Yeah, right.

    To misquote Hunter Thompson, we are in for a desperately stupid couple of years.

  4. doug says:

    #34. “Not Dumbya, though. He’s a much-loved good ol’ boy you’d actually want to invite to your tailgate party.”

    not me, man – you come to my tailgate party, you better be ready to have a beer!

    GO BEARS!!!

  5. Brian says:

    You people crack me up.

    People spouting off about Hillary and Obama, and it’s nearly TWO YEARS until the election. Are you people going to run your yaps for that entire time bitching and moaning about who might get elected?

    I’ve got a better idea for you armchair politicians: go out there and make a difference. Run for public office. Make your community better. Because if you aren’t, then you have NO right to slander those who do.

    Now, get off your asses and go do something.

  6. Kal says:

    You mean Obama is the Manchurian Candidate? If Faux News says it, I am required to believe it.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    #29 >> Honest to god what has Obama EVER done that makes him qualified to be President?

    It’s what he says that inspires Democrats. And how he says it. We are SO CRAVING a smart leader who speaks well.

    It’s funny to hear conservatives (I don’t know if that’s you) who bring up the “experience” issue about Obama, when their Bush Jr. had failed — and then was bailed out — of nearly everything he’d done until then.

    Now, we taxpayers are bailing out their Bush Jr. again, to the tunes of billions heaped upon billions of dollars. The lowball figure for the Iraq war alone is a cool trillion dollars.

    I, myself, refuse to pick a candidate but I can’t help but laugh at conservatives who bring up the experience issue.

  8. Andrew says:

    It’s what he says that inspires Democrats. And how he says it. We are SO CRAVING a smart leader who speaks well.

    Are you kidding me? You guys are still suckers for rhetoric? I like people who do what they say. Bush Jr has done just that which is refreshing after 8 years of Clinton. For one Bush Jr. gave me a tax cut. He also was Governor of Texas which makes him much more qualified than Obama for an executive position. Granted I am not happy with his complete lack of border security or the proposed amnesty. But my god Obama? You guys can be bought so easily it is pathetic. Obama is a nobody, if he didn’t have legions of Dem suckers who fall for salesmen or still have a guilt complex no one would care.

    What has Obama done that makes him Qualified? Oh thats right he is black.

  9. Andrew says:

    I also wonder why the liberals are not happy owning every major news source except Fox? Does it bother you guys that there is a channel on TV that gives an opposing point of view? Fox news has been the only news channel that will have anybody on from either side. For any of the other channels they need to make sure they load up the left’s position by 2-1 before they even think of hearing a conservative point of view. That makes Fox a problem? Too bad, deal with it. See when you actually get into a factual debate you guys cannot win, which is why you guys can’t gain any traction on talk radio. There are no fancy graphics and video misediting of facts to fool the easily fooled. Even this is coming to an end in the MSM as Dan Rather found out the hardway. Before the Internet Rather would have been able to get away with it. Not anymore. If you guys want a real education and not afraid to hear what you don’t want to hear listen to Michael Savage (who is no fan of Bush BTW).

    I think most liberals need a serious education and actually talk to real conservatives, who are not all even remotely overly religious or in many cases religious at all. I have found almost all liberals to elitist and smug. This is how break each side down:

    Liberals = Idealists
    Conservatives = Realists

    I’m a realist thus a conservative. I am not fooled by the smoke and mirrors of Obama and the MSM infatuation with American Idolizing Obama. I realize the guy was a drug addict as a teenager, attending an extremist muslim school as a child, has a muslim middle name, has had two devout muslim parents, and is a lawyer by trade. Is he a practicing muslim? Probably not but that hardly makes this a smear campaign. The MSM has tried to make any factual evidence that goes against their agenda Politically Incorrect. Typical but not surprising.

    But seriously it is like you guys have this book of who you think should be president based on race and gender. You guys are picking people out of guilt not qualifications. I have never seen more cheerleaders in my life.

    Anyone who wants to learn more about “The Religion of Peace” needs to look no further:

    Undercover Mosque

    If you have not watched this yet I strongly suggest you do before you comment. The true face of Islam is revealed.

