This is hilarious!

The Big Box Project

ME: Really. So no matter what box I send to you, you will return it to me in that very box.. because from what you just told me you have ZERO cardboard in which you could send it back to me in other than my box?
T2: Policy states that we ship it back to you in the box you send to us.
ME: So no matter what, whatever box I send I get back because I’m paying for that box so I must own it, right?
T2: That is correct sir.
ME: 100% you will send me my box and no other?
T2: Yes.
ME: Ok.
ME: How big is your repair center?
T2: Excuse me?
ME: How big is your repair center?
T2: I don’t see how that pertains to the situation sir.
ME: Because I am going to send you my broken xbox in the biggest damn box you have ever seen.

  1. Hal says:

    My cat sleeps in my 360 box! Never throw away the original box. My attic is full of them. You will need it for when you put it up on Ebay.

  2. Smartalix says:

    All this needs to be thwarted is for someone with brains at MS to see this Site and simply change the policy to include “…limited to paper containers”.

    Then again, Gates is richer than Croesus and may just ship the damn thing back on principle just to show he can.

  3. Geir T says:


  4. noname says:

    An average American with brains out witting another brain dead system. This is what made America great.

  5. Peter Rodwell says:

    Well done!

  6. John says:

    With only $147 in donations so far; I’d say he has a way to go before he gets his Xbox fixed.

  7. Aric says:

    I know John is a hardcore M$ fan, but maybe DU could help this guy raise some money? Seems like a worthy project to me.

    Perhaps the folks at Sony would like to get involved (assuming they can pull their head from their asses)?

  8. Floyd says:

    This feels like the story of the person who paid some disputed bill in pennies.

    Sometimes doing something ridiculous “on principle” is just stupid. It’s a packing box or a double box with plastic peanuts, and can be scrounged from the back of a store or purchased at Kinko’s for a few bucks.

  9. Pete says:

    hum.. here is an idea.. a 40′ shipping box filled with plastic peanuts and the xbox in the middle…

  10. doug says:

    I vote for taping up the shipping container with whatever it is they use to seal DVD boxes …

  11. Mark Derail says:

    HA! I just donated US $6.66. with PayPal.
    Which is a lot more in Canadian.

    His running total went up by that amount one minute after and a refresh. Cool.

  12. Mark Derail says:

    It was at 494$ after my contribution. I’d say is 1/4 of the way there.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    Anyone who knows who’s behind this? Is it for real or is he laughing all the way to the bank?

  14. ChuckM says:

    Does anyone think that this is actually stupid? Does this guy drive a hummer or something?

    Cause, it would seem to me to be a pretty damned good policy to have the client provide a box. Shipping a box to someone so they can ship something back (if the machine is “broken” and less than $500) seems like a good waste of resources to specially manufacture something this trivial, pay a company to ship it, the fuel it takes and the overall environmental issues of said policy.

    No offence, but, it seems to me that Microsoft might have a damned good policy. What they need to do is get rid of crappy customers with chips on their shoulders looking for attention. If he was anything close to legit, he’d foot the bill himself instead of weasling out of “his stance” by asking others to foot his bill.

    It’s a funny story. But there seems to be one stupid policy, and it ain’t Microsofts.

    As for #14, yes, I’m sure he’s very happy with the money raised.

  15. Esteban says:

    It’d be funny if he did it, but not funny enough to give him my hard-earned money.

  16. Joe Dirt says:

    He should take the money and buy a Wii. Then send the 360 back to Bill Gates with a photocopy of the Wii receipt.

  17. noname says:

    #16 Um, hope your not a business person. Looking at the 18 posts to-date, 13 of them seem to think the guy has guts and smarts, thats ~ 70%.

    Being that Microsoft is not a Monopoly in game console, like it is in OS software, you think MS is smart. Um, me thinks your “get rid of crappy customers”, 70% of the market, is not very good business.

    Flicking off a customer who needs a card board box. I guess needing a card board box makes for a crappy customers.

    Personally your ilk are a bunch of “bow down and worship me”; I don’t need no “crappy customers” idiots.

    When my IBM laptop screen went bad 3yrs after I brought it I initially tried to get it fixed locally in town. After dealing with all the local “certified” experts, I gave IBM a call. They sent me a padded box and I sent them my laptop and promptly got it fixed. Because of this, I was very impressed with the service, and my next laptop will likely be an IBM/Lenovo.

  18. Brian says:

    Why is it MS’s responsibility to provide a shipping box?

    The fulfilled their responsibility to provide a box when they sold him the unit. It’s not their fault he threw it away.

    But because it’s a big company, people feel they should give away boxes?


    And people are giving this clown money? Fools and their money surely are parted.

  19. Mark says:

    20. I totally agree, and with #16. The rest of you who thinks this guy is on to something, need to get real. Go ahead send him your money, chumps.

  20. Keith says:

    He’s annoyed with microsoft.

    This is the 2nd time he’s had the same sort of problem with the 360. The first time it seems Microsoft sent a box (likely with prepaid postage) for the defective unit to be shipped to them in, and provided a replacement.

    He wants the same level of service for the same issue. They refuse, and refuse to give any perks to offset him shipping it to them at his expense, in his own packaging.

    Ultimately the guy is just being a prick. They decided to stop offering the shipping box for people without service agreements. A bit annoying, but hey, it’s their decision.

    He’s probably one of the people who don’t bother reading the details of agreements and thus sold his soul to some infernal creature for a pack of gum.

