ASSOCIATED PRESS – December 29, 2006 via

The North Carolina bar filed the ethics charges Thursday, accusing District Attorney Mike Nifong of violating four rules of professional conduct by making misleading and inflammatory comments about the athletes under suspicion.

The bar cited 41 quotations and eight paraphrased statements made to newspaper and TV reporters, saying many of them amounted to ”improper commentary about the character, credibility and reputation of the accused.”

Among them:

— Referring to the lacrosse players as ”a bunch of hooligans.”

— ”I am convinced there was a rape, yes, sir.”

— ”One would wonder why one needs an attorney if one was not charged and had not done anything wrong.”

Nifong also is charged with breaking a rule against ”dishonesty, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation.” The bar said that when DNA testing failed to find any evidence a lacrosse player raped the accuser, Nifong told a reporter the players might have used condoms.

According to the bar, Nifong knew that assertion was misleading, because he had received a report from an emergency room nurse in which the accuser said her attackers did not use condoms.

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  1. N. Eric Phillips says:

    Nice Guy:

    Yeah. I am full of crap. I should agree with you totally. This black ho comes in, promises to suck the white boys cock, double crosses him- wont put out. She deserved what she got, didn’t she. i bet you would have done the same thing. Raped her. how dare a black whore turn down a white boy.

    nice guy… you are a racist bastard.

  2. letter from Huston says:

    Comparing LAX case to that of Scottsboro Nine

    I am a college instructor who teaches criminal justice and a criminal defense attorney. In my entire career I have never seen such a bizarre and unfair case as the one against three Duke lacrosse players.

    I teach a class about a similar case in American history, the Scottsboro Nine. In March 1931, a group of nine black teen-agers was charged with rape on incredibly flimsy evidence in Scottsboro, Ala. The nine were originally charged with the rape of two white women. Even after one woman testified that she lied about the rape, the nine teens continued to face rape charges and the threat of death by execution.

    In the Scottsboro case, the two women were part-time prostitutes, but that didn’t matter, nor did it matter that at least one of the boys was known to be physically unable to have sex, and two of the boys were only 13. Like Durham, the real issue was race.

    In Scottsboro, nine young men were wrongly charged and condemned because they were black, and today the Duke lacrosse players have, in my opinion, been wrongly charged and condemned because they are white and the alleged victim is black.

    The one constant with respect to the two cases is racism. I often ask my students if it possible for blacks to discriminate against whites in the same type of mindless ignorance as the KKK or the way the mob went after the Scottsboro Nine. The answer I receive is yes, and my students point to Durham as proof.


  3. Nice Guy says:


    Just like I said, you’re full of crap, and I’m not going to humor you.

  4. Chapel Hill says:

    It’s all about race


    The mentality of those who have railroaded the three Duke lacrosse players can be illustrated no better than with the gross analogy put forth by Kim Brummell in her July 16 letter. Like her hero Mike Nifong, she operates without facts. The film “A Time To Kill” told a story of KKK hoodlums who raped and beat a pre-adolescent black child and left her for dead. Her father was found not guilty for killing them because his reaction was so understandable in such a circumstance. Let’s do a 180-degree turn and get back to reality in Durham. The strippers in the lacrosse case are not innocent children and have extensive criminal histories of their own. Mike Nifong is certainly no actor. If he had that craft at his disposal perhaps most of the public would not have been so repulsed when he told a crowd on his campaign trail that he wasn’t going to let it be said that a black woman can be raped by privileged white men at Duke University and get away with it in Durham, N.C. The heck this case isn’t about race. That’s all it’s about. It sure isn’t about facts and evidence. Using the film “A Time To Kill” and suggesting that it has any relationship to the Duke lacrosse case is inciteful idiocy and tailor-made for the race-baiters living in “Nifong Land.” There’s an Al Pacino film called “And Justice For All.” I and many others will need to employ no dramatic license to say that its script will be played out in this case. All “cosmic justice” seekers look elsewhere.

    Chapel Hill

  5. Sharon says:

    Debrah Correll,

    Let me guess, You are a white republican right winger. Thought so.

  6. Sharon says:

    I’ll tell you what this is. It is money and political connections. Every DA better start seeing the writing on the wall.

    Kobe Case
    Michael Jackson Case
    OJ Case
    Duke U case

    Do not arrest the rich.

