Hasta La Vista, Social Security

About to become law is an agreement allowing illegal aliens to get Social Security benefits after only 18 months of employment in the U.S., further burdening a system on the brink of collapse.

Surveys have shown that more Americans believe in the existence of unidentified flying objects than in the promise that they’ll ever get back what they’ve put into the Social Security system. It also is against current law for employers knowingly to hire individuals who are in this country illegally.

So it must be somewhat disconcerting for them to find out that about to become law is an agreement signed on June 29, 2004, between the U.S. Commissioner of Social Security and the director general of the Mexican Social Security Institute that allows illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits if they have as little as 18 months of employment history. U.S. citizens must show 10 years, or 40 quarters of job history, to collect benefits.

The first public copy of the U.S.-Mexico Totalization Agreement has been obtained, and, no, it wasn’t on the first page of the New York Times. It was obtained after three years of wrangling and a Freedom of Information Act request by the TREA Senior Citizens League (tscl.org) which represents more than 1 million seniors. And, as the saying goes, the devil is in the details.

In a review requested by Congress, the Government Accounting Office said the agreement with Mexico involves “highly uncertain” costs and would affect the long-term solvency of the Social Security Trust Fund if the SSA has underestimated the number of beneficiaries by more than 25%.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Let see those Dems tackle this. My guess, they will do nothing, if they even acknowledge it at all.
    They are just like the Republicans, all talk no action.

  2. Joe says:

    My Guess is that most government officals want to do away with Social security anyways, so the faster it can go bankrupt, the happier these officals will be

  3. Joe says:

    or, what better way to catch & return illegals then the offer of free money from the government.

    I mean if you apply for benefits, I’m sure their going to ask for your current immigration status, if you admit your an illegal, well, by law they have to chuck you back, if you lie, & they catch you, its prison then a return trip home.

    I don’t see many illegals going to go get benefits. They’d have to be pretty stupid if they did

  4. joshua says:

    It’s a damn shame that an American citizen has less rights than an illegal.
    A good friend, 24, same as I am, had a massive heart attack, which led to a bunch of problems for him, was told he couldn’t work for maybe years. He applied for Social Scurity Disability (he’s worked since he was 14). He was denied because he didn’t have the last 10 years employed with enough quarters, they gave him SSI. But Mr. Illegal Julio Zapata, still dusty from his trip through the desert of southern Arizona, can work 18 months and if he’s 65 can retire, and get Medicare……….

    I’ve just decided that it’s time to refresh the tree of Liberty with the blood of revolution…starting with non-elected bureaucrats and then heading down to the White House and Congress for more.
    Only problem is that no one will fight, they will be to busy gaming, watching Survivor and yakking on their precious cell phones to be bothered.

    I’m 24 y/o and I see a future not worth bothering with. Who wants to live on a trashed out, polluted planet with no rights, except to pay taxes and die.

  5. Jennifer Emick says:

    I’m sure I’ll get jumped on for saying this, but this can actually be a good thing- more payers now means we might have some SS left after the baby boomers are retired.

  6. ECA says:

    For a group of people(politicians) saying the Sky is falling the Sky is falling…
    Its interesting that they are selling shares in clouds..

  7. JoaoPT says:

    My view (and I’m not on the same continent) on the subject is that the countries north of Panama istmos should form an Economical union and open the borders. A kind of EU. Free circulation of goods and workers.
    Don’t kid yourself thinking the US doesn’t need workers. You do. And those immigrants need jobs too. The only way do balance the exodus is to balance the economies.
    But that won’t happen. Not while US enjoys the SuperPower Status…Maybe in 30 to 50 years when India and China economies grow over the US econ. and US is no longer the #1 Power, but the #3 or #4. And military power no longer cuts it. War is too costly.

  8. dave says:

    Wow! If this passes, the unintended consequences of this could be staggering, especially for a large group of people who are used to broking laws by jumping the border and stealing identities. I think I will get into the business of forging documents, as this will create a huge demand for all Mexican senior citizens to steal the identity of an American retiree without even leaving Mexico. They could also list themselves as self-employed with a US postal drop, pay 18 months of minimum SS deductions, then retire, once again, never leaving Mexico. And once you start paying SS benefits to the remotest parts of Mexico, will the family really report a death, or keep cashing the checks?

    And what about all the identity theft? I read where over 1200 people are using a single social security number. Will they all get individual retirements?

    Stupid enough that only our Fed government could think of it.

  9. RTaylor says:

    As long as they stay resident, it’s probably cheaper than welfare and free medical care. I do have a problem when they return to their home country, live at a higher standard than US retirees can, and return to the US when they have major medical problems.

  10. Steve S says:

    “I, for one, welcome our new illegal alien overlords”

    Couldn’t help my self. As the Borg say, “Resistance is futile”.


  11. ECA says:

    there is aome contention for this.
    The corps dont want it as the wages in mexico are 1/10 those in the US.
    corps dont want it as the EPA, environmental protection agency, ISNT in mexico and polution is rampant from US factories over there.
    Corps dont want it, as the tourist traps would have to start paying LIVING wages to employees, when they charge US customers $100+ per day for a stay at the beach.
    The rich dont want it, as those rich in Mexico would become, ALMOST, Poor, when all the prices whent thru the ROOF.
    the mex Gov dont want it because they get KICK BACKS, for not bothering the US Business’s, for there Actions on employee concerns.. You can be fired for stubbing your TOE.

