New pricey phone — LG and Prada launch the unaffordable phone — These phones are going to start pouring out of the LG, Samsung, Moto and Nokia factories. This one costs 600 Euros which would have been around $480 before the decline of the dollar — now it would cost more than $750 here. Needless to say they will not be rolling it out in the USA anytime soon. We’re becoming a poor nation that cannot afford such imported luxuries. We’ll buy some cheap Chinese item when it appears on the market.

LG let it slip out last month that it was working on a high-end fashion phone with Prada but today has gone ahead and officially announced the PRADA Phone by LG. As expected it is a stylish device and actually looks a great deal like the upcoming Apple iPhone. Like the iPhone, there is no physical keyboard on the Prada phone. It instead relies on a touchscreen powered software keyboard.

Features of the Prada phone by LG include:

* Tri-band GSM plus EDGE
* 2 megapixel camera
* Bluetooth
* Music and video player
* Just 12mm thick
* microSD card slot

  1. Tom 2 says:

    You think this is bad, i heard about a cell phone where all the buttons were diamonds, and the diamonds would light up when you press them.Its made of diamond encrusted 18k gold.

    It runs about 54,000 dollars, but I’m sure if they put an Apple logo on it, they would sell like hotcakes.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Paris Hilton will have one and so will Paris Hilton wannabe, Britney Spears. The name of these trendy phones? Slut mobiles…

  3. jbellies says:

    And when I drive one, it will be called a slothmobile.

  4. ChrisMac says:

    But can you change the battery?

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I thought with all the tech-mavens around these parts, somebody would’ve noticed neither the Prada nor the iPhone is the price king (excluding ordinary phones w/ outrageous bling stuck all over ’em).

    Designed by B&O, built by Samsung, circa $1300 US:

  6. omnicbex says:

    we need some Japanese DoCoMo FOMA phones here in the US. Technically they put everything here to shame.

    Go HERE

  7. Peter Rodwell says:

    Damn! Just as I was managing to be so cool for once with my LG Chocolate phone, they go and launch something cooler!

  8. JoaoPT says:

    #5 – Another B&O watchamacallit…

    B&O is just another way to exclusivise your hardware. No different from gold plating and sticking diamonds on your regular cell phone. They’ve been doing this lately on their models other than sound systems.
    They were great back in the 60s and 70s. Real quality sound rigs. But as they enter the 80s they realised that people buy B&O not just for the quality but for the Design. And in TV and Mobile markets, they just use other brand’s hardware and redesign it.

  9. Kal says:

    America used to make things….now we just consume them, but we still don’t have the latest coolness, which mostly goes to Europe. We also are 21st in terms of widely available broadband internet capability. Oh wait, if we have prayer in schools and prohibit gay marriage, it will keep good paying jobs and manufacturers from going elsewhere……. or at least that’s what the rightwingnuts say.


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