May he rest in peace.

Art Buchwald, 81, the newspaper humor columnist for more than a half-century who found new comic material in the issues that come up at the end of life, died of kidney failure last night at his son’s home in Washington, his family announced today.

Buchwald, an owlish, cigar-chomping extrovert, zinged the high, mighty and humor-challenged. His column, syndicated to more than 550 newspapers at one point, won the Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 1982. He also published more than 30 books.

He made the world a little brighter, a little wiser, and a little happier. We’ll miss him.

  1. Eideard says:

    He was great. More than most, he relished poking fun at self-important political twerps, laughing at bureaucrats, sticking his finger in the eye of “mis-leaders” with just about every word he ever wrote.

    A very dangerous man.

  2. Duffy says:

    Amen, John. I loved his columns, even when he went after someone I liked because they needed/deserved it.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Men with his wit don’t come along too often. Thanks for the memories.

  4. NSILMike says:

    Boston Globe (and many others I’m sure) published this last column today.

  5. TJGeezer says:

    #5 – Thanks for that link. His last thoughts are entirely in keeping with his public character. I hope he was able to have at least one last Ă©claire.


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