I am simply fascinated by the Bush & Co psychology of ignoring not just friends (who apparently aren’t being told what he plans — see below) and the electorate, but the experts (ie, military) who understand this won’t work. What will work is up in the air, but the surge ain’t it.

Reminds me of the great Stanley Kubrick film, Paths of Glory, where WWI generals order troops to attack knowing they can’t succeed. Winning isn’t the point.

For GOP Senators, Bush’s Next Step in Iraq Means a Delicate Dance

Senate Republicans, dreading President Bush’s prime-time address tonight calling for more U.S. troops in Iraq, emerged from their weekly party luncheon yesterday displaying more dance steps than the Joffrey Ballet.

“We should listen to what the president has to say,” proposed Sen. John Warner (R-Va).

“I want to hear the president’s plan,” Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) concurred.

“I want to see what he’s proposing before I make dramatic statements,” an unusually skittish Trent Lott (Miss.), the No. 2 Republican, told a thick knot of reporters.

And you didn’t want to get too close to Sen. George Voinovich (Ohio). “We need more information, okay?” he insisted.

But the Republicans’ principal dancer yesterday was Sen. John Sununu (N.H.), perhaps the most endangered of all GOP senators in 2008. “We haven’t discussed ‘the plan,’ ” he maintained. “That would suggest that we were told exactly what is going to be announced tomorrow, and that is certainly not the case.”

Reporters had barely digested that one when Sununu offered a second disavowal: “I don’t really know what they’re thinking about proposing, so given that, it wouldn’t be wise for me to suggest that I do or don’t know whether their conditions are appropriate.”

  1. Frank IBC says:

    So can you name any Democrats who have moved (since 2000) to abolish the Electoral College, so that the Constitution would actually provide for direct popular election of the president and vice president, Herman?

  2. Herman says:

    Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-Ill) in 2003 (H.J. Res. 108th Congress)

    Care for some more? How about 7 more?
    ( http://tinyurl.com/y5ostt )
    Some want to reform it, some want to get rid of it.

    Still waiting for how a .38 can fire a .44 bullet.

  3. Frank IBC says:

    OK, that’s seven out of 535. Doesn’t look like the Democrats will be in favor of democracy any time soon.

  4. Frank IBC says:

    Still waiting for how a .38 [gun] can fire a .44 bullet.

    The answer is it can’t. Even Abu-Jamal’s own ballistics analyst conceded under oath that the bullet was not a .44 caliber round.

  5. Herman says:

    Maybe that’s why I’m NOT a democrat. Still haven’t answered the Mumia question, because you can’t. You all stated several times that NO DEMOCRAT wanted to change the Electorical College and I just showed you EIGHT (7 in the 107th Congress, and 1 in the 108th. 7+1=8) You are a total ass. Even Baby Bush could add 7 + 1. And by the way, if there are 535 Democrats (since you claim “…7 out of 535. Doesn’t look like the Democrats will be in favor of Democracy anytime soon) how many Republicans are there? Math isn’t your strong suit. No wonder you are a Republican.

  6. Herman says:

    So the cororner lied? Sounds like a real fair trial to me. Please take note the Mumia’s expert has never examined the bullet. Even the most anti-Mumia websites state that. You will also notice the bullet was NEVER matched to Mumia’s gun. A 6 right is the most common in the world.

  7. Frank IBC says:

    As I’ve said previously, reading comprehension doesn’t seem to be your strong point. I did not say that “no democrat wants to abolish the electoral college”, I merely challenged you to name those that did. You named a total of eight, less than 10% of what would be needed to give the United States direct popular election of the president and vice president. So given that the Democrats have wailed the most about “stolen election”, their opposition to democracy seems quite hypocritical.

  8. Frank IBC says:

    The coroner who performed the autopsy on Faulkner, Dr. Paul Hoyer, stated in his notes that the bullet he extracted from Faulkner was a .44 caliber, not a .38. However, he later testified that he was just making a rough guess based on his own observations, as he was not a firearms expert and had no ballistics training. He also testified that his statement about the bullet’s caliber was only written in his personal notes and never meant to be used as an official report. Official ballistics tests done on the fatal bullet verify that Officer Faulkner was killed by a .38 caliber bullet. The fatal .38 slug was a Federal brand Special +P bullet with a hollow base (the hollow base in a +P bullet was distinctive to Federal ammunition at that time), the exact type (+P with a hollow base), brand (Federal), and caliber (.38) of bullet found in Jamal’s gun. These experts also testified that the bullet taken from Abu-Jamal had been fired from Officer Faulkner’s service weapon. The defense’ ballistics expert, George Fassnacht, did not dispute the prosecution’s findings.

  9. Herman says:

    “Herman –

    Have you by any chance heard of an institution called the Electoral College? And can you name one Democrat since 2000 who has moved to abolish it and actually have direct popular election of the president and vice president? You can’t? No surprise there”

    “OK, that’s seven out of 535. Doesn’t look like the Democrats will be in favor of democracy any time soon. ”

    “I merely challenged you to name those that did. You named a total of eight”

    Any more backpedaling you care to do? I am forced to say again, You are a total ass. Learn to add.

    You seem to gloss over that I said I am NOT a Democrat, as well.

  10. Herman says:

    OK, so we know Falukner shot Mumia. Why was there no tests done to see if Mumia’s gun had been recently fired? Why was there no GSR test done on Mumia? Why was the bullet never matched to Mumia’s gun?

