Berkshire Eagle Online – Bush: Ford healed nation — Where was Bush during the Ford memorial? Here we have a dead President and Bush stays in Crawford on vaction. Heaven forbid there is anything more important than clearing brush on the ranch.

CRAWFORD, Texas — President Bush yesterday remembered former President Gerald R. Ford as a ” man of complete integrity who led our country with common sense and kind instincts” and helped restore faith in the presidency after the Watergate scandal.

  1. tallwookie says:

    gotta luv the pic

  2. Heh heh heh says:

    I don’t like him either… but you’re not going to find many instances where the Pres and Vice Pres are at the same /public/ functions.

  3. Improbus says:

    Every time you think you can’t despise him more he rises to the occasion.

  4. ECA says:

    Funny about PUBLIC functions, and BUSH nowhere to be found.
    Out of all the presidents that have been shot at, I still think this one is CHICKEN.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Some things transcends politics. The death of a former President is one of them. But then, Bush jr doesn’t like those who see the exact same as him.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    Someone is obviously still pissed at what Ford said in the Washington Post interview…

  7. gquaglia says:

    It was Bush’s place to be there, not doing so is a bit of a snub to the institution of the Presidency to which he also belongs.

  8. Elvis Ripley says:

    Ford criticized Bush and his government a few months ago in an interview. This is the way Bush acts.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    My error, in post #5, that should have been
    …But then, Bush jr doesn’t like those don’t who see the exact same as him.

  10. paddler says:

    Wonder who we will get to heal the country after this asshole leaves office?

  11. Timbo says:

    Nixon chose Ford because he was a 33rd degree Freemason, the highest you can go. He counted on the Masons to pull together & defend him and the honor of the office of presidency.

    Nixon loved his country and chose to take the hit. He could have served out his term if he had burned the White House tapes.

  12. doug says:

    #11. Actually, if he had burned the tapes, the support he had would have collapsed earlier than it did, since it would have been felonious destruction of evidence. Remember the gaps in some of the critical tapes? that – and the ridiculous explanations offered for them – did his defenders no good.

    what really did Nixon in was that he kept undercutting those who tried to stand up for him by continually revising his version of events of what he knew and when he knew it. eventually, even his friends turned on him because he had lied to them and made them look like dupes once too often.

    that, and the illuminati always destroy those who reveal their secret handshake, as Nixon did with Brezhnev in 1972.

  13. Booya says:

    Big deal. Let the dude have his 200 days a year of vacation. Stop being a Scrooge.

  14. joshua says:

    I would imagine that Bush will be at the actual funeral in Grand Rapids. Just as Clinton only went to the funeral of Nixon. Bush went to Rhienquists furneral. No living President will not be at a former Presidents furneral if able to be there.
    Also Bush attended the burial service in Washington Cathedral for Reagan.
    None of the former Presidents attended the small memorial in California.

    Geez…get some damn perspective folks.

  15. Daniel says:

    Why does anyone care if Bush stays in Texas? I thought that Dvorak would be happy that Bush isn’t in DC where Bush could do more damage.

  16. Haywood Jablome says:

    He either has a booger on his finger or telling us we’re #1.

  17. lakelady says:

    this is unworthy of Dvorak….. the official service isn’t until Tuesday at the National Cathedral and GW Bush will be there. What was on TV the other night was more of a memorial service.

    Ya blew it on this one.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I’ll be at the funeral procession in GR…along with a couple thousand others in Scout uniforms. I presume Mr. Bush will be there as well…if not then we need to rip him a new one.

  19. Mark says:

    18. Olo, From one old Scout to another, if you happen to catch his eye, give him the three finger salute for me will ya? Just leave two of the fingers behind. Thanks.

  20. bill says:

    Happy New Year! here’s hoping 2007 will be a great year!

    By staying in Texas he gives a whole bunch of Secret Service folks the night off…

  21. Nobody U Know says:

    #4: What have you got against chickens? Comparing bush to a chicken demeans the chicken. Call bush what he has been since he missed the action in Viet Nam: “A COWARD”

  22. rickbrick says:

    Head Crank at it again . . . . really we are tired of all this.

  23. Marc Perkel says:

    Bush was practically sucking Reagan’s cock when he dies during the 2004 election.

  24. Roger M says:

    I agree with the lakelady #17.

    To John C Dvorak: Cripes!

  25. James Hill says:

    The plan right now is for Bush to go by the casket on Monday, but I’ve year to hear anything about him going to the funeral in Michigan.

    This one threw me for a loop. No doubt Bush is an asshole, but this move seems to strike of something more… something deeper than Bush just being pissed about the “I wouldn’t have gone into Iraq…” story.

    Further, I haven’t seen the elder Bush their, either. Family feud, maybe?

  26. vaspersthegrate says:

    No, that finger is the salute that our troops will give to Baghdad as they leave, as they exit a job that was not wanted to be done. the Sunnis and Shias just wanna kill each other to death, to extermination, and us Americanos are just dummies in the way, impediments to the happy festivities of mutual destruction.

    Every war is Vietnam. Pacifism and Mind Science rule! Ah…..

  27. Roger M says:

    You’re a big, fat sorry feukk

    You would actually kiss Hitler’s ass.

    It’s disgusting. Just as this very post. It’s all Photoshop. My impression is confirmed John C. Dvorak. So much for being a journalist……

  28. ZeOverMind says:

    From the comments on this thread (#24 in particular), I see DU is sinking to a brand new low for 2007. How low can it go?

    I agree with #17 and #25. There is no pressing national emergency and so there is more then enough time for the current office holder to pay respects to a passing ex-President.

  29. Greg Allen says:

    You know what bugs me the most about Bush staying on vacation?


    He has the coolest personal jet in the world and he still considers it a burden to do the travel needed for his job. It’s not like he’s riding in coach!

    If it was me, I’d be flying around in Air Force One whenever possible and let someone else cut the brush!

  30. someguy says:

    Buck Fush


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