Barack Obama

Media Matters – Gibson called Obama’s long-known cigarette smoking a “dirty little secret” –It begins. Let’s face it, this guy is not going to be the next President. But this sort of “scandal” is a real eye-roller. The scandal is within a scandal too. Supposedly Obama smokes three cigs a day? How does that work? Lies I say! Will he crank it up under stress? Will he be smoking at the podium during his swearing in? Does it keep him thin? This is going to get funnier and funnier.

Wagering point: odds are that he does some TV interview about this topic and groans about how hard it is to stop. Place your bets on this when you can. It’s a lock.

On the January 17 edition of Fox News’ The Big Story, host John Gibson, during a discussion with Manhattan Institute senior fellow John H. McWhorter and Young Democrats of America’s Malia Lazu about Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) — who on January 16 announced his decision to form a presidential exploratory committee — said: “And [Obama’s] team works overtime trying to hide Obama’s dirty little secret. He is — get this — a cigarette smoker. The point is: What else do we not know about Barack Obama?” Despite Gibson’s claim that Obama’s smoking is “a dirty little secret,” Obama told the Chicago Tribune in December 2005 that his smoking is “an ongoing battle,” and his cigarette use was, in fact, known during his 2004 Senate campaign, when his wife told the Chicago Sun-Times that he smokes “about three Marlboros a day.”

found by Mr. Justin

  1. Are we really sure that the current POTUS hasn’t tippled a little, nor put a little pick-me-up up his nose?

    I ACTUALLY think is has…seriously.

  2. Hondadaddy says:

    Can I just ask one question? WHAT DOES SMOKING HAVE TO DO WITH RUNNING A COUNTRY?????? Other presidents were war mongers, some were drug users, others were perverts. You still voted them into office! Are government is far from perfect and I think a smoking president is the least of are problems!

  3. yupptoobad says:

    goerge Bush doesnt care about black people

  4. obama08today says:

    I say that he do SMOKE because on t.v I saw him SMOKING with my own to eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. circuitsmith says:

    These responses are oh-so-quaint now that he has won


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