Hey punks, what about my appeal?!

Saddam ‘calm’ before Baghdad execution – Breaking News – World – Breaking News — Cripes. They wasted no time in doing a quickie execution. What happened to his appeal? Why didn’t we just shoot him when we first found him. This is fishy.

Saddam Hussein has been hanged for crimes against humanity, a dramatic, violent end for a leader who ruled Iraq by fear for three decades before a US invasion toppled him.

“It was very quick. He died right away,” one of the official Iraqi witnesses told Reuters, saying the former president’s face was uncovered, he appeared calm and said a brief prayer as Iraqi policemen walked him to the gallows at dawn on Saturday and put the noose round him.

US President George W Bush, who branded Saddam a tyrant and a threat to global security even though alleged nuclear and other weapons were not found after the 2003 invasion, hailed the execution as a “milestone” on Iraq’s path to democracy…

The official would not say where the execution took place but said it was not in the fortified Green Zone compound.

Another said it was at a facility known to Americans as “Camp Justice” – a former base for Saddam’s feared security services and now used regularly for executions by Iraqi’s courts.

National Security Adviser Mowaffaq al-Rubaie told state television Saddam seemed to him “a broken man” on the gallows.

He and other officials denied a statement read out earlier on state television that said Saddam’s half-brother and a former judge were also hanged.

There goes the Pay-per-view idea.

  1. Jägermeister says:


    You got me curious regarding the pineapple face… according to Wikipedia, his projected release date is September 9, 2007. He was originally sentenced to 40 years, but got it lowered to 30 years… if he’s released next year, he only served ~12 years.

  2. Gregory says:

    “The same dopes that are anti death penalty are the dopes that are pro abortion, it is not logical captain”

    Because, in the abortion case, we are siding with the idea that a) the mother has more rights than the fetus and b) said fetus isn’t “alive” in any sense other than strictly biological. No more than a blade of grass.

    Of course late term is a separate issue, however you raise a good point, you just phrased it differently to how I would:

    The same dopes that are pro-death penalty are the dopes that are anti-abortion – it is not logical captain.

  3. Thomas says:

    #3, #4, #7
    If you all endorse life imprisonment, then you are hypocrites to claim that a quick execution is less debasing than a lifetime of torture. It is one thing to claim that permanent sentences are debasing but another entirely to claim that one type of permanent sentence is less debasing than another.

    There are worse things than death. Saddam was fortunate; he got a quick death.

    >That doesn’t excuse the supply of chemical
    > weapons and other munitions to Iraq by the US.

    That depends on the enemy.

    > its a sign of a a civilized society to not kill a criminal,

    Bullshit. Being civil is a two-way street. Murdering people (or having them murdered) probably does not qualify as civil and thus abrogates your privilege of being treated in a civil manner. Second, how is torturing someone for life via indefinite imprisonment any more civil than executing them?

    If you think the only reason we invaded Iraq was WMDs or even oil then you are not seeing the bigger picture. Whether the invasion was justified is a different question than whether there were compelling reasons to invade Iraq as opposed to say Venezuela or North Korea.

    The reason we did not just assassinate Saddam while he was in power is that we wanted more than just his head. We wanted a base of operations. We wanted to put tremendous pressure on other factions in the area and neighboring countries to give us information about Al Qaeda. We wanted to put pressure on the Iranians. There is more to Iraq than just Saddam.

  4. tallwookie says:


    so much for seeing the video I guess, its now “TOP SECRET”

    bah, humbug

  5. Lee says:

    #35 I am aware of what was desired of this invasion, I am merely pointing out that this is no justification. Further, I question whether any of those things that were desired of this policy (i.e. pressure on other countries in the area, a permanent base of operations, and increased info on Al-Q) has in any way occurred. Indeed, it seems that we have emboldened those other regional countries by showing our belly to them, while ignoring the main bases for Al-Q (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Yemen), and possibly loosing existing bases of operation in SA and Kuwait to the enemy. Indeed, the result of this action, by all of these metrics, is unmitigated failure. Not only must we come to grips with our stunning failure here, but we also have to start thinking strategically again and try to cut our losses a bit. Historically, getting into the middle of a civil war is not a recipe for “victory” or whatever the nonsense metrics we are being fed now are. Further, our forces are already highly stressed and unable to respond and redeploy to any emerging situations that might come up (N. Korea, Taiwan, Sudan, Iran, ect.). This leaves us with naval and air power, which are generally unprepared for the latest round of Russian and Chinese missiles that they have been selling to. . .well, everybody. Come on people, if we don’t grow up and start thinking with something that doesn’t live in our pants, we’re going to be looking at not merely an embarrassing screw up, but the actual defeat of the US armed forces. This isn’t some stupid game.

