This is hilarious!

The Big Box Project

ME: Really. So no matter what box I send to you, you will return it to me in that very box.. because from what you just told me you have ZERO cardboard in which you could send it back to me in other than my box?
T2: Policy states that we ship it back to you in the box you send to us.
ME: So no matter what, whatever box I send I get back because I’m paying for that box so I must own it, right?
T2: That is correct sir.
ME: 100% you will send me my box and no other?
T2: Yes.
ME: Ok.
ME: How big is your repair center?
T2: Excuse me?
ME: How big is your repair center?
T2: I don’t see how that pertains to the situation sir.
ME: Because I am going to send you my broken xbox in the biggest damn box you have ever seen.

  1. tallwookie says:

    this is hillarious!

  2. Smartalix says:

    What does he do with the the container when MS returns it?

  3. ChuckM says:

    #28 – noname… Sorry, just being a jerk myself.

    You are correct… I could be a loser responding to someone’s posting with a point to be made. Or then again, maybe not… I guess I just don’t like people being presumptious and hitting the nail so off-angle, and so wrong. Like you. But, again, you are correct, I don’t have time now to go blabbing on…

    I just had a few hours to burn in the airport. Funny though… Seems that the 70% has taken a bit of a hit since I posted. Just goes to prove, those voicing opinion, doesn’t mean that the whole world is voicing an opinion in agreement.

    NE ways, nice chatting… funny story, best of luck to those of you who donated.

  4. Oil Of Dog says:

    He puts it next to his doublewide, you know, next door to Britney. Good place for all his stuff or the dogs or both.

  5. Terry says:

    Maybe MS changed their policy and stopped providing shipping boxes because too many units were being returned?

    I can’t see any business making a policy change “just because”. #24 ChuckM, would you do that? Change your way of doing business if you didn’t have to, I mean.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, ya right. So in a few years my kid can show the video in class and proudly proclaim
    “That asshole up close is my Dad” !!!


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