Click the picture to go to the video.

  1. KarlOnSea says:

    You are totally shameless in your pursuit of readers.

    Of course, I DID watch the video, and as well as the obvious . . . uh . . . attractions, it’s a pretty good demo of what the wii is about, and why it’s different from PS2 / 3 / XBox / 360, etc. It’s market potential is far greater than the traditional I-wanna-race-cars-and-shoot-people demographic.

  2. FSFunky says:

    Oh, boy, now this blog is gonna get blocked by all the filters again.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    I can’t believe I clicked on the video too! I only watched a little of it… honest!

    It just reminded me of how little it takes to make a video that lots of people (OK, guys) will watch. Just ask David Hasselhoff,

    People make fun of Hasselfhoff for how dumb Baywatch was but I credit him for being smarter than the big-salary NBC guys who canceled what would become the most watched TV series in the world.

  4. moe29 says:

    Near the end i here someone off camera say something like “show frustration”… i don’t think she was really playing.

  5. AndyCactus says:

    Her straps did not snap either.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    I’m slipping. Why couldn’t I have found this hard hitting, investigative news story and posted it first? Arggh!

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    Thanks a lot guys, after watching this video, my wife absolutely refuses to allow one in the house. I can get a WII though, just not THAT accessory.

  8. Booya says:

    She can hold my Wii.

  9. Booya says:

    Oh, come on…you know someone had to say it.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    The Wii attire for women.

  11. TJGeezer says:

    #4 – I hope you’re wrong, because she really does appear to be having fun. They say you have to try the Wii to understand how fun it is, but this video does a good job of showing it. And no, that “it” wasn’t a typo.

  12. Floyd says:

    #2: The bikini didn’t slip off so it’s G rated.

    #11: The bikini girl is having a pretty good time playing the games, particularly the boxing and bowling. Nintendo has a winner!

    The Wii games actually require much more physical movement than your typical video game, at least on the Sports Games. Couch potatoes may actually get off their chairs and exercise a bit.

  13. mxpwr03 says:

    Thank you

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    Reason #113 why Nintendo’s Wii is better than the PS3:
    You’ll never see a chick rub herself a PS3 controller.

  15. curmudgen says:

    I can’t believe I watched (8) the whole thing?

  16. BertDawg says:

    Following the tangent that vid takes you on, there is another one about a poisoned stripper… I hope she was acting; otherwise – WTF??!

  17. Miguel says:

    What can I say? The Wii is wonderful!!!

  18. Elwood Pleebus says:

    uhhhh is there a wii game about jumping rope that she could demonstrate?

  19. sdf says:

    Now THIS is quality.


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