Think Progress » Obama Smeared As Former ‘Madrassa’ Student, Possible Covert Muslim Extremist — People will blame Fox for this smear. I can assure you that the Clintons are behind it. This will get funnier and funnier. Next on the agenda: he set cats on fire when he was a child practicing to be a terrorist.

This morning, Fox News featured a segment highlighting a right-wing report that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) attended an Islamic “madrassa” school as a 6-year-old child.

Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy pointed out that madrassas are “financed by Saudis” and “teach this Wahhabism which pretty much hates us,” then declared, “The big question is: was that on the curriculum back then?” Later, a caller to the show questioned whether Obama’s schooling means that “maybe he doesn’t consider terrorists the enemy.” Fox anchor Brian Kilmeade responded, “Well, we’ll see about that.”

The Fox hosts failed to correct the false claim that Obama is Muslim

found by Mr. Justin

  1. Greg Allen says:

    Well, I’m going to move on from this discussion.

    Just for the record I want to point out that racism is not dead in America:

    #29 >> Barack “Hussein” Obama is a nobody. And you better believe his middle name is not Hawain. I have never seen more people so desperate for a black ooops “African American” to be president

    #30 >> Why, Andrew, you shock me! How can you have failed to notice that Obama’s skin pigmentation automatically puts a halo over his head??

    #39 >>What has Obama done that makes him Qualified? Oh thats right he is black.

    #48 J>>ust admit it, if Obama wasn’t Black you guys would not be talking about him.

    #53>>I am talking about things that qualify him ready to president? Oh I forgot he speaks well and is black.

    I, like most Democrats, am not going to vote based on skin color, gender or ethnicity — but I’m certainly not going to vote against it either.

    Let the best candidate win on the issues. If they have some sort of minority status, that’s a bonus because it gives them a special insight — but it’s only one piece in the mix.

    As a Democrat, I am proud that a black, a woman and a Hispanic believe Democrats are non-bigoted and evolved enough to elect them.

    Good for us. Shame on you!

  2. Andrew says:

    Great come back mainframe boy. Maybe you dial a number for your retorts too and Alex Jones is out fishing.

    Yes being a minority gives you a “special insight”. Uh-huh and when you don’t want to vote for them it must be because you are a bigot when in reality people like me see me for what they are oportunists. Please stop with the 60s guilt and start electing someone based on qualifications not because you think a black man should be president. There are plenty of qualified black men but Hussein Obama isn’t one of them.


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