This is, after all, what losers always do. Lyndon Johnson did it. Nixon did it. Cripes King George 3rd of England did it!

After no one is surprised by what Bush will say, tonight — will anyone be surprised by reactions from the assorted pigeonholes of American media? We know what Fox will say. We know what CNN will say. We know what the follow-on press conferences at the White House will be like — and what Tony Snow’s answers will be.

We know that Bush’s “popularity” will rise 5-6 points in the various polls evaluating the gullibility of the American electorate — after his escalation — for a couple of weeks.

We know that the most lapdog denizens of American journalism will probably be upset over anyone even using the word, “escalation”.

Want some reputable sources? Try here and here and here.

Will anyone be surprised — that we continue to lose the war?

  1. Proud Alien says:

    Isn’t it almost unimaginable to believe that there are those who still support that schmuck?

    Buck Fush!

    P.S. To those unapologetic Bush and GOP supporters: any comments on how quickly and efficiently the Dems started their term in Congress? Great to see some action for a change!

  2. James Hill says:

    Just relax. The Democrats won the election, and they’ll take care of this mess.

    At least that’s what they won the election on.

    I trust them. Don’t you?

  3. James Hill says:

    #1 – You bet. They’ve already announced their war strategy and everything.

    Oh, wait…

  4. Proud Alien says:

    No wait is needed: the war was unwinnable and they told you so from the very beginning. Nobody expects miracles for something that was doomed from the start. Oh, wait: there are some who really do expect others to do a clean up work for them, aren’t there?

    On the other hand, they did pass a legislation that’s been stuck there for months and years because the Reps were fighting for a better piece of a pie. Again, great to see some action instead of the GOP blah-blah-blah.

  5. Sundog says:

    Didnt we already reject King George what like 220 some odd years ago?

  6. Will says:

    Outsource the war to India.

  7. Nick says:

    I don’t think this particular “war” – or whatever it is – is in the interest of the US or her allies.

    However, it would need a proper analysis to show that.

    Selectively going looking for whatever “parallels” you believe to prove your point, proves nothing. That’s just stupid. It’s what quacks do. Try Karl Popper on falsifiability:

    They coalition forces actually won the darn war and neutralized Saddam long ago and, even if that was worth doing (and there’s room for doubt there) they should have got out *then* – not hung around for the impossible task of “nation-building” where nothing like a nation exists. Iraq is a three-cornered fight, not a nation.

    So, no, I don’t agree that farther prosecution of this action is a good idea for America. But whether I agree with you on that point or not is irrelevant. The post is lame. What you should understand is that selectively quoting instances that you believe confirm your statements about *anything* without stopping for a moment to think about whether there are examples that would call it into question is simply risible. No thinking person would do it.

  8. Kamataru Honjou says:

    #7 that is a good idea, but there is already more than enough Muslim tension in India and that would only add to it, we should really just out source to the chinese as they have more than enough troops and they wouldn’t let PC bullshit get in their way.

  9. RTaylor says:

    Now Bush will be able to state a Democratic Congress tied his hands and cost America the war in Iraq. This situation is about as winnable as getting involved in an argument a neighboring husband and wife is having.

  10. Tom says:

    The Vietnam and US revolution line reminds me of Barbara Tuchman’s March of Folly (

    From the Amazon page for the book:
    “Barbara Tuchman defines folly as “Pursuit of Policy Contrary to Self-Interest.” In THE MARCH OF FOLLY, Tuchman examines 4 conflicts: The Trojan Horse, The Protestant Secession, The American Revolution, and The American War in Vietnam.

    Excellent book IMO.

  11. Herman says:

    We need to pull out of Iraq NOW! We also need to imprison Bush/Dick and reduce our military to just a self defense force. We need to disarm to show the world we mean them no harm and apologize for terrorizing them for over 200 years. We should lead the way give up ALL nuclear weapons, ALL nuclear submarines, and ALL aircraft carriers (we have more than the ENTIRE WORLD combined). We should also make the United States a gun free zone to stop all the senseless killing, unionize all workers to end poverty and demand that no CEO makes more than 10 times the lowest paid worker. We need to outlaw outsourcing so millions won’t be living on the streets and nationalize all utilities. Only then can we save ourselves.

  12. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Bush is doing what his administration has continued to do since 9-11. Win the war on terror on the cheap. That doesn’t mean we aren’t going to spend a trillion dollars making his buddies rich trying to “win”, it means that the one “weapon” needed – ie boots on the ground is the one area his administration (and others in the past to be fair) have continually cut.

    If he really wants to win this in Iraq, we don;t need 20,000 more, we need 200,000 more and the will to kill the assholes like the “mighty Mahdi army” and shoot Sadr.

    Now before I get jumped on for this suggestion, consider if we had had enough guys to crack down from the beginning, not only would a lot of great American kids be alive, but a lot more Iraqis would be alive too.

    My issue from the beginning with junior was
    A) not finishing the job in Afghanistan and
    B) not using sufficient force in Iraq to kill the hot heads.

    For this lack and the lack of courage to admit to the American people we need more troops, Bush should be impeached.

  13. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #2 & #3.

    James I usually enjoy your comments, however snide they come across.

    In this case you remind me a little like the toddler who laughed at another for pissing his diaper all the while ignoring his own big smelly load.

  14. Mucous says:

    #12 – Comrade Herman – WOW!

    Don’t forget that we have to give up eating meat, wearing leather/fur owning private property too.

    Oh yeah, no one should be allowed to marry because if there are no spouses, then no one can covet someone else’s spouse and that causes all kinds of problems.

