Strapped for soldiers, the U.S. Army wants new authority to send National Guard and Reserve soldiers back to Iraq for repeat deployments, even those who have already served the maximum time allowed by the Pentagon.
A national commission looking at National Guard and Reserve issues will decide in March whether to endorse the Army’s plan, a change that could affect the 522,000 citizen-soldiers in the Army National Guard and Reserve, and more broadly the 800,000 reservists serving in all the military services.
More than 650,000 soldiers have served in the Iraq war since it began, with 185,000 of them from the National Guard. At one point in 2004, more than 60 percent of the soldiers in Iraq were Guard soldiers.
A final report is due January 2008 but the commission will weigh in with an interim report on March 1 addressing 15 issues that affect the reserves, the volunteer mobilization policy chief among them.
So far, the Yogi Berra guidelines decide what Congress does — “it ain’t over till it’s over”?
Anyone here confident the “new” Congress will weigh in on the side of the folks who elected them and confront the White House over extending the war in Iraq?
Perhaps it would be better to redefine the mission. Congress needs to to tighten the purse strings to force a more reasonable policy. This could be a bigger fiasco than Vietnam, just on the account of geography alone.
Maybe they will bring back the draft for this one… I’d like to see the Bush twins serve their country in the military!
This is a disgrace. Even in Vietnam, the 1 year policy was upheld. These rich guys sending the troops back to war (most of who have never served) don’t have a clue.
#2 – I’d like to see the Bush twins serve their country in the military!
They’ll end up here, just like daddy.
Is that a real picture?
How to win the war in Iraq:
Step1: Draft 500,000 republicans
Step2: Success!
But seriously, I’m serious. Draft those fuckers; they’re easy to find.
6, yes they are, under their own beds, in their own closets(with the skelitons)
Sending Soldiers Back and forth, with out a LIMIT, is going to create MORe problems later.
I’ve served in Afghanistan for the maximum period allowed as a Reserve Soldier. I have spent more time on Active Duty than on a reserve status. My marriage is strained as it is. If they do allow repeat troop deployments, I promise their re-enlistment rates will drop. We’re stretched far too thin.
And by the way, not that it’s a big deal, but the limit is 24 months, not one year. Someone said above it is one year, but it’s a total of 24 months.
Imagine… four years of someone’s life spent fighting in a war zone…
Vietnam max was 13 months. This did not refer to current policies.
Uh, wait a minute, folks.
These troops never complained about getting PAY and ECUCATIONAL benefits, did they? They have been soaking all that sweet GOVERNMENT money up for years and years. And then they WHINE when they are told to follow ORDERS?
The military is not supposed to be a welfare program. It is, uh, the military.
Stop the whining. It’s pathetic. If you don’t want to follow orders or deploy, then you should not have taken the oath. If you want money with no obligation, then go on welfare where you belong.
What a bunch of whiners.
Happy New Year!!
Welfare? Benefits? Are you serious?
We served our time overseas. This isn’t a bunch of people who have never deployed or seen combat worried. This is Soldiers who have already spent 2 YEARS of their lives overseas doing more for their country than many other Americans. And for what? Maybe you don’t realize why the military gives educational benefits and pay. Let me explain.
While many people sit around on the Holidays with friends and family, I sat around a tent with my comrades, with four empty bunks for the people that had died shortly before. Our holiday clothing? Full battle rattle. I missed my daughter’s birth serving our country.
I volunteered to serve, not for the benefits, but to protect our country. We are not protecting our country over there anymore. And giving four years of my life to a combat zone, not including the countless months at training or on non-combat deployments, natural disaster relief, and community service events that we are away from our families.
Before you say “stop whining” and “go to welfare”, know that without us, you would not be free. Why don’t you go spend FOUR YEARS in Afghanistan then tell me to stop whining.
Oh, and by the way, the Reserve Benefits and pay? Not so hot. We get 1/30th of Active duty pay each drill (4 drills on a weekend) and about 15% of the active duty GI bill.