  6. joshua says:

    I got to see 2 minutes of the video during the night, before it was pulled.
    Either Saddam or his best look- a -like did hang.

    #29, #34…I’m a Conservative that is against the death penalty, and abortion. I came to be anti-death penalty when I was 17, no particular event triggered it, just the thought that what the goverment is condoning is **justifiable homicide**….which is a crime, so, if it’s a crime for an individual, why isn’t it a crime for goverment?
    The abortion issue is a tough one for me, because I believe a woman has the right to decide what happens to her body, not goverment(and men have the same right to theirs), but at the same time, I believe the minute that egg is successfully fertilized and it multiplies for the first time, it’s a human life. Which is more important???….Human life or a womans rights???

  7. J.R. says:

    For all of you people “voicing” your opinion, and acting like you really give a shit, shut up! Instead of making an effort to post some B/S about how you feel about the whole deal, why don’t you do something worthwhile like support your troops abroad. There are people dying right now, this very instant as you read, that are far braver than you or I. So, why bother debating whether or not he deserved death? The coward is responsible for thousands of once young, vibrant,americans deaths! People ARE DYING! IT’S FOR REAL. I hope that all of you politically charged, land of the free, fat americans have wonderful holidays. Remember, it is because of the SOLDIER, that you can sit at home and be safe and say whatever you have to say, even if you are slandering our mother nation, and her children, the brave. P.S. if you think that saddam didn’t deserve the death penalty just because you don’t believe in it, FUCK YOU! I have lost brother’s in saddams’ God forsaken country, and dammit if anyone deserved to die, it was him!

  8. Thomas says:

    It most certainly has been a success from a military/strategic point of view. The fact that Zarqawi is dead is big indicator. In addition, the Saudi’s, Pakastani’s and other countries in the region have moved to help us with terrorism and specifically Al Qaeda. There is no question that the invasion of Iraq and the elimination of Saddam put pressure on those countries in the region. The emboldening of resistance is not coming from the governments of that region but of the underground terrorist organizations which have always wanted power and thus instability of the current regimes regardless of whether we were there or not.

    > Indeed, the result of this action, by all of these metrics,
    > is unmitigated failure.

    If that is what you believe you need to take another look. By the metrics you described, it has been a success. The reasons claimed for failure in Iraq reconstruction have nothing to do with the strategic goals.

    Let’s be clear, the Iraq War is over. We won. The previous Iraqi administration has been eliminated and replaced. What we are dealing with now is the reconstruction of the Iraqi nation and that is definitely not going well as hoped.

    > This leaves us with naval and
    > air power, which are generally unprepared for the latest
    > round of Russian and Chinese missiles that they have been
    > selling to. . .well, everybody.

    It is the Army and Marines that are stretched. While we have Naval forces in the area, ground troops are what is needed. Our Naval forces on the ocean are fine. If North Korea decided to do something stupid (and assuming we got a chance to do something before the Japanese eliminated them), we would have little difficulty in deploying Naval forces to the Sea of Japan to deal with them.

  9. Twash says:

    This was on Digg ‘s front page earlier. Very graphic. Definitely NSFW

  10. lgc90 says:

    I seriously hate to be the grammar nazi, but when referring to a person being put to death, it’s “hanged” and not “hung.”

  11. PMitchell says:

    John Holmes was hung

    Saddam Hussein was hanged

    there is a difference

  12. Lucas Elliot says:

    I don’t care what y’all say, Saddam was a sorry mother fucker and he deserved to die. Even in the bible women were stoned. You pussy ass people need to quit complaining that the death penalty isn’t “fair” ok? Was it fair for Saddam to tourture people, kill them, and numerous other hiddeous acts? NO! But he is going to pay twice y’all, once now, and the second time on his judgement day, which just so happens to be right now. He was sentanced to death so what? God wanted him to die at that time. If his stupid alah was so great maybe he coulda saved him, looks like to me though that his happy ass is burning in hell right now for denying Jesus, not for killing, torturing, ect. but for not beleiving in Jesus. That is all, I don’t care what yall think because I am happy now knowing that I dont have to worry about Saddam fucking with my fellow true PATRIOTS, if any of you know the true meaning of that any more.