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Ya, political rhetoric is certainly no substitute for a track record, and by that standard, Obama falls short. He simply hasn’t done enough of anything for us to get an accurate handle on what he is or isn’t capable of – he’s simply not remotely experienced enough to handle what is arguably the most important job on the planet…

    That said, since when is “doing what one says” have shit to do with being virtuous? How does that constitute a valid criterion for a national leader?

    It only takes a few seconds to remember that Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein ALL “did what they said, and that argument goes right where it belongs – down the toilet.

    But the Deciderator?? That fucking coke-huffing, arrogant, illiterate, chickenhawk frat-boy loser?? Like the man said, he has failed utterly and miserably at just about everything he’s put his hand to.

    The Rangers. Harken. Iraq. See the pattern? His failures get bigger and more expensive to everyone (except his pals).

    Nope, Obama ain’t qualified to be POTUS (and neither is the amoral opportunist Hillary), but Epsilon-Minus Semi-Moron Dubya, if he lived to be 150, would be lucky to be qualified to wipe Rush Limbaugh’s hairy ass.

  11. Andrew says:

    That said, since when is “doing what one says” have shit to do with being virtuous? How does that constitute a valid criterion for a national leader?

    After Clinton it was a requirement. ONE of many. The thing that perplexes me is why you reference dictators? Who all lied and did not do what they said:

    Hitler broke the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
    Saddam broke every UN Resolution:
    Saddam Hussein’s Defiance of United Nations Resolutions

    ect… Hardly a comparison. But like I said being Governor of Texas for five years was a huge qualification to run an administration like the presidency. Governors are the closest thing we have besides Vice Presidents as qualifications.

    Iraq isn’t over though the MSM and the left wants us to loose and the cocain allegations have never been substantiated. I hardly agree with everything Bush has done but I do believe he is qualified.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    # 39 >>What has Obama done that makes him Qualified? Oh thats right he is black.

    If just being black was enough to get the wild support of the Democrats, then Jesse Jackson or Carol Moseley Braun would have done better.

    I, personally, am just sick of having a president who is not up for the job. Obama is smart-as-a-whip and articulate. I so crave that in a leader. So do many many other Americans.

    By the way, when did the conservatives change from favoring “outsiders” to Washington “insiders”?

    Barak has TONS of experience in other things that matter — I especially respect that after graduating magna cum laude he went into community activism rather than going for the big six-figure law-firm salary like any Republican would do.

    Yes, he is relatively new to Washington politics but some of us don’t consider this a liability, as long as he’s been doing other relevant work. The conservatives used to feel this way too!

    >> Are you kidding me? You guys are still suckers for rhetoric? I like people who do what they say.

    Then you should hate GW Bush with the heat of a thousand suns!

  13. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #42 –
    “After Clinton it was a requirement. ONE of many. The thing that perplexes me is why you reference dictators? Who all lied and did not do what they said:”

    Ya. Under Clinton, everyone had jobs. Everyone’s income rose, not just the ultra-rich. He finished his term with a huge surplus that your pet pseudo-Texan bumblefuck squandered immediately and transformed into the present fiscal disaster for everyone but – wait for it – the ultra-rich. He has gotten us into a sucker’s war that benefits no one but – wanna guess who?? The utterly worst President in the history of the US, and that’s saying something.

    I could give a flying fuck about whether Clinton lied or not – Junior’s lies are far worse in both number and severity. The dain-bramaged clot nearly succeeded in turning America into a fascist, one-party police state. His so-called “leadership” has sold this country out to the Chinese so the upper 0.1% can have even more of the working people’s money.

    BTW, get it straight. There’s only 1 ‘O’ in ‘lose,’ which rhymes with ‘booze.’ L-O-O-S-E is the opposite of ‘tight’ and it rhymes with ‘moose.’

    And it’s not “ect” it’s E-T-C, short for ET CETERA, not “ECK TETERA” or whatever it is that you and the similarly-literate Dubya think it is.

    “Hitler broke the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
    Saddam broke every UN Resolution:”

    You’re gonna hafta do better than that. Those tyrants’ actions matched their words – I didn’t say they were honest, or they played well with others – they proclaimed what they intended to do and did it – and Dubya & his crew have lied through their teeth about everything except their names.

