via Ben Franske

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Funny and true. 😀

    Btw… Did they by any chance read my comment (#5) on Will Ma Bell’s Reassembly Result in The Bride of Frankinstein? 🙂

  2. I read the comments yes but didn’t see one from you.

  3. Ben Franske says:

    #1, by they you mean the people who write for Colbert and by the comment you mean about the T-1000? My guess is no, but it’s interesting that they came up with the same analogy isn’t it? I have no idea when this ran initially on Commedy Central but you have to admit the graphic is hillarious. It would be fun to put together some PowerPoint slides showing the breakup and subsequent mess… As for where I found it, it was a link deep within a Slashdot discussion, I enjoy fishing around Slashdot for the occasional gem like this.

  4. Jägermeister says:


    Number 5 about T-1000.


    Yes, with “they” I meant Comedy Central. Of course, it’s probably just a coincidence. 🙂

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Time to sleep… I can’t get the bloody numbers correct… (#1 = #2, #2 = #3)

  6. Greymoon says:

    (#1=#2, #2=#3)= AT&T users – competition = monopoly = Get Ready to Pay More $$$!

  7. Floyd says:

    On Colbert’s comment about the Cingular logo:

    I always figured the logo was a jack–the kind used in kids’ games. So now AT&T is gonna jack with us…and me specifically since I have a Cingular phone.

  8. rctaylor says:

    This reminds me of an old Alan King bit.

  9. TJGeezer says:

    Love it! And to think, if Cringely’s right (see on “when being a verb is not enough”), it’s all irrelevant anyway since Google’s about to take over the whole mess. Everyone knows Google doesn’t do any evil first. “Buy AT&T? Hell no.” Got that right.

  10. Hello says:

    Who renames thier companies to the company that they bought 0_o

  11. airwhale says:

    Real funny – and educational too. I finally understand the US telecom scene. A monopoly in a free market sure sounds like a nice value proposition to the company (if not their customers).


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