Trying to censor blogger / Owner of conservative radio station KSFO demands liberal critic quit using audio clips — This story about the critic Spocko is growing and growing. What amuses me is that his real “sin” is that he is using what influence he has to cow advertisers into not advertising on what he considers offensive radio shows. Isn’t THAT EXACTLY what the religious right has been doing for years? Interesting to see the reaction from the other side when its own tactics are used.

A series of events involving a local liberal blogger, a San Francisco conservative radio station and the reaction of two of the larger corporate advertisers in the country — Bank of America and MasterCard — is revealing how slippery freedom of speech has become in the digital age.

The tale of Spocko, a self-described “fifth-tier” blogger who lives in San Francisco, exemplifies how one person with a computer and an Internet hookup can challenge the views of a major media corporation — and what a media corporation will do to stop him.

Here is the kicker:

“Yes, this is a freedom of speech issue, and this individual is entitled to say what he wants to,” said Morgan. “But he’s trying to take away my livelihood, and I’m not trying to take away his.”

Melanie Morgan might be right but she doesn’t seem to understand that this is exactly what’s been going on from the other side of the political fence for years. What did she say when that was happening? Zilch, that’s what. Now that this affects her so she complains. You can’t have everything go your way when this sort of pressure tactic is allowed to run rampant. Melanie is someone who encouraged it in the first place.

Original Spocko story click here

  1. John Paradox says:

    Typical Neo-cons.. they can call other people names, but when they get caught, or are treated the same way….



  2. clockwork oranjaboom says:

    That shoe is an uncomfortable fit on the other foot.
    Nice follow up.

  3. Tom 2 says:

    “Yes, this is a freedom of speech issue, and this individual is entitled to say what he wants to,” said Morgan. “But he’s trying to take away my livelihood, and I’m not trying to take away his.”

    If you really want to keep your advertisers, and keep your livelihood, try not making hateful and often murderous remarks about people who you disagree with, they might as well go join the ku klux clan or something.

    Second they tried to take Spockos livelihood away by getting the server to take his blog down, but that didnt stop him, so they are trying to make us feel sorry for them, hell no. If its one thing that conservatives lack its common sense and common logic, if you want companies to advertise on your station, don’t use it to rant about how you want to see people dead. Free speech is one thing but actually expecting to run a business with meaningful advertisers while your offending most people’s sensibilities is a another.

  4. Milo says:

    Bout’ time.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    I agree with the general consensus. The radio station used free speech to broadcast over the airwaves specific provocative statements. Ensuring that the financial supporters of this free speech know what they are paying for should not be impinged.

    I am reminded that the right wing’s hatred of the ACLU not withstanding, the ACLU still went to the defense of the KKK and Rush Limbaugh. I doubt they can expect the ACLU to help when they are in the wrong though.

  6. Roc Rizzo says:

    Just like these Neocons… They can dish it out, but they can’t take it!

    As usual, they want to limit people’s first amendment rights. But when it’s something that is politically correct, they gang up, and say it’s a violation of their free speech.

    Gimme a break already. These people are the biggest hypocrites going. They should be outed as such, and people should be aware of this.

  7. Milo says:

    Extremists like this serve a purpose. The Repubs want them out there because next to them ideas that would otherwise be considered extreme are now supposedly moderate. Nothing like slapping that moderate label on something!

  8. joewo says:

    This post is incorrect. MM says she is not taking away his First Amendment rights…Spocko’s site was shut down…so this does not deny Spocko his First Amendment rights how? They would not allow the bloggers into the radio studio for the mea culpa show either. Both denies Spocko and other bloggers their First Amendment rights. And ABC lawyers shut down Spocko’s site for Copyright violations. There is a Fair Use law that the posts fully fell under. I wonder if MediaMatters recieved a cease and desist order as well? So if someone says something bad about you you are not allowed to use that speech (even better if you have audio clips) to disprove what they say? Spocko’s points were valid and he was wronged.

    The whole story with several audio clips is at mediamatters dot org


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