    Your preppie dimwit hero has been asked, numerous times, if he ever did coke. He has NEVER SAID HE HASN’T. Know why? ‘Cause if hard evidence pops up one day, he’ll be able to say he never denied it – but if he didn’t – he has no reason on Earth to not simply say “No. I didn’t.”

    “Qualified” The shit-for-brains nearly destroys the country – and if the Dems had not regained Congress, he would’ve – and you think he’s “qualified.”

    In case you don’t know, Texas (where I’ve lived for the last 16 years) is a ‘weak governor’ state. The assholes who usually occupy that office don’t have much to do, including the current corrupt clown Repug, Ted Nugent’s pal, Rick Perry, another sorry sack ‘o dogshit.

    Enjoy all $200 or whatever of your so-called “tax cut.” The hedge-fund bunch up there in Connecticut are using your money to buy $50,000,000 palaces and $35,000,000 Gulfstream-Vs.


    #43 –
    “If just being black was enough to get the wild support of the Democrats, then Jesse Jackson or Carol Moseley Braun would have done better.”

    No, not really. Even Dems, those who aren’t PC ideologues that is, recognize Jesse for the race-baiting hypocrite he is, and Mosely-Braun has plenty of ethical baggage too, that both sides never bother to make a fuss over, for some strange reason…

    “I, personally, am just sick of having a president who is not up for the job.”

    Join the club, I say. There’s about 250,000,000 of us at last count.

    “Obama is smart-as-a-whip and articulate.”

    So is my high-school English teacher. So is George Will. Doesn’t qualify any of ’em to be Leader of the Free World, though.

    He doesn’t have remotely enough experience to be trusted with that briefcase with the satphone and the launch codes. We have a lot of people a lot more qualified – and most of them are unlikely to split the vote and thereby throw the Presidency back to the Repugs.

    You want a statesman? A brilliant, experienced leader who has a proven track record of busting his ass standing up for the little guy? A man no one has enough money – or anything else – to corrupt? A guy who’s not in it for the money, because he’s always had the option of just fucking off and living like a king but instead has truly made sacrifices to serve the public? And, of course, a populist Democrat of the old school, who actually has the ability to turn this country around and undo much of the social and fiscal damage inflicted on it by the corrupt, immoral, greedy, Bible-thumping, plutocrat hypocrites of the Republican Party?

    Honest, intelligent, experienced, uncorruptible – and unelectable, because he will not stoop to telling people what they want to hear:

    Ladies and gents, I give you John D. Rockefeller IV.

    I figure he’ll bring in about 300 write-in votes.

  14. George of the city says:

    Last time I looked the qualifications for prez were 35 years old, native born. thats pretty much it

  15. Greg Allen says:

    >> So is my high-school English teacher. So is George Will. Doesn’t qualify any of ‘em to be Leader of the Free World, though.

    Wow your high school English teacher edited the Harvard Law Review and graduate magna cum laude from Harvard? And then taught high school English! He can’t have been THAT smart! 😉 (Just kidding — I’m thinking of teaching high school myself.)

    I heard one of Obama’s former Harvard professor say that he thought Obama may have been the most brilliant student he’d ever seen at Harvard. That says a lot!

    But, of course, IQ alone doesn’t make you qualified to be president — but Obama has MORE than just IQ. He has many years of service experience in both politics and community organizing. He even has some business experience.

    No, he’s not a Washington insider like, let’s say, John McCain but is that a bad thing?

    I totally understand why people are excited by Obama. If you really don’t understand the Obama phenomenon, you may be out-of-touch with mainstream America.

    After two terms of chronic incompetence by a sluggish intellectually-lazy leader, we Americans crave someone who is smart, articulate and visionary.

    I, personally, have always like John Edwards but my mind is not made up and I will seriously consider Obama.

  16. Roc Rizzo says:

    It’s a myth that Clinton’s people dug this up.
    The original article, is in Insight Magazine, and can be viewed here:

    Insight magazine is owned by Sun Myung Moon.
    Need I say more?

