Think Progress » Obama Smeared As Former ‘Madrassa’ Student, Possible Covert Muslim Extremist — People will blame Fox for this smear. I can assure you that the Clintons are behind it. This will get funnier and funnier. Next on the agenda: he set cats on fire when he was a child practicing to be a terrorist.

This morning, Fox News featured a segment highlighting a right-wing report that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) attended an Islamic “madrassa” school as a 6-year-old child.

Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy pointed out that madrassas are “financed by Saudis” and “teach this Wahhabism which pretty much hates us,” then declared, “The big question is: was that on the curriculum back then?” Later, a caller to the show questioned whether Obama’s schooling means that “maybe he doesn’t consider terrorists the enemy.” Fox anchor Brian Kilmeade responded, “Well, we’ll see about that.”

The Fox hosts failed to correct the false claim that Obama is Muslim

found by Mr. Justin

  1. doug says:

    wait a minute, if the Saudi muslims hate us, why was Dumbya walking around Crawford holding hands with some Saudi prince?!?!? maybe HE is the crypto-wahhabist! fter all, he has played right into the terrorists’ hands in Iraq.

    When there is some proof that “the Clintons” are behind this, I will believe it. It really has more of a Swift Boat feel to it. and the way the FOX host dealt with this right-wing lunacy certainly reveals the bias there …

  2. GigG says:


    If you don’t think the Clinton political machine is capable and planning to d things like this and worse you don’t know the Clintons especially Hillary.

    Arkansas Resident

  3. Improbus says:

    Don’t fool yourself, Hillary is more than capable of this sort of thing. She has a large ego and a win at any cost attitude. She is a politician’s politician which is why I dislike her so much.

  4. Frank IBC says:

    Oh, and what do you know… Hillary just launched her bid for the White House.

    I’m sure that’s just a coincidence, right, Doug?

  5. gquaglia says:

    Who cares, Obama will never be elected President. One he is black and two he has a Muslim sounding name. Americans will never elect such a man.

  6. RTaylor says:

    Hillary can’t afford a free for all in the primaries. She needs to be seen as her parties choice early. All the money and energy will need to be expended in the general. Of course she will take out any front runners early. This isn’t costing her campaign a cent.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    This morning, Fox News…

    Conclusion: It’s BS.

  8. Dave says:

    #5. So I’m guessing by your comments that you would not vote for Obama because you feel that your vote would be useless. If most Americans act the same way, then I’m not so sure I want to be here much longer.

  9. An unattributed source describing an unpublished report in the Rev. Moon’s spinoff mag, Insight.

    Yeah, that’s persuasive.

    Next, could someone explain the difference between a madrassa and Christian home schooling?

  10. bill says:

    Read Hillary’s book. You will get a better sense of what she is capable of.

  11. Tom 2 says:

    I am glad Hillary just entered the race, she can take some heat off of baraq.

  12. Tom 2 says:

    This is all fox news trying to play their usual lieing game, trying to scare people into not voting for someone then blaming the lie on another democrat, its a pathetic ploy to put a new spin on their constant lieing, and totalitarian television network, which thinks it still can manipulate people even after fox news is known primarily to be a fraud. Its a sorry excuse for the republicans, not even the smartest lie is going to stop a Democrat from taking the Whitehouse in 2009.

  13. doug says:

    All i am saying – there is NO PROOF that this crap was planted by the Clintons. Show me the proof, and I will believe it.

    The haters on the right would do this to any viable candidate these days who had Muslim-sounding names.

    so show me the money …

  14. Zen, that was a bigoted comment. Christian Home schooling is done in a home by parents. There is also Muslim home schooling. Neither are anything like a Madrassa (or madrasah). See the wikipedia to get a clue (a crapshoot clue anyways) here:

    The main thing in many cases (for youth) is complete memorization of the Koran. That’s the focus. I know of NO Christian schools or home schooling that is focused on memorizing the Bible from beginning to end. Read something — anything — about a topic before posting. Cripes.

    And for Doug, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it’s a duck. You can’t prove that Karl Rove did half the stuff he’s been accused of either. Hell, if Hillary was actually caught in this then I would assume she didn’t do it and Rove set it up to make her look bad.

    Stories like this are not developed by the press. They are tipped off. I can assure you that few of today’s reporters have enough time or resources to dredge up this sort of stuff on their own anymore. Everything is now manipulated by PR firms and sleazeballs.

  15. Frank IBC says:

    Doug –

    If the Republican party is indeed dominated by “haters” as you suggest, it would be to their advantage to have a person with a Muslim-sounding name as the Democrat’s nominee.

  16. malren says:

    All i am saying – there is NO PROOF that this crap was planted by the Clintons. Show me the proof, and I will believe it.

    That’s fairly reasonable.

    The haters on the right would do this to any viable candidate these days who had Muslim-sounding names.

    Whoops! So much for requiring proof, huh? I guess you only need proof when a Democrat is accused of doing something, eh?

  17. fred says:

    “Stories like this are not developed by the press.”

    Maybe not but a responsible press clearly has the alternative of publishing a story like this or leaving well enough alone. Since FOX news is not exactly known as a hotbed of liberalism, one can only assume that their editorial decision to publish muckraking stuff like this is perceived as furthering their agenda, which is apparently aimed at nipping in the bud any potentially attractive Democratic presidential candidate.

  18. doug says:

    #16. note that I was not fingering anyone in particular on this one, like the Clintons.

    If I was going to operate by the standards of that accusation, I would say that it was obvious the Sam Brownback organization planted this rumor.

    Since this was aired on “FOX and Friends,” the assertion that this is a right-wing smear job is a bit better grounded.