    “Mumia was driving a cab that night. It is undisputed that he intervened. It is undisputed that both he and officer Daniel Faulkner were shot, and that Faulkner died. What is in dispute is who killed Faulkner. Mumia says it was someone else, and several witnesses saw another shooter flee the scene. Mumia’s legally registered .38 was never decisively linked to Faulkner’s wounds.

    Mumia’s murder trial was a policeman’s dream. Denied the right to represent himself, he was defended by a reluctant incompetent who was later disbarred (and who has since filed an affadavit in Mumia’s support detailing his delinquencies). Mumia was prosecuted by a DA who was later reprimanded for withholding evidence in another trial. He was allowed only $150 to interview witnesses.

    But best of all was the judge. A life member of the Fraternal Order of Police, branded as a “defendant’s nightmare” by the Philadelphia Inquirer, Judge Albert F. Sabo has sentenced more men to die (31 to date, only two of them white) than any other sitting judge in America. A fellow judge once called his courtroom a “vacation for prosecutors” because of bias toward convictions.”

  11. Frank IBC says:

    I’d also be interested in seeing where on this thread I accused you of being a Democrat.

  12. Frank IBC says:

    All four witnesses who were at the scene identified Abu-Jamal as the one who shot Officer Faulkner.

    The judge in the case initially allowed Abu-Jamal to represent himself, but eventually reversed his own decision due to Abu-Jamal’s disruptive behavior in the court.

  13. Herman says:

    Why don’t you memtion you are getting your information from http://www.danielfaulkner.com? Sounds real unbiased. Try ,Amnesty International a well respected organization and not a right wing blog.
    You keep asking me to defend the Democrats, which I have, and you just keep putting your foot in your mouth.

  14. Frank IBC says:

    So you can’t refute the points, then? And no, that’s not where I got my information from – it’s all on Answers.com. Not noted as a rightwing neonazi site.

    So you think while Mumia, who was armed, saw his brother being arrested by Officer Faulkner, some random stranger came along and shot the officer? A certain Mr. Occam would like to sell you his razor.

  15. Herman says:

    Ever hear of a frame?That is what happened in the Mumia Abu-Jamal case. There have been numerous witness who saw another shooter, and NONE of them SAW Mumia shoot Faulkner. Frank Rizzo did not like journalists speaking ill of him, and Philly did not like MOVE, and dropped a bomb on them in 1985.

    EVERY question you have asked me I have answered made an ass of you. You can’t even add.

    You speak of Occam’s Razor, you want simple? Here it is : biased judge, biased jury, denial of civil rights, no match on the gun, witnesses seeing another shooter, lying coroner, biased DA. ADD (i know its hard for you) that up and you get a frame up.

  16. Frank IBC says:

    Let’s see, Mumia sees his own brother getting arrested, he has a gun, somehow he gets close enough to Officer Faulkner that Mumia himself gets shot by the officer, and yet somehow the officer is shot by some random stranger whom Mumia is unable to identify?

    Yep, sounds like a frame-up, for sure…

  17. Frank IBC says:

    Frank Rizzo did not like journalists speaking ill of him

    The murder of Officer Faulkner occured on December 9. 1981.

    The mayor of Philadelphia at the time (1980-84) was William J. Green III, not Frank Rizzo. Rizzo had been out of office for almost two years at the time of the murder.

  18. Herman says:

    Close, but you forgot to mention that Mumia’s brother has never said anything about it. Mumia didn’t for over 20 years. He won’t let his own expert look at the bullet, because he knows it would match. He is guilty as sin. I was just playing around and seeing who would bite. I agree with nearly all of what you say, I’m a conservative Republican It’s not that hard to play to a far left loon.

  19. Frank IBC says:

    You owe me a drink.

    Long Island Ice Tea, to be exact.

  20. Herman says:

    You got it

  21. Frank IBC says:

    Made with Grey Goose, Bombay Sapphire, Tesoro de Felipe, Bacardi Oro Anejo, and Grand Marnier.

    But seriously, thanks for the challenge. I learned a lot today. 🙂

    “It is far easier for a civilized man to play the part of a barbarian, than it is for a barbarian to play the part of a civilized man.”
    -Mr. Spock

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    “It is far easier for a civilized man to play the part of a barbarian, than it is for a barbarian to play the part of a civilized man.”
    -Mr. Spock
    Comment by Frank IBC — 1/11/2007 @ 1:19 pm

    Is that why two idiots got so far off topic with some blather about lord knows what??? Geeze you too are annoying.

  23. Frank IBC says:

    Next thing I’m going to find out that Mr. Fusion is a phony lefty loon, too? 😛

  24. Greg Allen says:

    #28 Frank >> But seriously, if you were objective, you would know that problems with absentee ballots actually affect Republican voters more than Democrat voters – because a higher proportion of absentee voters (in particular military voters) tend to be Republican.

    I try to be objective and I’m not laying down any great conspiracy.

    But I will bicker with your point — we expats tend to be more Democrat and our mailing procedure is usually different than military voters. So, it would be possible to hinder ours while greasing the military vote.

    If the problem was just procedure and bureaucracy, then the blocked votes should be a wash — not favoring one party over the other. But I have to say, Robert Kennedy convinced me in his article that there was systematic hindrance of the Democrat vote in Ohio.

    You don’t have to wear a tin foil hat to believe this … it was really a pretty easy fraud to pull-off. They just had to make it a little harder for predominantly Democratic precincts and it was enough to throw a close election.

    This kind of conspiracy would be very hard to prove — and possibly is not even a violation of the law, even though it’s a sordid and shameful abuse of democracy.



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