Sweeping gay rights laws have been upheld in Britain despite protests by faith groups.

The legislation, a cornerstone of Britain’s efforts to promote equal rights, would ban discrimination in the provision of goods and services on the basis of sexuality in a similar way to laws banning sex and race discrimination.

Human rights experts say the legislation would bring British law closer to that of other nations.

Britain introduced civil partnerships for gay couples in December 2005, giving them the same rights as heterosexuals.

“Either we hold human rights to be universal or we do not” — is the question ignored by homophobes.

  1. rjisinspired says:

    #40 In the case of religious fanatisism, many relgions would deserve a label since how many gay and lesbians push as hard to oust out the church via intolerance and agendas? None that I know of. I never had heard anyone of a gay lifestyle tell me I’m destined to hell, or I cannot do a certain thing because it wasn’t morally, or PC, correct. To be frank, I’m scared about a lot of religious people.

    When an organized establishment tries to coax the public to believe what they want others to believe then my label toward many religions is deservingly valid.

    Gay people do not bother anyone. There will always be both straight and gay people

  2. ECA says:

    And here I THOUGHT, that religion was to TEACH, us the right way to live our lives, and NOT Judge our sins, UNTIL we were dead.
    AND THEN not even in public, as we WILL be judged AFTER death.
    If you believe in that way.


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