  17. Greg Allen says:

    #48 >> Conservatives haven’t changed, like I said we are realists. Terms like “outside”/”insider” don’t apply. Where did that come from?

    He. He. It came from the conservatives!

    When the Democrats were in power, the conservatives carped and carped about the evils of “Washington insiders.”

    Now they are criticizing Obama because he isn’t one!

  18. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    I wouldn’t put anything past the Clinton’s. They’re even more corrupt than Ted Kennedy. Nothing they did could surprise me, up to and including murder and even cannibalism.

  19. Andrew says:

    Now they are criticizing Obama because he isn’t one!

    No because he is a NOBODY who has done NOTHING! Experience doesn’t mean in the beltway for ten years+. It is interesting how you fabricate assumptions.

    So how many taxes has Obama decided to raise if he gets elected? How many taxes and entitlement programs will he implement?

  20. Greg Allen says:

    >>No because he is a NOBODY who has done NOTHING!

    What, do you think he’s been working at a Walmart his whole life?

    Read his bio.

    >> Liberals = Idealists
    >> Conservatives = Realists

    Holy smokes what a load of crap!

    The conservative opposition to stem-cell research is based in realism? Their demand that Creationism be taught as science? Their stubborn belief that we’re winning in Iraq for the last three years?

  21. Andrew says:

    Wikipedia now there is a REAL source of accurate information. I am talking about things that qualify him ready to president? Oh I forgot he speaks well and is black.

    Yes the conservative opposition to FEDERALLY FUNDED EMBRYOTIC stem cell research. You do realize that this is not about making it legal? You can already do the research. No one does it because it has shown no potential to cure anything. What it is the biggest lie I have ever seen imposed on you fools. You guys think that it is currently illegal and no one can do this research and if only we flood it with billions of my tax dollars will it raise the dead, ooops I mean cure cancer, aids and every other disease. Please how naive are you guys?

    You think it is some religious thing? GET A FUCKING CLUE! All conservatives are NOT religious.

  22. Andrew says:

    You want to see what is really going on in Iraq? Oh thats right you guys don’t watch “Faux” News. So all you see is a body count. Don’t be like Letterman watch before you judge.

    Here watch this: What is really going on in Iraq

    Did you watch the above Mosque video from the UK? Doubt it.

  23. Andrew says:

    Before anyone else posts anymore nonsense on FEDERAL FUNDING of EMBRYOTIC Stem Cell Research, READ AND LEARN:

    The Stem Cell Race

    Both John Kerry and John Edwards regularly declare in their stump speeches that the Bush administration has “banned” stem cell research, which is flatly false. There are in fact no restrictions at all on stem cell research, whether adult or embryonic, in the United States, making this country the most liberal of all the Western democracies on this subject. Using private funds, researchers can do whatever they wish. Using public funds, they can use a fixed group of embryonic stem cells lines, where the embryos in question had already been destroyed before the president’s policy went into effect. There are, as of this writing, 22 embryonic stem cell lines available for federal funding (an increase of three since the last issue of this quarterly journal, with more on the way), and nearly 500 shipments drawn from these lines have already been made to researchers. The NIH provided about $25 million for embryonic stem cell research last year and spent another $180 million on ethically non-controversial adult stem cell work.

    To call this a ban would mean that the government has “banned” anything it does not fully subsidize, which would include almost everything anyone does in America. Far from a ban, there is in fact a total absence of limits on stem cell research, along with fairly substantial public subsidies for the work.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    Geeze, I was going to weigh in, but Andrew, please. It is no fun having a battle of wits with such an unarmed enemy.

    Take a pill. Sit down. Take some deep breaths. Relax. Close your eyes. Keep breathing, don’t hold your breath. Think of snow. Gentle snow falling. Big puffy flakes. Keep breathing, that’s it. Big fluffy flakes of snow. Walk through the snow. Catch a snow flake on your tongue. Keep breathing, relax your shoulders. Don’t worry about all that spit on your chin and monitor, it’ll clean off. Slow deep breaths as you walk through the snow,… .

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    “Enjoy all $200 or whatever of your so-called “tax cut.””
    Actually mine was in the thousands but I take it you don’t make much for a living.

