Former nuclear weapons workers have questioned why the federal government buried records that they say could help determine if exposure to radiation and other industrial toxins made them sick, a newspaper reported.

About 400 boxes of records from the Mound nuclear weapons plant in Miamisburg [OH] were buried in 2005 at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. The records, which tested positive for radioactive contamination, were declared a health threat and had little overall value, officials with the U.S. Department of Energy said.

About 700 former workers or their survivors have filed 1,143 cases with a federal atomic worker compensation program, claiming toxins from the plant caused cancer and other illnesses. Compensation totaling $21.4 million has been granted in 149 cases so far.

Mike Gibson, who worked at the plant for 22 years, said he doesn’t think federal health officials can confidently determine whether illnesses are work-related without knowing what’s in the buried documents.

“The whole process just has a smell to it,” Gibson said.

Anyone surprised at bureaucrats burying records relating to radioactive dangers — because they’re dangerously radioactive — and, then, saying there’s nothing relevant in the records?

  1. Jerk-Face says:

    God, if they were smart they would have buried the workers along with the files. Doesn’t anyone in the government watch the X-Files?!

  2. tallwookie says:

    i guess not

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    This would be so funny if people’s health wasn’t in question.

  4. joshua says:

    Only goverment workers couln’t see the connect between workers with possible radiation ills and the fact they just buried office files from the same plant that were contaminated by radiation.
    And they wonder why people have no confidence in our goverment.

    God Bless America

  5. George of the city says:

    Funny this guy worked there 22 years and did not realise he was in a hazerdous industry? I work in such a place I am aware of the dangers. If you are not you have not been paying attention in your safety meetings. Also we are checked monthly for any contamation. The last guy who tried to sue them was told by the judge if you are awareof the danger and still choose to work there it is your problem. That is why we have the meetings and have to sign a paper that we have been informed of the dangers.

  6. TJGeezer says:

    I wonder if they WERE made aware of the danger ahead of time. That’s the big question here, seems to me.

  7. KB says:

    This is such a bigger story than people realize. The coverup is working.


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