Are we really headed for a world where every surface will be sold for ads?

Coming soon — ads in airport security trays

Travelers nationwide could soon see ads for laptops, expensive cars and other products in the trays that carry their shoes and cell phones through X-ray machines at airport security checkpoints.

After a six-month test in Los Angeles, the federal Transportation Security Administration was expected to formally issue guidelines Thursday to vendors that want to offer the ads at other airports.

Under the plan, ad companies would pay fees to airports and provide the TSA with millions of dollars worth of trays, tables and other non-electronic items used at the security points.

In return, advertisers get to hawk watches, laptops and cell phones in a place where travelers regularly stash such items of their own.

Of course, is this any odder than ads on air sickness bags or every frame of the movie, Talladega Nights?

  1. JoaoPT says:

    Hey a Portuguese AD…

    It says “Accidents will happen where less expected, drive carefully”

  2. Terry says:

    “Space Merchants” Pohl & Kornbluth, 1953.
    “Merchant’s War”, Pohl, 1984
    Advertising agencies have run amok and control everything. Ads are everywhere, on everything. You can’t get away from them.

    It’s not a new idea. I’m just surprised it took so long for markering droids to implement. Or maybe they don’t read SciFi.

  3. moss says:

    I’m surprised there wasn’t a recruiting sign for the US Army — silkscreened onto Hussein’s jumpsuit at his execution. Look at all the free youtube eyeballs they missed.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    How about ads on condoms?

  5. Miguel Correia says:

    #2, JoãoPT, by the look if it, seems like it was taken at a wall of the old Feira Popular in Lisbon. Doesn’t it seem to you as well?

  6. Mucous says:

    We should all sell ad space on our own clothing. Then every day everywhere would look like Nascar.

  7. Curmudgen says:

    I think we do that already. It is called something like a licensing fee. Example being fee paid to the NFL for their logos.
    The fee is built into the cost to the consumer.

    “Then every day everywhere would look like Nascar”….Makes one all creamy, doesn’t it? Sorry, still thinking of the condom ads.

  8. Rob says:

    Trying to paint an ad on every available surface is obviously way too impractical. Much better: everyone receives ocular implants at birth, that receive ads via cellular wireless and merge them with each object that they are looking at.

  9. John Paradox says:

    We should all sell ad space on our own clothing.

    I don’t remember if it was a political cartoon, or also a column, but someone(someones?) suggested that Politicians have all their donors (notably large companies) be listed on their clothing, a la NASCAR.
    Talk about ‘transparency”.


  10. Childish Personal Atacker says:

    For a blog with “Uncensored” in the title there seems to be an awful lot of censorship here.

  11. Matthew Rigdon says:

    this guy pretty much said it best.

  12. JoaoPT says:

    #6 Yes.
    Most ceirtainly looks so.
    First I thought it was from the taxi parking at Campanhã, Porto. But the lamp post was all wrong. Then the poster had Diario de Notícias. That’s Lisbon allright.

  13. travel advisory says:

    Accidents will happen where less expected……..In Madrid/Barajas (Spain) Airport ?

  14. numerología vial says:

    Rallies ilegales en la calle Navalmoral de la Mata del Barrio de Buenos Aires ?

  15. peon negro says:

    El RDX es un explosivo militar similar al C 4


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