For a $765 minimum order, these guys will fix you up!

Doctors said Monday their analysis of 31 scientific papers found that human growth hormone — oft-touted as an anti-aging wonder — does nothing to help a person live longer.

However, the papers do show that use of the expensive therapy has the potential to create adverse side effects.

“We did find that there was substantial potential for adverse side effects,” Liu said, including such problems as joint swelling and pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and a trend toward increased new diagnoses or pre-diabetes. “You’re paying a lot of money for a therapy that may have minimal or no benefit and yet has a potential for some serious side effects,” Liu said. “You’ve got to really think about what this drug is doing for you.”

“In many anti-aging clinics, growth hormone is prescribed willy-nilly off-label, without any proof that patients are better off,” Dr. Barry Horowitz told UPI. He also noted that the drug is highly expensive, and is not reimbursed for its off-label (unapproved) use.

Phew! So far, I’ve managed to avoid joining that category of demented senior citizen that searches for instant cures and magic bullets. So far.

  1. god says:

    Wonder what Ray Kurzweil has to say about this?

  2. PMitchell says:

    I have adult onset human growth hormone deficiency and use humatrope daily .

    I for one say this has many side effects and if i did not need to take it daily for health reasons I would not. Headaches , joint stiffness, and many other side effects (I have to take it because it a necessary for your heart)

    those people are nuts

  3. mxpwr03 says:

    I worked with a man a few years back who was 75 years old, and he was as fit as any 30-35 year old that I have ever met. Every day he went to the fitness club, took 3 sprays of human growth hormones under the tongue, a whole bunch of vitamins, and some form of a cartilage builder. After that, he walked, than ran, and lifted weights (serious weight lifting i.e. 250 lb + on the bench press). This guy was astonishing for his age in terms of physical appearance, & physical ability and he swore his success was due to HGH, the vitamins, and the physical activities. Yes one person is a small sample size but interesting nonetheless.

  4. tallwookie says:

    #3 – Sounds like a case of mind over matter – or as we say back home – “Fish or cut bait”

  5. TJGeezer says:

    There have been a lot of cancer deaths in my family. Both my doctor and my alternative medicine nutritionist told me that’s a good reason to stay away from HGH. Its actions on people after childhood are simply not well enough understood, they said.

    Seems the understanding is growing and the advisability of HGH for olders people is not looking better.


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