Finally, please note that TITLE 10 OF THE US CODE is the mobilization directive and what authorizes the President to call up Reserve Troops. That is USC. Absorb that. It’s not orders that are being ignored, it is a law that is being changed after the Soldiers were enlisted. It would be like changing the amount you have to pay in interest on your car loan every month midway through. Like, you know, instead of paying 10% a month you would pay 20% interest. Talk about fair…
Yeah, every scruffy little noncom is a self-made law expert. Ditto civilians who don’t know their soft, fat asses from 3rd base.
Want law, pal? Article 133 UCMJ. Follow orders without mouthing off, or go to the brig/stockade. After that, explain your OTH or Dishonorable discharge on your DD-214 to your prospective employer during your job interview.
Franklin (#10) is right. What whiners.
Sailors and soldiers were deployed for up to four years nonstop during WWII. Or did you forget that?
Lt Gonzo,
As a non-com, I can talk about my orders whenever I want. Officers are the ones who cannot speak out against their superiors. For some background, I received multiple commendations, both Joint and Army, for my actions in a combat zone, so I am not some lazy Soldier who simply doesn’t want to get off my butt. I have a civilian career as well that would be devastated with 4 years of combat zone deployments.
Did you forget that during WWII, many were drafted? The reserve system is vastly different now than it was then.
See how many troops follow you into battle with comments like “scruffy little noncom”. I sure as hell wouldn’t follow a company grade officer with no respect for the noncoms. Remember, a military unit can function without any officer interaction, but cannot function without any non-commissioned officers, a very fundamental lesson taught to officers in ROTC (my commander, a COL, was an ROTC instructor).
You guys are so negative. The left won the election, and will take care of all of this.
Just relax.
This is why we need a draft, so everyone can understand the seriousness and consequences of WAR.
Politicians thought they could make WAR publicly palatable and cheaper by investing in technology and doing away with the draft. They have been wrong on both front.
Enough with this civilian vs. military bullshit. Bring back the DRAFT and end the public appetite for WAR.
Hey Lt Gonzo!
Were you voted most likely to get fraged? Because you seem like a real asshole.
If they ever recall 45 year old medically discharged diabetics, I want in your unit.
Congress has missed the point: The people spoke, the war sucks, bring our people home. So far all they are doing is talking about maybe we can do some sort of structured re-deployment, or some such idiocy.
So, for those who don’t get it: QUIT FUCKING AROUND, LOAD THE WAGONS, AND BRING OUR PEOPLE HOME! And, uh, FYI: I did about eighteen months in country Vietnam.
#18 – Hold on there Mr. ADD. The new congress hasn’t taken office yet. Once they do all of our problems will be solved.
Really, relax people.
#8 Imagine… four years of someone’s life spent fighting in a war zone…
Comment by Kevin — 12/29/2006 @ 9:36 am
…and for what? You served in Afganistan, and at least that is where the enemy was… Unlike Iraq where American soldiers die for no reason at all.
For what its worth… Thank you for your service. I don’t say it enough as I’m usually so busy talking smack about the Bush White House, theo-cons and neo-cons, corrupt corporations, and the “military-industrial complex” that I forget to stop once in a while and say that I really do appreciate the sacrifices made by the many Americans who serve in the armed forces.
And as for those who call your statements “whining”… You put yourself in harm’s way on our behalf overseas. You have earned the right to say whatever you damn well please and even if I disagreed I think we owe it to you to listen.
You guys did all this for some cheap oil and military bases?
Yeah….the DEMS will fix all this…
If the government makes an agreement with its soldiers, it MUST keep that agreement unless both parties forge a new one. And I don’t give a damn what that agreement is – the troops aren’t allowed to bail out, the military shouldn’t be able to either.
If they want their reserves people to come back, then they should beg and offer incentives.
Do any other vets here remember that day in the recruiters office when you put pen to paper. I signed so much paper, Jesus, I could have signed up for a 20 year tour on Zeta Reticuli for all I know. I would recommend taking your attorney to the recruiter and have him explain it to you.
Is that George Bush SIGNING on an American flag? That clearly violates the standard of respect:
>>The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind.
Don’t all we ex-scouts know that? My word! The conservatives call me a commie-lib-traitor but I would never desecrate a flag like that. Is that really Bush?
The only way “Bush” and “Respect” can be in the same sentence is if the word “NO” is in front of “Respect”.