Press Report from the University of Florida:

Heading back to work after the holidays can be tough at the best of times, but a recent study suggests the reluctance some feel about heading back to the office has more to do with their boss than anything else.

The report from the University of Florida claims two out of five bosses are liars, nearly a quarter of those managers invaded their employees’ privacy and nearly 30 percent bad-mouthed those they supervise to co-workers.

“They say that employees don’t leave their job or company, they leave their boss,” said Wayne Hochwarter, an associate professor of management in the College of Business at Florida State University.

Doctoral students at the university surveyed more than 700 people working in a variety of jobs about how they’re treated by their boss.

Researchers found that a healthy and relaxing work environment is often more important to employees than pay. Workers who have to deal with poor relationships on the job are more likely to face stress, nervousness, depressed moods and mistrust, leading to lower productivity for the company.

“They (employees) were less likely to take on additional tasks, such as working longer or on weekends and were generally less satisfied with their job,” the study found.

“Also, employees were more likely to leave if involved in an abusive relationship, than if dissatisfied with pay.”

The findings of the study include:

  • 39 per cent of workers said their supervisor failed to keep promises.
    37 per cent said their supervisor failed to give credit when due.
    31 per cent said their supervisor gave them the “silent treatment” in the last year.
    27 per cent said their supervisor made negative comments about them to other employees or managers.
    24 per cent said their supervisor invaded their privacy.
    23 per cent said their supervisor blamed others to cover up mistakes or to minimize embarrassment.
  • Hochwarter said it’s important to stay positive if you’re suffering under bad boss.

    “It is important to stay positive, even when you get irritated or discouraged, because few subordinate-supervisor relationships last forever,” he said.

    “You want the next boss to know what you can do for the company.”

    1. ECA says:

      Whats NEW??

    2. Named says:

      IN Other NEWS…

      3/5 BOSSES lie about LIEING!

    3. The Boss says:

      Whoever said this about me is lying!

    4. bill says:

      Ths is so true.

    5. Mr. Fusion says:

      I’m surprised that the numbers are so low. On the other hand, if interviewed how many bosses would say similar things about their employees.

    6. tallwookie says:

      Boss 1
      Me 0

    7. Mike says:

      At least with most of these jobs, you can quit when you get tired of the BS. Join the military and see how bad it can get when you have an idiot in charge of you.

    8. Mike Johnson says:

      Sounds like shoddy research to me. I would be willing to bet all bosses lie occasionally and 9 out of 10 make a habit of it. Lying is the accepted way to get ahead in America and the proof of that is in the White House and every large corporation in the world. Read a few resumes from any group of successful job applicants and you will see it is also the best way to get the job in the first place.

      I taught my children that you are either an asshole boss or you work for one. There is plenty of good research that shows people have no hesitation in abusing any authority given to them, again the proof is in the White House.

      Like others said before me, what’s new?

    9. GregA says:

      Found a cool story to blog here…

      About a credit only restaurant. They dont accept cash. Sign of things to come?

    10. Jägermeister says:


      Interesting and scary story. 😉

    11. George of the city says:

      The only time i came close to being fired was when I called a boss a MF liar. I had to apoligise for calling him a MF. The lying was never denied.

    12. James Hill says:

      I like my boss. Does that put me in the minority?

    13. Greg Allen says:

      Remember the “Peter Principle”?

      “In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”

      Here’s my “GregAllen Principle”:

      “In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise no further than his personal ethics allow. ”

    14. Higghawker says:

      As an auto worker, I find my boss will say or do anything to get his way. What really makes me cringe is there seems to be more and more people today that want to be management pleasers. I’m saying this nicely! In my line of work you don’t always jump when the boss says jump. What happened to employees gaining the respect of their bosses by doing good work? I find it very hard to respect anyone who lies. When you can’t rely on someones word, what do they have left?

    15. kenzey says:

      Sounds like my boss to a tee!! If I didn’t know better I would think he took # 1 on the list. If getting a degree in being number one ass gets you the job I’LL stick to what I do keep thinking to myself what a jerk he is and go on with my day. Good luck ya’ll!! Sounds like WE ALL need to clean house

    16. KB says:

      Here’s my “GregAllen Principle”:
      “In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise no further than his personal ethics allow. ”

      On the money !

    17. Mucous says:

      “Researchers found that a healthy and relaxing work environment is often more important to employees than pay.”

      I’ve always loved these studies that try and tell us little we all value pay. If your pay is above a certain acceptable level, the other thing start to matter. Below that level and moolah is the main focus.

      As far as the study goes, aren’t “management communications” classes simply training on either how to lie or how not to actually commit to anything?

    18. TheBoss says:

      Aha! Caught you goofing off reading a blog on the internet.! How many times do I have to tell you to get your lazy ass back to work! Dvorak, these are my employees and I’d appreciate you leaving them alone.
      I’m watching you….

    19. Mr. Fusion says:

      #14, I like my boss. Does that put me in the minority?
      Comment by James Hill — 1/2/2007 @ 11:01 pm

      No, most spouses like their boss.

      Ok, just yanking your chain James. Keep the peace bro.

    20. Creek Critter says:

      3/5… they must have had to look under a rock for those bosses.

      Aren’t bosses REQUIRED to lie to their employees? I have not ever had one boss in my 51 years here on earth who has not lied to me.


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