What?? You thought you could use it to buy things too??? Bwaaaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha

No Plastic, No Service

Snaps owner Margarita Uricoechea serves up French crepes and other specialty items that draw young professionals and students. It’s a demographic that’s used to technology and does not consider Snap’s “no cash” policy to be a hardship.

The decision made plenty of sense to Snap’s owner.

“I know exactly how many sales we had–and I don’t have to go to the bank,” Uricoechea said.

Plus, not having cash makes her feel safer.

“When we close late at night, I don’t have to worry about being held up on the street,” she said.

Believe it or not, it is legal for Snap to refuse cash. By law, cash must be accepted to pay for all taxes and debts. But there is no federal law mandating that a private business must accept cash.

Snap’s owner says the policy has upset only a few of her customers. Although she’s well aware of online bloggers, some of whom say her policy discriminates against those who can’t afford a credit or debit card. Others say plastic forces people to identify themselves.

Notice how the owner’s words are filled with “I” “I” “I” , and how it is good for her her her. What’s next, you have to have a PayPal account to eat there?

I’ll take my business elsewhere, thank ye vedi much….

Found by GregA.

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    #37: You can accept payment in chickens if you want. The only requirement is to pay your taxes on your income, even if you have to, in that case, determine the market value of chickens.

  2. Mark says:

    39. So come May 15, I’d like to send my chickens (and plenty of chicken shit) to the IRS. I’ll bet that’ll fly. Ha.

  3. Mark says:

    41. Damn, too early, try April 15th.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    I have a new name for Margarita’s Uoiwhatchamacallit’s café:

    Snobs & Hos

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The Japanese and their pay-with-your-cellphone technology
    >>are moving in the right direction.

    Christ. I’m still waiting for a cell phone I can reliably make and receive calls on in most major metropolitan areas. Given the quality of cell phone service in the US, paying with your cell phone would be like paying by rolling a pair of dice.

  6. JohnB says:

    I personally think we’d be better off if we didn’t have to deal with cash for any transactions. I wouldn’t miss a pocket full of pennies, the prospect of being robbed after pulling $200 from the ATM, or being hit up for change by someone who may use any proffered change from food or, more likely, cigarettes or alcohol.

    Yes, there are privacy issues by getting rid of cash. But, with cameras on every street corner and in every restaurant/bar/gas station known to man, our privacy is pretty much shot anyhow.

    What ever happened to micropayments? Wasn’t there something like crypto-cash to deal with these things? Or, did that die an unfortunate death because someone couldn’t find a way to rake in the profits?

    btw, I’m all for credit card only restaurants. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. I didn’t like Snapple commercials, so I don’t buy Snapple. I thought the DIVX DVD was the biggest consumer nightmare ever, so I don’t buy from Circuit City. And I don’t like DRM, so I don’t buy from iTunes. The market will (or should) support what consumers want.

  7. SN says:

    God, I cannot believe I’m the first who posted the real reason the cafe refuses cash.

    It’s in DC!

    DC is overrun with the homeless.

    The homeless occasionally carry money, but never carry credit cards.

    Does that give anyone a clue?!

  8. joshua says:

    #46…SN….Uhhhhh, I know this one….wait, I know it…..it means the Homeless CAN leave the tip??????

  9. sirfelix says:

    There are plenty of 4 star eateries that accept ONLY CASH. They get the same complaints. Try paying $120 for dinner for 4 with a wallet full of plastic.
    America’s motto should be: If you don’t like it, change it or accept it. Otherwise shut the hell up.

  10. Brian says:


    I am sure there wasn’t signage at said store that said pennies were refused. This business owner chooses to not accept cash – it’s posted, it’s legit.

    Just like many places won’t accept bills larger than $20 or whatever, even though your $50 says ‘legal tender’ on it, they have the right to refuse it. Just like it’s YOUR right to refuse to do service there.

    Anyways, who uses cash anymore? And can you people be any more paranoid? ‘Oh my god the government is monitoring my purchases!’ I think the government has bigger fish to fry than watching you pay for your cheesy poofs and dr. pepper on a credit card.

  11. ECA says:

    I have to ask this….

    HOW rich are you BASTARDS…yes its spelled correctly…

    FINE, le thte banks have your money and transact EVERY THING…
    WOW, what a way to trace it all. Sounds like a TV drama…
    I know where you eat, sleep, pay your bills.

    DID you know that a state LAW has prohibited the paying of your BILL with a credit card?? How about buying booze..DEBIT, NOT credit..

  12. BgScryAnml says:

    If you don’t mind having your purchases tracked, perhaps you will mind when it gets to this point. Technology is a tool, it can be used or misused.


    Watch this CNBC Special for more information.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, SN, I thought that was the best post yet, then,…

    #47, joshua, that is good.


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