    I figured out Andrew sells body bags to the military. That is why he hates Clinton so much. He was bad for business.

  26. Andrew says:

    See the difference is I don’t hate Clinton, I disagree with him and saw him for what he was, a salesman. He sold you guys on Health Care TWICE! Hate is something you guys like to throw around when you talk about people you don’t like based on misinformation and fantasy.

    I think it is pretty sick to mention something even jokingly like body bags when our soldiers are fighting a war. But like I said nothing surprises me with you guys anymore.

    Hey I keep waiting for more generalized blanket statements as I stand in awe waiting to be “outwitted” by absolutely nothing.

  27. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #48 –
    “I have made more money then I ever had and that is thanks to paying less taxes. It it not my job to support the welfare state the liberals want to create. My money is my money.”

    Yes, yes, the eternal cry of the short-sighted greedheads who have the bizarre idea that they don’t have to contribute to the economy and infrastructure that made it possible for them to get that money in the first place. Roads somehow will pave themselves, who needs police when you have your own private security, et cetera, et cetera.

    You Repugs awet your pants dreaming of an America that resembles Mexico City, where the moneyed few live behind barbed-wire-topped walls, with armored Suburbans and bodyguards with MAC-10s to protect you from the dirt-poor peasants struggling to survive outside the walls. A two-class system is what the ultrarich want, peasants and kings – and guess which ones your heroes wanna be?

    That slack-jawed illiterate you worship has presided over the largest redistribution of wealth from the working majority to a tiny minority. Income inequality is a solid indicator of quality of life, and the countries with the lowest are also the ones with lower crime and general violence, higher standards of living, higher quality of life, it goes on and on.

    “Nothing changes, you guys are still jealous you haven’t earned any money. Maybe if you guys worked like Dvorak instead of bitching and moaning, maybe you guys could make it too. But the victim mentality doesn’t change.

    But seriously what were you a union worker or did you legitimately loose your job to NAFTA and free trade?”

    Unlike you, sonny, my income is derived from investment. And when the capital gains tax cut expires, I’m gonna shut up and pay it, because I’ll still be making money – and I’m mature and responsible enough to accept that I have to pay my fair share to keep the country that allows me to prosper prospering itself.

    Anyway, I know more than a few wealthy individuals – and outside of some old-time oilmen who got rich without any education past grade school, and blue-collar tradespeople like plumbers and carpenters, I have yet to meet anyone north of a $30k income who doesn’t know how to spell simple four-letter words like “lose.” It’s little clues like that that give the lie to your insinuations of having bucks, so don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining. Put down that bowl of ramen noodles and sign up for a remedial English course at the community college; you’ll be amazed how much more respect you’ll get when you spell like someone who has graduated high school.

    “Lets not forget how everything was going into the toilet the last year of Clinton’s policies as their full effect was felt. The “salesman” drove the IT bubble and every sucker jumped in on it. I sailed through and so did every other intelligent conservative. Maybe all the suckers went bankrupt? Awe toooooo bad.”

    It’s “aw,” not “awe.” Now you demonstrate you can’t spell TWO-letter words, and you expect us to believe you make more than $20k? It is to laugh.

    Ya. Your anti-Clinton bullshit may still fly among you and your crowd of gullible dupes, but even your Repug heroes have pretty much given up trying to pass off that tissue of lies, faced as they are by the astonishing deficit the Decider has run up funneling money to the obscenely rich. You “sailed through,” didja? How nice. I imagine it was easy, not having any investments.

    “Actually mine was in the thousands but I take it you don’t make much for a living. Cry me a river, maybe the government should start some more entitlement programs so you can get more handouts. Not out of my pocket.”

    You a trip, homes! You’re one of the dupes of the Repug fantasy that “handouts” are a Democrat thing, when their fiscal policy’s core consists of huge handouts to some of the richest people alive. It takes a fuck of a lot of $400 welfare checks to equal the $600,000,000-plus in corporate welfare forked over to ADM alone, for just ONE example. For every $1 in profit ADM makes on their ethanol operations, they receive $30 in subsidies. Now multiply that thousands of times and come back and tell us all about “handouts.” Ya.