  21. ChuckM says:

    Actually #19, since you mention it. I actually do own two successful and very profitable technology businesses. And prior to this, made six figures a year heading up technology divisions of several successful firms. And pretty much all of my clients, customers and vendors are all very happy on how I conduct my business. It’s called being fair.

    And I can tell you… if you are complaining about a box. You are not a core client. You are a whinner and aren’t playing fair. And frankly, I’d tell you take a refund and never come back. I would prefer to not have your business.

    Now, I’ve purchased probably over a thousand laptops over the last 15 years. Here is my question for you… After 3 years, when your computer broke. Was it under warranty? I’m betting. No… I’m also betting, you paid a pretty penny to fix it.

    Here’s the difference between you and me. When a laptop breaks for me. The vendor (IBM, DELL, HP/Compaq) shows up at my doorstep (or whichever employee has the laptop) within 4 hours, parts in hand and fixes it on the spot. Who’s the core client? The guy who runs around town repair shop to repair shop looking to get his computer fixed? OR the guy who spends hundreds of thousands of dollars and pays the extra 30% to make sure his business doesn’t get disturbed because of a technology problem?

    I’m guessing you’re one of the chumps that put money up for this then?

    What I can tell you is that there is no way you are in business (or at least, not a sucessful one). Why?

    70% of respondents to a negative article, doesn’t mean that 70% of the readership thinks the same way. FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR from it. I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars finding that out the hard way… I offer this lesson free of charge to you.

    I can guarantee, the guy in this article _IS_ a business man… why? Because he’s got folks like you footing the bill and he’s in the spot-light. Didn’t cost him a penny. He is either in business (or at least, marketing).

    Maybe there’s a business model in here someplace…

    Anyone interested in starting up a business that generates negative press about an organization, followed up by some scheme to have people donate a couple dollars each to assist in some far-out plot to prove a point that may or may not happen? For the ones that fall short of the goals, we can pocket the cash and donate part to charity and tell everyone oh, sorry, couldn’t do it but we donated to charity. Sounds like a very profitable business to me.

    Hey, wait a second… I’ve noticed a lot of these schemes going around… The Pirate Bay, this guy, million dollar web page… the list goes on and will for a while.

    Maybe it’s time to sell my businesses and time to get into the elixir business. Sounds easier with so many suckers.

    Again, amusing article, but I guess I got a kick out of it for very different reason than the other ~70% of the readership. Or would that be 10%?

  22. ChuckM says:

    #22… Actually, you are correct could be bad canned responses.

    Sounds like either:
    1. The CSR was a jerk
    2. The client was a jerk, and the CSR decided to be a jerk back.
    3. The CSR was a jerk, and the client responded as a jerk.
    4. The client is a jerk.

    I’m a betting man, and looking at the “response” from the client, I’d double down on #4.

    The only lesson I can advise anyone… It’s all Karma. Be nice and you shall be treated nice. Escalate politely, treat people like your grandmother… If you respond like a jerk to something that isn’t in your favour … not only will you not get resolution, you will be treated as a jerk. And when you do get good customer service, talk to the manager and let them know about it and what it means to you/future purchases ala #19. What goes around, comes around.

    Keeping in the mood… I’d prefer to put money up for Microsoft to fix this situation. Call him up, apologize and give him a brand new Xbox 360 Premium. Ship it to him inside a shipping container right on his front lawn and spray paint the recylcing symbol on the side of the container. Tell him to stick it along side his bottles and cans for recycling pickup.

    Money well spent… Karma baby…

  23. laineypie says:



    And I agree with #24 I don’t own a business and don’t really have a desire to, but if I did, I wouldn’t want this asshole as my customer. I’d refuse to fix the thing period.

    What a whiney little bitch.

  24. noname says:

    #24. For some one how has so so so much going, why do you care.

    Most likely because you don’t have so so so so much going.

    If anyone is the whiner it’s you.

    Just look at the length of your rants here, obviously an extension of yourself, nothing but BS. That the point.

  25. noname says:

    #16, #24, #26. For a pretentious poser who has so so so much going, why do you care?

    Most likely because your lame and don’t have so so so so much going as claimed.

    If anyone is the whiner it’s you.

    Just look at the length of your rants here, obviously an extension of yourself, nothing but lame pretentious BS. What was your point again?

  26. Dennis says:

    Since when does being a whiny individual qualify for anything? This guy is upset, and possibly rightly so…but jeez…what a friggin baby….Grow UP.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    If this is the second time his X-box died on him then sure he has a right to be annoyed. That doesn’t qualify him to be stupid though.

    And please folks, don’t be sending the guy your money. I’m collecting money so I can get a hemorrhoid operation and… .

  28. Brian says:

    Sure he has a right to be annoyed.

    But to demand a prepaid shipping label and/or box is just ridiculous. Just because it’s microsoft we’re supposed to feel sympathy and give him cash?

    Please tell me when you’ve had ANY manufacturer send a shipping label or box. Does Yamaha do this for their home theater equipment? Will LG send a box for you to ship their tv back?

    But because Gates and Co. are wealthy, we’re supposed to feel compassion for this moron? So he’s had 2 problems with his 360. Sucks, but it happens.

    Act like a grown up and take some responsibility. Sheesh!

  29. TJGeezer says:

    #31 – The key to successful promotions of the sort you’re starting is to offer something in return. For example, you could offer to stream the whole operation live on the web. I bet you’d collect a lot of small donations and be a hit on YouTube afterwards. Your kids would be so proud of you. 😉


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