Birds fall from sky over town | __ This, along with the NYC gas smell and other bird deaths is getter weirder by the minute.

THOUSANDS of birds have fallen from the skies over Esperance and no one knows why.

Is it an illness, toxins or a natural phenomenon? A string of autopsies in Perth have shed no light on the mystery.

All the residents of flood-devastated Esperance know is that their “dawn chorus” of singing birds is missing.

The main casualties are wattle birds, yellow-throated miners, new holland honeyeaters and singing honeyeaters, although some dead crows, hawks and pigeons have also been found.

Wildlife officers are baffled by the “catastrophic” event, which the Department of Environment and Conservation said began well before last week’s freak storm.

On Monday, Esperance, 725km southeast of Perth, was declared a natural disaster zone.

District nature conservation co-ordinator Mike Fitzgerald said the first reports of birds dropping dead in people’s yards came in three weeks ago. More than 500 deaths had since been notified. But the calls stopped suddenly last week, reportedly because no birds were left.

Found by Sergio Gasparrini

  1. rctaylor says:

    Similar events have occurred with methane and CO2 forming lethal clouds. These of course are associated with geothermal activity.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Sounds like some old lady is poisoning the birds again 😉

  3. tallwookie says:

    two words.

    Bird Flu

  4. tcc3 says:

    “Bird Flu” ?

    I’d say the problem is thay *don’t* fly anymore.

    Thanks, folks! Tip your waitress!

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, my best laugh of the day. Good one.

  6. Mucous says:

    They mentioned dead cows too. I think we’re talking Mad Cow jumping species.

  7. Dano says:

    Esperance is number 1 on my targets for terror attacks too. Number 2 is a crater on the dark side of the moon.

  8. Odyssey67 says:

    If this place recently suffered a flood, that may be your answer right there.

    Floods effect a lot of stuff we don’t automatically think of. Sewage systems back up; chemicals that are otherwise contained or sequestered … aren’t; even the titanium paint on the road lines gets leached off at a more rapid rate. Birds, on the other hand, will drink from just about any pool or puddle. Even contaminated ones. When nature says your thirsty, you drink.

    Without more info, my first guess would be that 1+1may simply be =ing 2 here. These birds might be dying from contaminated drinking water brought about by the flood.

  9. KB says:

    God farted.

  10. theartistchick says:

    connect the dots-
    1- climate change
    2- permafrost melting and releasing 6 times more methane gas than previously thought-
    3- methane detectors going off at sea aboard cargo ships recently
    4- unexplained odors- “swamp gases?”
    5- unexplained bird deaths
    I think it’s linked to methane-
    and I think we are entering into runaway climate change.

  11. Odie says:

    Biological toxin released as test for dispersal. Type = “West Nile Virus” (relatively low impact on humans; impacts birds; easy to monitor). Set off from strategic release points.

  12. Ron says:

    There were birds dead in Australia and Texas. A month ago there was a UFO sighting by airline pilots. My theory is that things are related…the aliens likely think that the birds are the higher species because they fly, and are slowly attacking them. There could be a link to the NY smell, but they think the stench was from NJ—which is likely if you’ve ever been there.


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