    This is the worst of the worst. Three men out from under these charges because they go to Duke U. Let me tell you all something. If they weren’t Duke Lax players they would have been kicked to the curb.
    Duke U had to save their rep.

    They tried from the very beginning to get the DA. The sickest thing is the ethics charges in the middle of a case.

    Now a bunch of defense, civil, and coorprative lawyers on the NC Bar are deciding if a case is tried or not. Novel precedent to set.

  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    N. Eric Phillips –

    Either you are being deliberately obstinate, or you are a fool and have been drinking Sharon’s Kool-Aid.

    That is not “how the system works”. The DA has a job, one vital function of which is to decide whether or not a particular case should be pursued. He or she is a gatekeeper, in order to protect the rights of INNOCENT PEOPLE by refusing to prosecute when there is insufficient evidence, or NO evidence.

    AND what’s this mealy-mouthed horseshit about “respect the Constitution”? Every fucking thing out of Nifong’s mouth of recent has been calculated to deprive those “presumed innocent” guys of their rights under that selfsame Constitution. Is that what you call “respect”?

    Time for you to get some skillz, chum. I notice that you, like Sharon and her imaginary friends, are totally silent on every point raised here. You can’t refute that the complainant is a whore. You can’t refute that she is a substance abuser. You cant refute that she has falsely accused others of rape.

    Just what kind of moron are you? “Oh, yeah, well, sure, I’ mean, she’s claimed to be raped before and it was a fucking lie, but THIS TIME she MUST be telling the truth, because there’s no DNA, no signs of physical trauma, she changes her story more often than I change my shirt – I mean, with all that going for her, HOW could she be lying?”

    To listen to you, any malicious scumbag who wants to fuck somebody over should be believed without question, and anyone accused of anything, no matter how outrageously absurd or impossible, should be put through the wringer and be subjected to a long, painful expensive trip through the justice system, eh?

    With fuckwits like you around, why should we need terrorists to destroy America?

  8. A Non-Mouse says:

    Yeah, Sharon, ain’t life great!!!

  9. A Non-Mouse says:

    “everyone who defends the rich kids is guilty of racism by placing them above a poor black (or white, or red) defendant ”

    Then I will proudly wear the label RACIST.

  10. test says:


  11. Dale Parks says:

    Moderator some of these comments and name calling are bodering on the idiotic. I just did a simple test anybody can use my name or anybody eleses name. I am done posting any comments on this site for a period of 3 days and then I will see if the comments here make sense. If not I have to go somewhere else. Obviously if anybody uses my name I hope they realize it is not me as my previous comments should prove I am not here to write stupid stupid or silly comments. Moderator Please do something about your blog it has degenerated to the point where it is boderline worthless. – Dale Parks

  12. Sharon says:

    Dale Parks,

    Don’t worry, if I decide I should want to impersonate you, which I can’t see why myself or anyone else would want to, I will just use the nic “paranoid”.

    That was the dumbest test I have ever witnessed.

  13. Sexy Lady says:


    Stick a sock in it.

  14. Sharon says:

    You know what, folks…I am an ignorant ass! I’m just mad as hell that these white boys are gonna get off. Even if they didn’t do nothin’, I wanted to see them hang for all the other times whitey got away with it.

    If that makes me evil, then so be it.

  15. Dale Parks says:

    Sharon, you ignorant slut…

  16. The Real Sharon says:

    Mr. Parks,

    Now I see what you were up too. LOL I was thinking someone would use paranoid as me, but my own name is even funnier.

    I am not ignorant my dear, and unlucy for you, I am not a slut either.
    Imitation is the greatest compliment one can receive. There is a many niced blogger on here that has a crush on me. Just come out and say it. Don’t be a little school boy who pulls the pigtails of the little girl he likes.


    Now for the case. The baby was born yesterday. I wonder how premature the child was? I am thinking the defense is jumping through hoops to get the DNA test done. They have been very worried, even after the DA said the pregnancy was not related to the rape.

    Also it is very interesting to find the boys were never suspended from Duke U. They were on administrative leave and keeping up their studies at Duke. All the whining about their education being put back for a year was not even for a good cause. How many of you feel duped by the boys, their families, and Duke U?

    Why would that be released to the media? They wanted to keep up the sympathy for these boys. I wonder how much has not been released. I know over half of the discovery is still unknown.

    These boys are accepted back now in good standing even with a charge against them just as serious. I wonder if other students who would have a felony sex offense charge against them would be allowed in that school.