  13. Mark says:

    33. Jaegermeister, expect to see him conveniently die before that release date.

  14. PMitchell says:

    Lucas I agree with the jist of your argument, but you make a very poor witness for Christianity with that language.

    The real shocker to you may be that Jesus loved him and died for him just as he did you, and that he mourns his death and damnation

    all the same I am glad they killed him, the world is just a little better now he is gone

  15. Reality says:

    Ok, so where’s the actual proof that he’s dead? We don’t want him popping up at an Idaho KFC drive thru window under some protection program 5 years from now.

  16. JFridey says:

    Saddam should have taken a few of the death penalty opponents with him.

  17. Odyssey67 says:

    To J.R., Thomas, Lucas Elliot, pedro, et al:

    Thanks so much for your contributions. It’s actually not so rare these days to get such unvarnished opinions from the Hick Wing of the GOP – you can see it everywhere – but I always encourage it anyway. Every time you idiots open your mouths, or type out your twisted ideas, regarding what constitutes in your minds “justice” or “Christianity” or “patriotism”, you make it that much easier for those of us opposing you to convince the rest of just how screwed up – in your souls as well as your heads – you really are.

    No greater justification can be made for opposing this war, and for putting GWB & Co. themselves up on war crimes charges one day, than by hearing the intellectuallly and morally challenged blatherings of those who support him.

    So keep up the good work fellas. The reality-based community supports you.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    #35 If you all endorse life imprisonment, then you are hypocrites to claim that a quick execution is less debasing than a lifetime of torture.

    Needless to say, this misrepresents my position. I am also four-square against cruel and unusual punishment.

    #5 must be a Canadian – my exact sentiments. If you’re not Canadian, then you are at heart.

    No, I’m red, white and blue! — well, maybe a little pinko because I grew up in the Seattle-area at the time when it was one of the more liberal places in America.

    It isn’t just Canadian, is it? Most civilized countries banned the death penalty years ago.

    I love Canada, though.

    I have this theory that Canada represents the liberal dream and Mexico represents the Conservative dream. America being sandwiched between those two is symbolic of the liberal-conservative divide.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #51 and here I was thinking that the Iraquis were the ones who sentenced & executed saddam.

    Under the guidance and support of the US, using Judges installed by the US, in a Court created by the US. But it was the Iraqis who take the blame. Shit, the US even held Saddam up until a day before his execution.

  20. Thomas says:

    Your intellectualy devoid (and inaccurate on every point) ad hominem attack clearly shows you to be mental Lilliputian that you are. Perhaps you might consider contributing something tangible to discussions as a change of pace?

    It is contributions such as yours that will put another Republican in the White House in 2008.

    So, what sentence would you have given to people like Saddam, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and Ted Kaczynski?

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, yup, Odyssey67 is correct again. Keep blathering away, armpit. You couldn’t sound any stupider then your post.

  22. Thank god this is scrolling off shortly. I was hoping for some good debate on whether this was actually Saddam. Instead we get the same old left-right carping.


  23. Reality says:

    It’s my brother in law. He lives in Cleveland.

  24. Mark says:

    59. Saddam, Rumsfeld , and Uncle Dave were spotted on a beach in St. Martiin this morning. Its a wierd conspiracy theory.

  25. todd lissner says:

    bush sent people 2 an evil war just because he had a personal vendetta against hussien and to make daddy proud.yes vsaddam waz evil but so is george w and hes caused more death and destruction he just has more imperialist power

  26. Reality says:

    What more do expect from a C- student placed in the top position of leadership our country will allow?

  27. Thomas says:

    Clearly “Fusion” must be in reference to the proximity of your brain with your hind quarters and the later’s control over your what you write. Granted, it was hard write (while laughing) a retort to the ever so witty “Yeah, what he said!”

    I’d bet that this is really Saddam. I would guess that in the interest of convincing people that Saddam really can’t come back to get them that all parties involved made sure it was really him and that everyone knew it.

  28. Rhonda says:

    It was a look alike. The pics on CNN showed him on the gallows, and the last pic showed him laying on the ground. They eyebrows were fuzzier on the one on the floor, and the one on the floor had a narrower face, and bruises on his cheeks. Perhaps one of the look alikes didn’t want to die for the ’cause’ and was beaten to death. No one from the coalition was allowed in. And, conveniently, after the execution, the hangmen went out and danced hooded with the people in the streets. What a wonderful way to sneak him out, and past millions on the streets. With a hood on, he could walk out, dance a little, and be on his merry way, waiting to resurface another day.


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