    You and others like you are a great reminder to the rest of us that there are basically two breeds of present-day Republicans: stooges and dupes. The stooges suck up to the rich and act as their lackeys in order to get a cut of their ill-gotten gains; the dupes are the ones like you that the stooges have brainwashed into believing against all evidence and common sense that the interests of the ultrarich elite fraction of one percent of America are aligned with your interests. Those multi-million-dollar mansion, jets, supercars, superyachts – they’re all paid for with money they’ve fucked you and me out of, all the time waving the boogyman of taxes in your face, which you chumps fall for and we don’t.

    And what makes us different from you is, we didn’t fall off the turnip truck last night. Virtually all the economic gains of the Bush regime have gone to a tiny handful of shareholders in the booming greedhead-run megacorporations – that’s Wall Street – and none of it back to the working people who are the actual producers of wealth.

    And that idiocy about stem-cells – oh, brother…

    Enjoy your Kool-Aid while it lasts.

  28. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Ya. You come out of college spelling “lose” with two ‘o’s. Ya.

    “I also see the statistics and think they pay plenty of money in taxes.”

    No, you see the creatively jiggered statistics that highly-compensated professional liars foist off on chumps like you to disguise the fact that while you’re “paying over 30%”, those “hard working Americans” on Wall Street and their clients are paying about 7 or 8%, due to all the loopholes and incentives their Republican pals have granted them.

    The price tag for the Iraq disaster? One point two trillion dollars. But your masters hornswoggled you into thinking that all your tax monies go to provide food stamps for shiftless Cadillac-driving welfare queens.

    Bad news, pal. Not only does far more of that 30% your pay go to pay for the war than it does entitlements, but the elite not only aren’t paying for the Iraq war, they’re profiting from it. From your pocket into those of a relative handful of multimillionaires, by way of Iraq, courtesy of the “friends of the working man,” the GOP.

    Buy some Halliburton stock, chum. Working for wages for the Repugs to pass on to their rich cronies is a sucker’s game.

    Oh, one more thing…

    “You missed many more gramatical errors I made. I could careless I don’t take the time to spell check my comments and there is no way to edit them. But get over it. The fact that I have forgotten about 1000x more about computers then you have ever known should be enough clues.”

    Ya. Over the last 27 years, I’ve met more than one youngster who gets the strange idea that because they’ve learned to reset a jumper on a video card or write a “Hello, world” proggie in VB, that all of a sudden they’re the next Seymour Cray.

    FYI, I was singlehandedly running a major municipal data center w/ a 3033 running under OS/VS2 MVS and a Model 158-3 under VM/370, around about the time you got your first See ‘n Say.


  29. Andrew says:

    Oh no I didn’t go to college, I made my degree in photoshop and fool dumbasses like you with it.

    Oh wait your a mainframe guy? Yeah tough job calling IBM for all your problems. Anytime you pay $100,000 for a “disk drive” IBM does all the support. and am now unemployed because you couldn’t keep up with the latest tech? Hard to get a job when you actually have to know something other than IBM’s 800#.

    Wait I bet you programmed in Fortran (Obsolete) too and not VB but C++. when you can’t fix the problem on your Windows box you just blame Microsoft right? Or do you run BSD because it keeps you nostalgic to the obsolete tech you worked with? You using old ass tech and calling IBM doesn’t change how much you don’t know.

    Uh-huh the guys on wallstreet all pay only 8% in taxes because the Daily Kos says so. Evidence?

    As for where my tax money goes, I wish most of it goes to the war than ANY entitlement program. At least there it is being put to good use.

    But now it fits into place now, municipal as in government run? You were a gov employee? Of course you want the handout, you got it before while the rest of us earned a living.

    Oh yes from the school of Alex Jones, Bush Started the war because Cheney wanted to make money. Fear the Military Industrial Complex! Come on, don’t you guys have anything knew and that is not an unproveable conspiracy?

    BTW dumbass Video Cards haven’t had jumpers in over ten years. Please continue to prove how much you don’t know.

  30. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Ya. Brilliant riposte. Whatever you say. You betcha.






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