Really dumb thumb keyboard

When massage therapist Grace Mcnow first heard the term “BlackBerry Thumb,” she didn’t know what it meant. Now, treating it is a new and booming part of her spa business.

Therapies to treat workplace woes such as a sore thumb from tapping on a hand-held computer, the aches of “Tech Neck” from typing on a laptop or even skin irritation from chatting on a cell phone are the latest rage to hit high-end spas, where the weary can seek relief at the end of an arduous workday.

Aida Bicaj, who offers cell-phone facials at $225 a session in a townhouse on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, says she has found a wealth of clients among stressed-out professionals and office employees who are overworked in competitive jobs.

“With that, you have a lack of sleep and you have stress,” she said. “It’s identified in your face right away.”

There are plenty of legit massage therapists. Still, the hustles you can lay on people with an excess of discretionary income are always good for a laugh — on the way to the bank.

Yes — I know this isn’t the first time we’ve covered this phenomenon; but, the price keeps going up!

  1. Higghawker says:

    $225 for a facial??????????? anyone paying this kind of fee really doesn’t care if they’re getting hustled or not!

  2. tallwookie says:

    thats stupid – “nintendo thumb” is WAY older than “blackberry thumb”

    plus, “nintendo thumb” can make your whole hand sore – not just part of it

  3. Bruce IV says:

    But the Nintendo thumb crowd doesn’t have the dough to pay for all their fancy crap 🙂


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