CaliforniaRepublic | Illegal Alien Sex Fiends — This is getting worse by the minute. Nobody wants to talk about this.

The study investigated 1,500 cases of “serial rapes, serial murders, sexual homicides, and child molestations committed by illegal immigrants” between January, 1999 and April, 2006. Of the 1,500 cases examined, illegal immigrant offenders were located in 36 states with the highest number of sexual offenders in California, Texas, Arizona, New Jersey, New York, and Florida.

Schurman-Kauflin reports that according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE records, sex offenders comprise two percent of illegals apprehended. Using the statistics by ICE and the conservative estimate of 12 million illegal immigrants in this country, Schurman-Kauflin estimates there are approximately 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders currently residing in the United States. Also using the two-percent figure, this means that 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sex offenders are illegally crossing the border into the U.S. every day.

Of the 1,500 sex offenders examined in this study, each sex offender averaged four victims for a total of approximately 6,000 victims over the 88-month period. Using these statistics, Schurman-Kauflin estimated that there were 960,000 sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants between January, 1999 and April, 2006. Particularly disturbing was that 22% of the victims of sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants had physical or mental handicaps, and all disabled victims were under the age of 18.

Of the 1,500 cases examined, 35% were child molestations, 24% were rapes, and 41% were sexual homicides and serial murders; 617 cases. Of the child molestations, 47% of the victims were Hispanic and 36% were Caucasian.

In 82% of the cases, the victims were known to their attackers, and 18% were molested by strangers. Of those victims molested by strangers, Schurman-Kauflin reports that “the illegal immigrants typically gained access to the victims after having worked as a day laborer at or near the victims homes. Victims ranged in age from one-year-old to 13-years-old, with the average age being six.” Although nearly 30% of the victims of sex crimes by illegal immigrants were illegal immigrants themselves, 70% of the victims were Americans.

In the 358 rape cases investigated, the women were often brutally attacked, and over 70% of the time the rape victims were beaten by their attackers. In addition, in .007% of the cases, the victims were gang-raped by two or more illegal immigrant sex offenders. The study also found that although serial rapists only accounted for three percent of all illegal immigrant rapists, serial rapists averaged five victims, and two of serial rapists examined in this study were confirmed HIV positive. In six percent of the cases of sexual homicide and serial murder, the bodies of the victims were mutilated. Caucasians were the most likely victims of sexual homicide by illegal immigrants. The average age of all victims of sexual homicide by illegal immigrants was 42, but the victims varied in ages from 16 to 81.

  1. Vince says:

    What is the ratio of Illegal immigrant sex offenders to the total number of illegal immigrants, and how does that compare to the ratio of the total number of sex offenders to the population of America?

  2. lou says:

    I agree with #1. My guess is that the US is a much greater EXPORTER of sexual criminals than an importer. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but my guess is that illegal immigrants keep as low a legal profile as possible. Besides, its probably much easier, in some sense to be sexual preditors in their own or other countries than the US.

  3. Brian says:

    I’m not usually as heated about immigration issues as a lot of folks around here are, but this is a huge problem.

    I volunteered at an elementary school in an area that illegals settled in when I lived in Kentucky. A guy in the neighborhood kept soliciting immigrant kids in school to be his ‘girlfriend.’ He was in his forties.

    The kids complained to the teachers about it, but they couldn’t do much of anything since the guy was smart enough to stay away from the school. Their parents didn’t go to the police for fear of being deported.

    There was a nasty murder/rape/near-murder that a Mexican man committed down near the Unversity of Kentucky campus a year or two before that.

    I’m not opposed to immigration, as long as it’s legal, and I think the US is too constricted in many ways when it comes to immigration. (Legally immigrating to the US is a nightmare bureaucracy. Imagine the IRS, except staffed by postal workers.) But, the US is getting some hardcore criminals dumped on it.

  4. theoldcoot says:

    Who cares, just as long as they stay south of the 49th, the rest of the world won’t care.

  5. Gary Marks says:

    If you really want to hear a statistic that will scare the bejesus out of you, my sources tell me that darn near a hundred percent of all immigrants are those goddamn foreigners! How in the world can we protect ourselves from that?

    Statistics don’t lie.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    Ask the Okinawans what they think of Americans.

  7. Tom 2 says:

    Being undocumented is just as bad for the legal citizens as it is for the illegals, they just need to go through the legal way, so we can stop these rapist/ murderers from entering the country or rapist/murderers take advantage of the illegal aliens, its a lose lose, we need to stop this before it gets out of hand.

  8. Cole says:

    #2 – “my guess is that illegal immigrants keep as low a legal profile as possible.”

    My guess is that you arent near SoCal. Illegals don’t keep a low profile at all out here. They congregate daily at the same Home Depots and street corners so finding them isn’t a problem. The problem is getting local government to even consider illegals a problem.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    This is the trouble with having an economic system TOTALLY DEPENDENT on an illegal work force living beyond the law.

    This was the first thing that struck me when I moved to Central California.

  10. Awake says:

    Registered sex offenders are much much more common than you think… there is probably a few living within a few blocks of your house. So to have a few 1000 sex offenders amongst millions of illegal immigrants is statistically insignificant.
    You want proof… just take a look at this Google maps mashup:
    where you can type your address and it maps REGISTERED sex offenders in your area, including in many cases links to their photo, their address, the type of offense.
    Illegal immigration is a minor inconvenience once you realize what is living in close proximity to your house… no matter where you live…

  11. ECA says:

    can I ask of ALL of you, who may not realize…
    Look up what a sex offence is…
    And how YOU also can be claimed into the world of a molester..