  15. Herman says:


    Land belongs to EVERYONE not only the rich who use it to gain more wealth on the backs of the workers who they use like any other resource, use them up until they are depleted and throw them away. George Bush is an evil man who wants to kill all the non-white people he can in order to steal their resources for his Halliburton friends.

  16. tallwookie says:

    *yawns loudly*

  17. TJGeezer says:

    #17 – Interesting that you characterize Bush as evil. I recall that the main thing two of his Yale professors recalled about him was his utter lack of curiosity about anything. When Hannah Arendt tried to understand how a normal guy like Eichmann could commit the atrocities he did, she concluded it was because of failure to think and exercise a degree of imagination that would have made consequences visible to him. He simply didn’t think clearly.

    Ever seen a Bush quote generator?

    But you’re wrong about all that stuff the US should do. It would leave you and about ten other people the task of burying everybody else who stroked out over it.

    Okay, tallwookie, now I’m putting myself to sleep.

  18. Herman says:

    Interesting that you bring up Adolph Eichmann. He was more of the bookkeeper of the Holocaust, then the planner. The real planner was Reinhard Heydrich ( Heydrich was pure evil, but since he was killed in 1942 (the only Nazi leader targeted by the Allies during the war) he is largely forgotten. He was the one who convinced others to do the dirty work of his vision, much like Baby Bush has done with his people and many of the American people. Like the Nazis his grandfather was, he was corrupted the people to support his illegal wars and has enriched his fat cat friends. It wasn’t the poor who profited from the Third Reich just like this war.

    As for me being wrong, you have been brainwashed by the right wing media to think one more chain will set you free. You need to give up the corporate slavery of America

  19. James Hill says:

    #15 – At least those with my point of view are trying to flush their “stinky load”… despite how obtuse the plan (more troops) seems.

    The “pissy diaper” crowd doesn’t seem to be aware of the stream running down their leg. If they don’t fix it soon, they’ll be out in ’08.

    Do you not agree that a bad plan is better than no plan at all?

  20. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Pulling out is a plan. You may not agree, but it is a plan.

  21. Herman says:

    pedro, you are so blinded by the lies your corporate masters have been feeding you. You try to make fun of me while you scramble for the scraps off their table. Open your eyes and see what is really going on.

  22. Roc Rizzo says:

    I have a plan. Bring the troops home! NOW!!! Cut off all aid to Israel, and let them go at the rest of the factions in the middle east ALONE. Oh, take back the nukes, and planes that we gave them, to even things up a little.
    We also need a plan that includes getting the country off of fossilized dinosaurs, and into newer more renewable forms of energy. A Manhattan Project type of thing.

    Get out of the Middle East, leave them, and everyone there alone. Get off of their oil, and get back to American innovation, like we once were.
    Surely, we can come up with other means of power production. And it shouldn’t have to take a long time.

  23. Sundog says:

    26. I like it. But I dont think oil comes from dinosaurs, other than that, its A-OK.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, #15 – At least those with my point of view are trying to flush their “stinky load”… despite how obtuse the plan (more troops) seems.

    Funny how the crap always hangs around the neo-cons.

    No plan is what we have had for over five years now. First Afghanistan and now Iraq. After all the dead, don’t ask for credit for coming up with a bad plan.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    This slow down “Cowboy” is really annoying.

  26. Frank IBC says:

    We need to disarm to show the world we mean them no harm and apologize for terrorizing them for over 200 years

    This is a joke, isn’t it? (I’m looking in your direction, Pedro.)

    We should also make the United States a gun free zone to stop all the senseless killing

    Yes, that has worked really well in the Dictrict of Columbia, hasn’t it? No citizens are allowed to have firearms of any kind, and yet the murder rate is the same as Colombia or South Africa.

    demand that no CEO makes more than 10 times the lowest paid worker.

    So, assuming that the minimum wage is raised to $7.25/hour, that means that no CEO will make more than $140,000/year. What makes you qualified to decide what a given person’s salary should be?

    We need to outlaw outsourcing so millions won’t be living on the streets

    How many “millions” are “living on the streets”? How many of the homeless are actually in their current predicament because of “outsourcing”? It’s much more a mental healh care problem than an economic problem.

    and nationalize all utilities.

    Why? I’d rather see the Post Office, air traffic control system, etc. privatized.

  27. Frank IBC says:

    I need the comic relief, pedro.

  28. Herman says:

    Maybe if a CEO wants paid more, he should pay his people more, instead of downsizing them so he can steal a few more million.

  29. James Hill says:

    I’m fine with those plans… we’ve had the “What would your plan be?” thread (I killed it in that one, too)… but they’re not coming from the Democratic party.

    Since the Democratic party won on “fixing Iraq”, they need to put a plan forward. They haven’t… hopefully they will after Bush’s speech tonight.

    #28 – I expect better… because you’re totally wrong (as opposed to the usual partially wrong). There was a plan…. for the month it took to take over Afghanistan and the three weeks it took to take over Iraq. The US Military is great at war, horrible at occupation… and for some reason no one wants to admit it. It’s a shame no one wants to “wipe up the mess” that seems to have fallen from the neo-cons on to the Democrats.

    Maybe sometime in the next two years the left will get tired of smelling like shit and find a way to start smelling like roses.

  30. BanGy says:

    You can’t pull out, the second you do Iraq has no shot, it’s not fair to the people of Iraq who are worse off now then they were before. It’s horrible what is going on over there. But it’s nothing compared to what I expect to happen the second you pull out.

    Herman – A Gun free-zone? are you kidding me. Just look at the current administration, do you really want them to be the only people with guns? I guess you must really trust your government.


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