A French court ruled Tuesday that an organization with far-right links can continue offering pork soup to the homeless, rejecting police complaints that the food distribution was racist.

Police banned the soup kitchen last month, arguing that the handouts discriminated against Jews and Muslims who do not eat pork on religious grounds.

The administrative court said the distribution was “clearly discriminatory,” but could not be stopped because the organizers offered to feed anyone who asked for help.

The SDF group may have right-wing politics; but, they’ve obeyed both the letter and spirit of the law by offering their charity to anyone who would accept it. If religious hangups prevent someone from accepting it — that’s their problem not the charity’s.

  1. Improbus says:

    Oy Vey!

  2. Stu Mulne says:

    As a Jew, my reaction has to be “Oy Vey” at the least….

    However, as someone who’s not at all happy with “Political Correctness”, it’s hilarious….

    If their intent was to prick the PC forces, great….

    If they’re really trying to be discriminatory, though, it’s another story.



  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #2, Stu,
    They are trying to be discriminatory. They know certain religions forbid pork and that is why they provide it.

    The same happens with the Salvation Army and many others where you are fed only after some religious indoctrination. If you don’t want the soup and a sermon, don’t eat there.

  4. Jordan Louis says:

    Beggars can’t be choosers.

    If they bothered to read their holy books once in a while before getting outraged, they would see that there are provisions made for those who must eat what is available, pork or not.

    I’d imagine that those who are forced to rely on handouts are thus excused by such provisions. I would not imagine a God existing who would rather his creations starve than disobey a rule for those who can obey it: I would think that God would rather preserve life.

  5. Jordan Louis says:

    It would be interesting to compare the price of pork to that of other meats in that particular region of France. That alone would likely tell you whether they serve pork by necessity or for the sake of petty racism: if they are willing to spend more to get pork, the offense is intentional – if they are buying the cheapest meat possible, they are trying to help as many people as they can.

  6. god says:

    So, selling pork products is not racist. Giving away pork products is racist.

    Religious people are crazier than ever!

  7. Cursor_ says:

    Again more garbage. So they feed people pork soup. If you want hand-outs from some fascists in teh first place you should have your head examined.

    The other point is that those still following the food taboos are guilty of hating the jew known as Jesus. As HE said that those taboos do NOT apply and that keeping to them is just keeping tradition for tradition’s sake rather than being righteous in any way.

    I find it VERY odd that in Genesis God made all the animals and SAID THEY WERE GOOD and then suddenly changes his mind and says SOME are unclean and thereby BAD.

    Sounds like either they changed gods or someone has slipped crap into their holy books… wouldn’t be the first time.


  8. Terry Newton says:

    #6-well duh,,yes!

  9. W says:

    The real problem is religious rules. Should rational people really have to respect all these goofy observances. If the group is trying to get a rise out of Muslims or Jews they have their own hang ups. They are even buying into the ban ideology.

  10. tallwookie says:

    Racism and eating flesh have nothing in common (excluding some kind of weird cult) – this is just plain religious stupidity. If there are homeless people in france that are making the decision to either not eat free food on religous grounds or die from starvation, then they are MAKING A CHOICE and have no grounds on which to complain about it.

    The real question is – is it the poor jews who are complaining, or the rich ones? And why arent the rich ones more compassionate?

  11. huskergrrl says:

    Not only are they discriminating against those of the Muslim and Jewish faiths, but this is blatant discrimination against vegetarians! And what about frutarians? If I were one of those homeless people, I personally would be outraged by the lack of sushi and prime rib offered on the menu.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    You guys have still missed the link. They are intensionally giving away free pork soup to offend Jews and Muslims. They are not discriminating because they will offer it free to anyone willing to take it. If they only gave it away to non-Jews and non-Muslims then it would be illegal.

    This is a right wing outfit (similar to the Republican Party in the US) demonstrating the kind of armpits they are. If you don’t like it, don’t enjoy their free food.

  13. Angel H. Wong says:


    I couldn’t agree more. From experience I know that people who do charity are not always kind and I’m sure Paul MacArtney has quite an experience with it.

  14. Esteban says:

    Next week, they’re going to start giving free cappuccinos to indigent Mormons.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15 (&14), good points. LOL

  16. Jägermeister says:

    #3, 13

    You’re correct, Mr. Fusion. “Charity” is just to win the minds of people. In my eyes, the Government should do these handouts to homeless and other people in need.

  17. joshua says:

    This party is far-right. They are a nationalist party that is anti-semetic and anti immigrant(read Muslim). They have run the soup kitchens all over France for some time and the group that brought the complaint was hoping this would force them to close up or change. It obviously didn’t work.
    The Pork soup though is a national dish eaten by Frenchmen for a couple hundred years, especially the poor, since the ingrediants are very cheap, but nutitious.

    While I understand your daily need to bash conservatives Mr. Fusion, this group is so far right, they make the Republicans look Liberal.

  18. 2xbob says:

    While I’ll agree that it is not an inclusive practice, it is free food. They are giving it away. If I ran a soup kitchen and was told by police that my food wasn’t inclusive enough, I would pack up and leave.

  19. Mike Novick says:

    Who cares if they’re discriminating and only serving some people? Shouldn’t that be their right? As it is, they’re serving everyone. What’s next, charities that serve meat aren’t serving vegetarians, but those that don’t serve meat are being too cheap?

  20. ECA says:

    you can find 1 food thats CHEAP that can feed everyone…TELL them and they might change.

  21. Jägermeister says:


    Brown beans:?

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, joshua,
    While I understand your daily need to bash conservatives Mr. Fusion, this group is so far right, they make the Republicans look Liberal.
    Comment by joshua — 1/3/2007 @ 7:05 pm

    Like the Republicans don’t do things just as asinine and ridiculous?



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