  19. Brian says:

    Yet another pathetic character assasination attempt by Faux news….first Gibby trying to suggest Obama was ‘hiding’ something about not revealing his *gasp!* cigarette smoking…now this?

    And people still defend this ‘news’ channel, and saying it’s ‘fair and balanced’?

    Wake up, sheep.

  20. doug says:

    #15. “If the Republican party is indeed dominated by “haters” as you suggest,”

    I did not suggest that the GOP was dominated by haters. This is a typical hatchet-job by right-wingers, though, for whom accusations of treason are SOP. Cf. Swift Boaters.

    #14. “And for Doug, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it’s a duck”

    Then why wouldnt it have been planted by, say Dennis Kucinich, or Chris Dodd, or any of the other Dem candidates, if the purpose of torpedoing Obama? there’s a lot of ducks in that pond.

  21. doug says:

    Oh, and wait until after this weekend, when the folks on Fox and Friends will be calling Bill Richardson an illegal immigrant …

  22. Frank IBC says:

    I did not suggest that the GOP was dominated by haters.

    My mistake, I looked back and the post to which I was replying was actually gquaglia’s.

    On the other hand…

    This is a typical hatchet-job by right-wingers, though, for whom accusations of treason are SOP. Cf. Swift Boaters

    So what’s wrong with pointing out the truth about Kerry’s phony war record?

  23. dave says:

    Wouldnt it be funny that after Bush has made the Executive so dominant in our government, and grabbed police powers to intimidate and spy on dissent, he may end up turning this increased power over to a closet Muslim in the next election?

  24. joshua says:

    the morning *fox nd friends* show is not real news. It’s entertainment for the converted… one on that show is a real reporter….all just personalities.

    Fox news(the real news segments) is not liberal, and dosen’t claim to be….it presents the news from a different angle and perspective. Just as MSNBC or Cnn does. But the real fox news shows are real news…..and quite often they do cover a story and you find out things that were *overlooked* from a more liberal slant.

    In todays 24 hour cycle, if you rely on a single source for your news or a list of sources from just one perspective then you aren’t getting all of a story.

    As to Hillary being behind it, probably not directly, but you can be sure that it’s a Democrat behind it somewhere. The Republicans want the least viable candidate on the other side.
    Hillary is no angle and from what people in Arkansas say, she’s far more vicious than Bill could ever be. The last candidate as calculating as Hillary was Richard Nixon… can take that to the bank.

  25. Timbo says:

    This is what I was afraid of about Fox News being owned by a Clintonista. Murdoch can force Fox to spin things for Hillary.

  26. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #22 –
    “So what’s wrong with pointing out the truth about Kerry’s phony war record?”

    O, Jesus H. Christ, another one who’s gone off their antipsychotic meds.

    Ya, his “phony” war records? They’re right there, next to the photos of him planting Semtex in the elevator shafts of the WTC. Ya.

    There’s I think could use the help of a right-thinking patriot such as yourself…

  27. Greg Allen says:

    Blech — politics are so ugly these days. And I mostly blame the GOP that Newt Gingrich created.

    Mark my words — NOT MATTER WHO gets the nomination for the Dems, many conservatives will be TOTALLY CONVINCED that they are “despicable human beings.”

    NO MATTER WHO…. ABSOLUTELY NOT MATTER WHO (it could be the next Mother Teresa!) — hey will get systematically smeared as liars, cheats, power-grabbing, morally-weak and anti-Christian. NO MATTER WHO IT IS. NO MATTER!

    And the sucker rank-and-file will be convinced this is true… NO MATTER WHO IT IS.

  28. Andrew says:

    John I had no idea your blog attracted so many left wingers.

    Barack “Hussein” Obama is a nobody. And you better believe his middle name is not Hawain. I have never seen more people so desperate for a black ooops “African American” to be president. What ever happened to someone’s qualifications? What the hell has Obama done? Stop the 60s guilt and move on. Oh that’s right he is a smooth talking, good looking lawyer. Typical Dem candidate. Why are you guys such suckers? You guys do know the guy was a drug addict as a teenager? And he did attend a “madrassa” as a kid. Does that make him a terrorist, no. But you can bet since his real and step fathers both were devote muslims it sure makes him much more sympathetic towards muslim extremists. I want a real leader in the White House not some celebrity. Hillary Clinton? Probably the only things worse. Ah who knows maybe you guys will fall for John Edward’s “two Americas” while he lives in his mansion.

    Honest to god what has Obama EVER done that makes him qualified to be President? Absolutely nothing. When you guys stop falling for salesmen let me know. In the mean time put up a qualified candidate that will defend this country, secure our borders and not raise taxes.

  29. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #29 –
    Why, Andrew, you shock me! How can you have failed to notice that Obama’s skin pigmentation automatically puts a halo over his head??

    See, it’s like this: in the past, some whites treated some blacks badly. (We will of course carefully, deliberately gloss over the fact that some from every racial group have done wrong to some of every other racial group – we ignore this because it doesn’t support our belief in dividing the world neatly into “victims” and “victimizers”)

    Since, as you see, blacks are the only “victims” of racism (which blacks are incapable of), then whites are the only racists. Therefore, Obama must be assumed to be virtuous (AND qualified for leader of the free world) because he’s not white. QED.

    I surely thought you would’ve gotten the memo by now…

  30. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Sorry –
    In my last, there, please:
    – cross out ‘black’ and ‘white’ and substitute ‘female’ and ‘male’, respectively
    – cross out ‘skin pigmentation’ and substitute ‘gender’
    – for ‘racism” put in ‘sexism’ and finally,
    substitute ‘Clinton’ for ‘Obama’

    – and there you have the case for electing Hilary…


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