    Money, connections, and politics at its most transparent.
    It does not pass the sniff test.

  17. Sharon, LillyWhite, Sexy Lady, Lady who lives in the shoe, N. Eric Phillips, Troll Hunter says:


    The Real Sharon! There’s no real sharon! There’s only us! You can’t abondond us now! We can’t go back just living in your head! *twich* *twich* *drool*

  18. PETER BOVE says:

    Nifong turns to Times

    I had to laugh when I read that Mike Nifong gave a three-hour interview to The New York Times. Putting aside his numerous previous statements that he would save all commentary for the courtroom, let’s focus on who he turned to when he decided to deviate from his self-imposed strategy.

    Will breaking his silence by turning to a big New York publication cost him the support of this paper’s editorial staff? After all, they have printed sympathetic story after sympathetic story on Nifong’s behalf and he doesn’t even repay them with the scoop of his first comments in months?

    And what about all the letter writers angry that citizens outside of Durham have voiced opinions in this case? Now Nifong has himself encouraged further meddling from outsiders in a case that he had previously stated requires “a Durham solution.”


    Stubborn and misguided

    I was glad to see the rape charges dropped against the three Duke lacrosse players, I only wish the rest of the case had been dismissed as well. Mike Nifong has shamefully represented the office of the District Attorney and has ruined three young men’s lives in the process. He knew from the beginning that his case had no merit, yet to save his own butt for re-election, he chose to charge the three men with rape to save face for the election.

    He is a disgrace to the law profession, and if he had any dignity left at all, he would do the right thing and step down from his office. If I were a citizen in Durham I would be ashamed that Nifong represents me as district attorney. I look forward to the day the rest of the charges are either dropped or the defense makes Nifong look like an idiot in court and the jury finds not guilty on the remaining charges. Maybe then he will realize what a tragic error he has made. But then again, seeing how incredibly stubborn and misguided Nifong is, I wouldn’t count on it.


  20. Nice Guy says:

    Funny story

    I was discussing the Duke Rape claim on this feminist blog site, and this woman was claiming it’s all about women enduring the pains of oppression like she having to shave her pubes before putting on her bikini to ride her bike at the beach, the resulting stubble irritates her skin which is all a part of being forced to live in a patriarchal society of rape and female oppression.

    I told “Ms Kate” if you don’t want to shave your thick pubes, then don’t! It’s as simple as that! Just comb a part in it to not confuse any birds trying to fly in! Sheesh! You claiming an oppressive patriarchal society is forcing you to shave your pubes? You’re oppressing yourself!

  21. Nice Guy says:

    Are you serious? Why! Don’t you like a well manicured lawn to play on?

  22. Curious says:

    That’s not what I meant! I’m talking about totally bald pussies! When girls shave it bald, even the skinny ones, it makes their pussies look fat! and it kinda looks like a hambuger. And it looks nothing like a pussie cat. So why do they call it a pussie?

  23. Nice Guy says:

    They call it pussies (a.k.a. pussy cats) because girls like to pet and play with them… some guy too.

    The best thing about pussy cats is that if you feed it, she’ll rub herself all over your leg. Pussy cats love to be fed. Don’t settle for a pussy cats that doesn’t like to be fed. Those pussy cats end up old and shrivled and incapable of making a man happy… i.e. Sharon.

  24. Curious says:

    Sharon! You mean the schizo with all the imaginary friends?

    Doubt it! She’s got too many issues! Too many voices in her head! I wonder if she’s that black hooker from the Duke Lacrosse party. I heard that the hooker doesn’t even shave undr her arms *gross!* Her pussy was matted with week old sperm from various anonymous men clients, and she stank like a spoiled fish sitting our in the sun laying on a pile of dog puke.

  25. Nice Guy says:

    Yeah! That sounds like Sharon

  26. Betty says:


  27. Sharon says:

    Nice Guy

    LOL stop trying to woo me with your sweet talk.

  28. Sharon says:

    Nice Guy

    LOL stop trying to woo me with your sweet talk. I was hoping you were gone. I see you have brought some friends. You surely have a headache by now.


  29. OldLadyWhoLivesAShoe says:

    What is wrong with you men folk. Some a us livin in the backwoods even know bout cream ot be cuttin hair ofen our bodys.

    i only ever call mine royal thing cause it makes menfolk acten like royal fools.

  30. Dale Parks says:



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