  12. D says:

    I think that if an immigrant chooses to circumvent the law by entering this country illegally, it also shouldn’t be out of line to have other laws not apply. Such as, a bullet in the back of the head if they commit a sex crime. Hey, the law doesn’t apply to them, right?

  13. Greg Allen says:

    >>D Such as, a bullet in the back of the head if they commit a sex crime.

    Spoken like a true Taliban!

  14. Awake says:

    11 – ECA – Go to the map that I referenced above, and click a few times on some offenders. There is a big difference between what may quaintly be considered an offense in some law books, and what these people are registered for. These are NOT people like you and I that may have lost our virginity while under 18 with our similarly barely underage high school girlfriend. These are really vile scum.
    So please don’t even try to lump the general population with creeps like this… a blowjob may still be illegal in some books in some states, but that is not what we are talking about, and to discuss it in the same terms is really offensive.

  15. Awake says:

    12 – “D”
    If one law does not apply, then no laws apply? Wow, now I really understand the power of presidential “Signing Statements”. I specially like them when they are written retroactively, saying something like “If I broke the law before I signed this paper allowing me to break the law, I am still not guilty… because I say so by signing this paper that I wrote saying I have the right to say so.”

  16. ECA says:


    LOOK it up…
    Iv been to your site… Iv found over 50 within 10 miles, and I live in a VERY rural area..

    You can be put on a list If the neighbors daughter is playing with your sister, and enters the bathroom WHILE you are in it…

  17. Tom Donal;d says:

    There are endless examples of people sexually fearing foreigners or other groups. Black men in the US and Jews in Germany are examples that leap to mind. To experience this fear one has to be sexually unhappy, but of course that’s hardly unusual, ‘specially in a culture so contaminated with sexual guilt of religious origin as the rural US.

  18. João PT says:

    John must be phishing for clicks and hits.
    I’m sure he is not such a basic alienophobic…

  19. RR1 says:

    What a joke, most states now such as Iowa have everything under the sun called a sex crime. Iowa has 49 different charges that get you on the list now and it grows every time congress meets.

    My friend a local real estate agent got drunk and relieved herself behind the bar this summer. The only person she was seen by was the local part time cop. She is now to be placed on the sex offender website for exposing herself and will lose her real estate license.

    I feel my children are much safer now, NOT.

    God Bless America

  20. Greg Allen says:

    ECA — I checked out you link on registered sex offenders. As the parent of a small child, its frightening!

    I have to wonder though… — in on of my old home (in California) there was one, two or more sex offenders on every block!

    But in my Washington home, there wasn’t any for miles. In Portland, Oregon it was kind of half-way.

    I seriously doubt this represents reality.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    Same ol’ story, your local pedophiles just don’t want competition.

  22. ECA says:

    A person asked me a question:
    Where would you like a Pediphile to live…

    I told them,
    RIGHT accross the street.

    They asked why.

    I said that, I could watch them, and all the neibhors around could also. Rather be able to FIND them and know they are THERE, then to think of them in the school yard, or some place I cant find them.
    I also added: That it may also help them to have friends, to help them through the ROUGH spots, and to interact with adults, rather then seeking the company of children.

  23. TJGeezer says:

    #23 – troll, troll, troll away. Sheesh.

    I live in Mexico and have been told more than once by Mexican neighbors that the U.S. mostly is getting the equivalent of Mexican trailer trash, people not much missed. On the other hand, as Mexico’s president has pointed out, there’s never been a documented case of a terrorist entering the U.S. from Mexico. So what does the U.S. do? it builds more walls.

    An 800-mile fence won’t fix a system so badly broken, any more than Draconian drug laws made the “drug war” succeed. Black markets, whether for drugs or for illegal workers as Greg Allen noted, breed problems. It’s hardly surprising if people who are willing to enter the U.S. illegally have a higher incidence of breaking other laws as well.

    I cannot think of a fix that doesn’t involve economic reforms, like that’ll ever happen.

  24. Gary Marks says:

    #23 traaxx, with those globalist Democrats now in power, it sounds like the Bush administration is unwittingly playing right into their hands, with their plan for the new NAFTA Superhighway Project running from Mexico to Canada. Rather than using the new highway to promote good clean godly commerce, those nasty Democrats will probably use it to enhance their child sex slave trade in North America.

    I guess there’s nothing to do now but pray.

  25. Larry says:

    Soooo; – give them socia lsecurity benefits; NOT!

  26. Greg Allen says:

    #24 >> I live in Mexico and have been told more than once by Mexican neighbors that the U.S. mostly is getting the equivalent of Mexican trailer trash, people not much missed

    This is one reason why a support a guest-worker visa program.

    When the de facto immigration program to is require workers to sneak in first, then you are going to get a much more desperate and lower quality worker.

    My support of a guest-worker program has just the opposite motivation than the free-trade conservatives — they want to bring Mexican wages to America.

    I, on the other hand, want to bring union wages and benefits to immigrant workers. The first step in unionizing immigrants is to have them here legally.

  27. James Hill says:

    Alien sex fiends? I missed that episode of The X-Files.


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