I don’t know how many Dvorak Uncensored readers watch CrankyGeeks but I thought I’d start to do some quickie vids with the Kodak V610 since they are very watchable. This is just to show you behind the scene action. Exciting, no?

  1. Awake says:

    Wow… she be cranky!

  2. Jägermeister says:

    And here I was imagining Cranky Geeks being filmed by a crew of blonde Swedish girls with pigtails… all dressed in bikinis… I’m not sure if I can ever recover from this disappointment… Thanks John… 🙁

  3. Grant says:

    I like that it ended with “Where’s Roger?”

  4. Childish Personal Attacker says:

    That chick has a face for radio.

  5. ethanol says:

    I loved it! Thanks John…

  6. ECA says:

    You watch to much TV…
    You really think that ALL girls are THAT TV cute???
    God what a waste of brain cells.

  7. timwizard says:

    I actually started reading Dvorak Uncensored because of Cranky Geeks. It needs more plugs.

    And it was cool to see the set. I never thought about the floor and ceiling not being black as well. Good job with the shots to exclude all that.

  8. moe29 says:

    The sound is good on that Kodak. Behind the scenes is always cool : )

  9. tomdennis says:

    I first saw John on Silicon Spin and have been a fan ever since. I do enjoy Cranky Geeks.

  10. koo says:

    I loved seeing that. Thanks. You should do more of this reality stuff, but with geeks – getting away from sponsors, away from advertisers, away from sticking to “today’s topic”.

  11. Charbax says:

    Is the studio used for other shows or just the Cranky Geeks?

    This is really high end equipment and staff for a video-blog, nice production value.

    Can’t you get some 1000$ HDV camcorders in there instead of whatever you are using now and have Patrick Norton encode some 720p versions for us? All computer screens support 720p..

  12. It’s the same as the DLTV studio..and I’d love to do it in HD!!

  13. Booya says:

    That was so exciting, I had to watch it one and a half times. Next time, haul everyone to Starbucks first and then break out the video camera.

  14. B Belew says:

    I did enjoy the video and happy to see some sample video from this camera that you’ve been talking about for a while.

    I do really enjoy Cranky Geeks–my wife and I watch every episode together–and I would like it very much if there was some more crossover between your show and blog.


  15. YeahRight says:

    Love the vid ! and always love the “behind the scenes” vids !

    Thanks John !

  16. Improbus says:

    #16, I hope John doesn’t have blog posters show up on the Cranky Geeks show. Most of us have faces made for radio, well me at least.

  17. undissembled says:

    Your Show rocks John. You should make it 45 min and discuss (argue) on the topics more.

  18. B. Dog says:

    That chick is kinda cute, just doesn’t show cleavage, which would brighten things up.


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