Yes, I will drop this plant on their heads!

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia cleric in convicts jibe — During a period of heightened sensitivity, this guy is proving to be a real a-hole.

Sheikh Hilali, the Sydney-based Mufti of Australia, said on Egyptian TV that Muslims were more entitled to be in Australia than those with a convict ancestry.

“The Anglo-Saxons arrived in Australia in shackles,” he said. “We Muslims came as free people. We bought our own tickets. We are entitled to Australia more than they are”.

He also hit out at the anger in Australia surrounding his comments last September in which he compared scantily-dressed women to “uncovered meat”.

  1. Shane says:


    My ancestors were never in shackles and traveled of their own free will to Australia too. To make a statement that every anglo-saxon in Australia came from convicts is as general a statement as saying every Muslim is a fanatical terrorist.

    Reasonable people know that neither of these statements are correct, and I find it amazing that so many respectable, law abiding people in the Muslim community continue to allow this man (and people like him) to have airplay.

    Can’t everyone just start to live by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and just get on with living together rather than fighting and arguing?


  2. V says:

    Actually, my ancestors were a tribe of homo-erecti which set up camp in a part of Australia very close to Sydney before it even split off Pangaea.

  3. ECA says:

    consider that everyone has an opinion, no matter how Unintelligent it is, and Everyone has an asshole…
    so, which is he speaking with??

  4. Childish Personal Attacker says:

    I got kicked in the mufti once.

  5. alexander says:

    “The Mad Sheik” is my favorite name for this guy. His only support is in the Lebanese community and that’s probably gone now.

  6. Named says:

    I seem to recall an episode of The Simpsons that proclaimed this fact… Well, the criminal Australian aspect of it anyway… And I ALWAYS believe what The Simpsons say…

  7. Shane says:


    Not sure where you’re coming from with that statement. The only way to deal with illogical non-truths sprouted by people such as this is to educate people with the real truth.

    Indeed they are statements for a cause, an un-just and worthless cause. I hold no ill-will towards my fellow man, strive to hold no grudges and believe everyone should have a chance to better themselves without being blamed for the wrongs their ancestors perpetrated.

    Everyone has a right to their own religion, their own beliefs and their own faith. The problem lies with people who deem that their belief (religion or otherwise) makes them better than other people or gives them the right to judge others based on those beliefs.

    I truly believe that if we ALL lived by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights our world would be a better place. We are all people, “technically” conceived and born in the same way – we should be able to find common ground.


  8. Mike Novick says:

    by that logic, Muslims are more entitled to just about every country in the world that has any wealth, except maybe California.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    I think this mufti-dufti guy can get entitled to preach his nonsense to the penguins on Antarctica…. I’m sure they appreciate his logic.

  10. James Hill says:

    Looks like they need to add muslims to the list of pests, along with dingos and kangaroos.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #13 I heard Dingo’s eat babies.

    I heard Bush eat babies too… at least that’s what my mufti tells me to think.

  12. Hugh Bastard says:

    I’ve heard similarly outrageous drivel on talk back radio by anglos. For once I agree with John Howard (whom I otherwise regard as an evil little toad) in that his comments should be laughed at. Strangely, its always the loony Muslims that get the media coverage. I feel sorry for ‘moderate’ Muslins who just want to live their lives in peace.

  13. OmarThe Alien says:

    This guy is reaching for infamy, and uttering bizarre and inflamatory statements is just another step along the way. The tragedy is two-fold; Muslims who wish to live in piece are forced to deal with the backlash, and the simple minds that believe ultimately become cannon-fodder.

  14. TJGeezer says:

    I have to agree with Pedro, if I understand him correctly. People like that mufti have a dangerous ability to disrupt otherwise peaceable social situations. A friend in Oz, a woman dressed up for a retro 80s concert in Sydney, was sitting in a fast-food joint waiting for the concert when a Muslim walked up to her at her table, spat at her feet and called her a whore. My guess, the a-hole had been listening to the mufti, or to someone much like him. IMO people who provoke others like that should be kicked the hell out of society. That goes for Pat Robertson too. Antarctica sounds like a nice place for them to fight it out while the rest of us get on with life.

  15. J says:

    Wait — weren’t most of those convicts Irish?

  16. tallwookie says:

    what about the Bushmen? As the only indigenous people of Australia, dont they have the right to decide between Muslims and Non-muslims? Since most muslim & non-muslim religions are monotheistic, and the bushmen religion is polythestic, then I’d say the deciding factor would be which “group” offers the bushmen “nation” more incentives.

    Its a Bidding War!!

  17. The Aussie says:

    The sinsiter thing about this guy is that with a straight face say this stuff on Egyptian TV and then play the racism card alleging he was quoted out of context! I saw the translated TV footage and the smug bastard said what he said.

    If this is what passes for honesty and integrity among Muslim Clerics, then no wonder no one trusts any of them.

    PS — Funny how no embassies were stormed, symbols burnt and people threatened with deadly fatwas when he slams a western culture, quite unlike your typical Middle Eastern hysterical reaction when some westerner criticises their culture.

  18. ECA says:

    no wonder Muslims are confused…
    they dont who or wht to listen to. What, and which, is the truth..

    This person may be an instigator, trying to make SOMETHING to happen, so his group has reason to Fight back…Start something, that may not be ended Easily.

  19. Lucas says:

    As an asian born Australia, of muslim parents, I have to say that this guy is really not doing his faith any favours. Personally, I think that they should revoke his permanent residency, while he is overseas and not let him back into the country! That way he can cool his heels elsewhere while drinking a nice cup of SHUT THE F**K UP!!!


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