December 29-31 Extreme Ice Storm South Central Nebraska — An excellent photo essay. Some unique pics. ~8,000 people are still without power, and some will not have power for another 3-4 weeks. Estimated damage is currently at nearly $60 million.

found by Nate Saathoff
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  1. Snowman says:

    This is surprising, I thought humankind controlled weather.

    What really is surprising, though, is that more great pictures aren’t taken and distributed of the temporary brilliant crystaline landscapes these storms create.


  2. JEG says:

    I live in the area, this is about the closest I have seen to national media coverage of it. Probably won’t have power for weeks at home, exept for generators.

    I do have some great pictures though.

  3. Raff says:

    I was in one of those in tennessee. back in 93.. didn’t have power for a week.. sure was pretty though.. except for all the trees that got flattened.

  4. Jeff says:

    I live in eastern Nebraska. The worst part is that they’re possibly in for more of the same (freezing rain and ice) in the next day or two. It is beautiful but brutal.

  5. Aaron says:

    Yep and after this weekend the temps aren’t suppose to climb over the 20’s for a while. Glad I’m just east of it and I’ve got power.

  6. Ed Roberts says:

    There was SOME coverage of it. NBC went out and visited several days ago. Using the excuse that no one could get into the area because of the ice until then.

    3 inches of ice is an incredible event. Electrical towers crumpled with the weight. Amazing stuff.

  7. Curt Fields says:

    Nobody asked for welfare or government assistaance.

  8. Johnny Rollerfeet says:

    George Bush hates Nebraskans.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    I wonder what Pat Robertson’s take on this is… God hates Nebraskans?

  10. ECA says:

    Iv seen much worse..
    Ask portland Or, about ICE storms..

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Bush doesn’t like Portland either?

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #10 Or, about ICE storms..

    ICE storms… it gotta hurt to get hit by one of those…

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ok, guys, this is really pretty to look at and you can get some fantastic pictures. But if you live there it is a whole different story.

    I wish every one hit by this storm the best and may it warm up a bit.

  14. TJGeezer says:

    I wintered in Omaha once, working for a wire service. A couple nasty storms but… THREE INCHES of ice? Wow. Glad I’m looking at pictures, not living through it. Sending thoughts of warm hearths your way.

  15. JT says:

    We just had a nasty ice storm in the St Louis area on Dec 1st. The last time we had an ice storm of this magnitude was 1978. It makes you wonder what’s going on with our weather. I was walking around my neighborhood while the ice was accumulating and it was surreal. It was a near constant sound of cracking tree limbs and exploding electrical transformers with the sky lighting up with each electrical line shorting out. We lost power for 3 days but many were without power for a week. I thought we had it bad until viewing the photos of NE and KS linked here. Until you’ve experienced an ice storm first hand, it is the most damaging widespread weather phenomenon short of a hurricane. It is what I would call a beautiful disaster. I posted a few pictures of the St Louis ice storm on Webshots here

  16. We’ll post any and all cool pics…

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    It is what I would call a beautiful disaster.

    Now that is pretty morbid.

  18. Juan Cardona says:

    If you liked these images just check these from the same guy

    I wonder what fanatic christians or ufologists think when they see this…

  19. natefrog says:

    Bad thing is that this was the area’s second pounding in about one week’s time. The previous (not as severe) ice storm caused some major damage to trees and power infrastructure the week before. The utilities had recovered for the most part (as far as I know) and then this storm walloped the already strained utilities. And it’s looking like possibly another major ice storm is setting its sights on the area this weekend.

    I drove down Interstate 80 a few hours after the pictures of those accidents were taken, and the vehicles were all still there. Funny thing; roughly 25% of the accidents (most single-vehicle, non-injury) were with cars, 25% semis, and 50% of the accidents involved SUVs and/or 4×4 trucks!

    #18) That guy is a pretty good photographer. He has some great pictures of a storm I also chased near Grand Island, NE (no tornadoes, though) at the link below. The GI area certainly gets some strange weather.

    -natefrog (Nate Saathoff)

  20. Angela says:

    Can you get any pictures of the down power lines? The big ones made of metal?

  21. Tim O'Brien says:

    There were actually 2 bad ice storms within 2 weeks in Nebraska! I took a bunch of pictures of the first one at Flickr


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