    Want more??

  12. joshua says:

    #9…JoaoPT….I actually like the idea. But as ECA says, **it aint gonna happen**.

    #5…Pedro….I know ….believe me I know, the whole world is nukin futs.
    I spend a great deal of time in the UK…when my mates and I go to the local for a few pints, it dosen’t take long before they start ragging me about being a Yank.(good natured of course) They start down the list of whats wrong with America and it’s people…..from Bush to education, taxes, illegals, and the list goes on and on. Some nights, if I’ve passed my quiet, but sociable limit of 4 pints(yep, I’m a happy, but cheap drunk) I might actually argue with them about each thing they bring up, but most nights I just let them go on until they finish….one night last year, when they were done ripping the US apart, they asked me what I had to say….and I told them that everything they said, I agreed with, except take the word Yank out and replace it with Britain. It’s no better there than here, and when they get done having a go with me, they agree. Western society in paticular has lost it’s senses. And the sad part is, that I don’t think any of us will ever get them back.

  13. joshua says:

    sorry Pedro…that should have been #6.

  14. JoaoPT says:

    Yes. I’m on a country that if it weren’t the EU it was long gone bankrupt. it’ still struggles not to be left behind, and still run in the Euro (the currency) space. But, some areas like Lisbon (the capital) and some areas around get to be in the 110% on EU average, while some other remain in the 65% of average. Of course it didn’t suit the interests of Germany and France and UK to be pulling the economies of small countries like mine, but on the other hand they get a larger “internal” market… These things take ages and it will take generations to really level up, if ever. But in the end we all benefit. It’s a mindset. Like I said before, only when the so-called third world of India and China starts to bite back, the US and the rest of the North America will start to ponder… meanwhile expect some more social conturbation derived from so heavily assymetric population living next door…

  15. ECA says:

    OR those corps in the US balance there assets, and offset wages for the Upper groups…
    There is no reason(that I can see) that the TOP of a corp should be makeing 1000 TIMES what most of the employees do.
    It adds to the cost of goods, when 20% of the cost of goods is PAY for those on the top.
    When the Top wages are lowered, then the prices of goods go down, the cost of Building goes down, Wages can go down(abit), Cost of living goes down, Land prices go down…WHICH WOULD BE WONDERFUL…
    BUT, this would also increase the value of other nations money, it would be more EQUAL to the US… the EURO would be inflated then.
    But, the Value of the US dollar would be MORE.

  16. Lawrence says:

    God Bless America. May She Rest In Peace.

  17. tallwookie says:


    freakin mexicans invaliding through the sewers, batman!

  18. ECA says:

    You getting the point very well.
    Drug lords dont want it, they make to much money.
    If we let in Every Mexican into the US, how many jobs in lower income would DROP?? and HOW LOW??
    the mecican gov Cant control there OWN country, there is VERY little infrastructure, How much would it cost to rebuild ALL of Mexico??

  19. Samantha says:

    This is so pathetic…there is nothing more you can really say. This country bends over backwards for illegal aliens. Illegal’s who are defiant, in your face and disrespectful. Why shouldn’t they be? Our government and President is handing the country over to them. There has to be something in this for the President that we don’t know about. Why would he proceed with open borders and the possibility of amnesty knowing how most Americans are so vehemently against it. There is something far more sinister going on here.

  20. Sandi says:

    I just learned about this from my father. Is there anything we can do at this point? Letter writing?

  21. Kristin says:

    The issue of illegal aliens is out of control. For God’s sake, we need to stop them from entering our country, get rid of the people who come here, get food stamps, housing, free health care, welfare and have kids. Then they clog up the school system, public works, cause car accidents, take American jobs. Why are we putting up with this? Now we are going to give them money for breaking into our country? Furthermore, they are told by physicians in their own countries to go to America for medical treatment if they can not afford health care in their own because we will give it to them for free. They step off the plane and are driven by ambulance to the nearest hospital free of charge. They did a big story on the Nightly News about this practice. People from Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, etc. and we foot the bill. God forbid we take care of the poor father of 4 that has cancer and can’t work and needs surgery. No, he’s an American, so take his house, seize his car, sell his dog, whatever he has. Additionally, our soldiers in Iraq who are injured get a lower quality of care than these criminals. What the hell is wrong with everyone? Charity starts at home. We need to shut our doors and throw away the key, and ship these criminals back to where they came from, not give them social security benefits. For the moron that said the more people paying into the system, the more money we will have. How much do you think these thieves will contribute to the system in a mere 18 months? Not enough to justify their existence in this country. Gas up the boats and the planes and let’s get rid of them!

  22. BoBy Backmestup says:

    My back is all screwed up from an industrial accident and I’m raising my son on what little I get. Not only did I work long enogh to deserve my rights I served my country. Now here’s some screwed up Politicians who we know are going to line there pockets like they did with welfare, oH ya!!! lets not forget what happen there. Politicians and landlords got rich off the goverment and many areas went to shit with drugs and crime. Now thier trying to clean up all that mess, but it keeps geting passed on generation to generation. Shit! free money again? there wont be anybody in Mexico to call it a country anymore they’ll all be up here. GOD BLESS AMERICA?????????


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