A British-born terror suspect was on the run last night after breaking his control order and evading police by taking shelter in a mosque.

His disappearance is a further embarrassment for John Reid, the Home Secretary, as he is the third terror suspect under a control order to escape in less than six months.

He was traced to a nearby mosque, where community leaders say he had sought sanctuary. Police rarely enter a mosque: they began discussions with both local community figures and leading officials connected to the mosque.

It is understood that while these talks were taking place, the young suspect was helped to escape through a back entrance while officers from Greater Manchester Police were stationed outside.

Homeland Insecurity bureaucrats in England are as dim as their counterparts in the U.S.. They all believe that if you design an appropriate form — and then someone fills out that form — problems involving potential lawbreakers are solved.

  1. Ryan Vande Water says:

    Yes. Form 27B/6.

  2. KagatoAMV says:

    I’ve never been to comfortable with the idea of a criminal being able to avoid authorities by taking refuge in a place of worship. I understand the historical context, but still, I think perhaps the day of being able to claim sanctuary is long since past.

    I would hope that if a place of worship lets a suspect or escaped criminal avoid justice, that they would face some form of consequences. Most enjoy some level of tax exempt status (at least in the US) perhaps revoke that?

  3. Gig says:

    “Homeland Insecurity bureaucrats in England are as dim as their counterparts in the U.S.”

    How many attacks have there been in the US since 9/11? There must have been some for you to think that DHS is doing such a bad job.

  4. moss says:

    #3 — great piece of neocon logic, giggly.

    I open my pink umbrella every Thursday afternoon precisely at 3PM — and the giant earthworms haven’t attacked, yet. Must be working, right?

  5. Mark says:

    3. We have attacks on our southern border daily, you just choose to ignore.

  6. Gig says:

    #4 So how many were killed in the first giant earthworm attack. I’ll bet if there was another attack this Friday you’d be first in line to blame DHS and the Bush administration.

    #5 I don’t ignore it but the vast majority of the US has decided either they aren’t willing to let the government do what is required to stop it or that they or the country benefit from it.

  7. Mark says:

    5. The vast majority of Americans are more concerned about football, Kfed, or the iPhone, to know its even happening. The government ignores the problem, so voila! There is no problem. If the Dept of Homeland Insecurity would take it seriously, maybe the public would. Anyway the governmant doesnt want to stop it. And there are reasons for that I wont go into, but for some on this blog, they are obvious.

  8. moss says:

    #6 — “I’ll bet if, if, if….”

    At least you’re progressing. Now, you’re up to 6th grade recess on the playground logic.

  9. Ron Larson says:

    He can leave the UK by donning a burka and catching a flight to Africa, like this guy did last year. It seems that the police at Heathrow Airport are so PC that they won’t ask muslim women to show their face to confirm the passport is really them.

  10. moss says:

    #9 — you should visit here more often. There has been a response to that very situation.

    DU published this a month ago.  Thought I remembered seeing it.

  11. joshua says:

    Lets see….Tony Blair started the ASBO scheme to help prevent crime…..it isn’t working, so now they are going to impliment super duper ASBO’S to stop crime by arresting someone BEFORE they commit a crime. This in a country that can’t seem to hold onto the ones that somehow they managed to catch in the first place. And to think so many Americans look up to this country(the UK) as an example of European sophistication. (cough, cough) 🙂

  12. doug says:

    so nobody thought to keep an eye on the back door of the mosque, eh? or put out an APB to airport officials to prevent him from leaving the UK?

    quite a Keystone Kaper …


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