Next up: “You’re under arrest” banned because being under arrest assumes you did something naughty before being to court.

‘Wanted’ photos ‘may breach rights’

Police have refused to release photographs of two escaped murderers, claiming it might breach their human rights.

Killers Jason Croft and Michael Nixon are among 13 inmates to have absconded from Sudbury open jail in Derbyshire in the past two months.

Despite the fact that only two have been caught – and that the killers are still on the loose – Derbyshire Police said the public do not have a right to know what the convicts look like.

A spokesman for Derbyshire Police said: “When making a decision to release any photograph, police forces must take into account numerous factors including the public interest test, whether there is a strong local policing purpose and, of course, the Human Rights and Data Protection Acts.

“Photographs of named people that are in police possession are classed as data and their release is restricted by law.

  1. SN says:

    This story is related to one I posted a while ago. A jeweler in the UK could not publish a picture of the woman who constantly robbed them because of the alleged human rights of the perpetrator.

  2. John says:

    So the sex offender registries in the states would be illegal? That’s nice to know. Of course this comes from the same country that says you can’t defend yourself in your house while being robbed.

  3. joshua says:

    Coming to a theater near you!!!!!!!

    I’m not surprised by this…..the Brit’s **pussyed** out of common sense years ago.

    This is a country where killing little kids will get you life….12 years……but racial slurs can get you 35 years.

  4. MikeN says:

    Well, where would you draw the line? Maybe next they’ll put you on a wanted poster…

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Gee Pedro – Are police listening to some human rights activists? Are there human rights activists in the story? Have you ever seen a mob picketting against photos of escaped felons? What the hell are you talking about?

    Read the story.

  6. Michael says:

    they actually said they know its not in breech of human rights to publish these pictures… but to do so would be such an inconvenience… “HERE are two people who escaped while serving for murder” doesn’t sound good for the police now, does it?

  7. MRS B A SOMMER says:



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