Found by Kevin Berg

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Very good performance! The midget is priceless. 😀

  2. noname says:

    most cool!

  3. John Paradox says:

    I must admit it’s the first time I’ve seen a hat pulled out of a rabbit.


  4. M@ says:

    Midgets? Yes midgets.


  5. Childish Personal Attacker says:

    Once I was uh, er, no that wasn’t me…

  6. Johnny Rotten says:

    It was a thrill to see all the grey-haired matronly audience members laughing and cheering “God save the Queen, her fascist regime !”

  7. Greg Allen says:

    Who would have guessed that the Internet would revive Vaudeville?

  8. clockwork oranjaboom says:

    Wish I could still pogo w/o a crushing headache. Maybe Patrick still can.


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