Rick Roberts, Idea Man

The current crop of right-wing talk show hosts pretty much have lined up in the same row. It’s as follows. Bush isn’t great but he’s better than any sicko liberal would ever be. The ACLU sucks. Illegal immigration must be stopped. We have to stay in Iraq because bad things will happen if we leave. Hillary Clinton is a threat to the nation. Bill Clinton was a terrible President and responsible for 9/11 somehow. Once in a while one of them comes up with a screwball notion that is actually compelling – at least to me. In this case it’s San Diego talker Rick Roberts who is suggesting, amidst serious skepticism, that the Saddam execution should be broadcast to the USA market via pay-per-view (PPV) and the proceeds distributed to the families of the dead and wounded soldiers. Apparently the local TV folks in Iraq will have cameras ready and it may be broadcast there. So it’s an easy process.

Personally I think the idea is brilliant and long overdue, especially for the apparent bloodthirsty American market which flock to Ultimate Fighting PPV broadcasts and other extreme events. Many viewers still think that professional wrestling is real. Perhaps they should be exposed to something that is real.

The drawback (or benefit, depending on your perspective) to this idea is having to listen to people moan-and-groan if such a plan comes to pass. Public executions are nothing new. It’s just a matter of time before they are broadcast. I say let’s do this one. Roberts is dead right.

It would be the mother of all executions! You can’t handle it!

  1. vic says:

    I think they should bradcast the video, beacuase I’m not sure if saddam hussein is death or not, also I need to see the full movie because ‘I do not want to hear in the news one or two months later that Saddam Husein is alive and with Osama Bin ladem..

  2. joshua says:

    #47….Jagermeister….ok….that’ll work. 🙂

    I saw the actual hanging, about 2 minutes worth, it was clear, good video…..Al Haulla(i know that spelling is wrong) the US sponsered network in Iraq had it on their site….then it was pulled. Surely by tonight it will have been leaked in it’s entirety and be everywhere. But you can bet the American networks won’t show the hanging itself…just the lead up and the after.

  3. keith brown says:


    The only problem is that it will be all over the internet first. But great idea.

    We have become a nation of worthless, sissy handwringers…totally spineless, waiting to be conquered!

  4. keith brown says:

    I guarantee you the people here that wanted him hanged….and have it shown…were raised with strong discipline….safe…loving….physical discipline.

    The hand wringing castratos were raised with “time out” and “or else”.

    Make sure you teach your kids there are painful consequences for evil deeds……and criticise your friends who do not !

    Our country’s future hangs in the balance.

  5. keith brown says:

    Any one know where the full video is on the net?

    The above link has been turned off (whimps !).

    The AP says there was a camera phone in that filmed the whole thing.

  6. Ckin says:

    I have now seen the entire execution. If anyone knows how to use torrents, it is completely available. It is the version mentioned in here earlier using a phone camera. BitComet seems to be the most available. There are five different sizes. The 32meg is the most detailed.

    If anyone knows the language, I am curious to know what is chanted before the floor is pulled out from below him.

  7. Johan says:

    Yes I would like to see it,where can I download the video

  8. Johan says:

    Can some one email the video to me please jpmapsales@mweb.co.za

  9. george says:

    killl that sand nigger

  10. Brian Peterson says:

    It should be free. All American`s have already paided plenty.

  11. Borr says:

    I’m sick of being told what I can watch and what I can’t! I know what I can handle. We should have the choise…for those who don’t want to watch simply DON’T! Here’s the site to make your choice..http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5934099742702903265&q=saddam+execution
    You can also go to the website..My Space I understand there is a cell captureposted.

  12. Tracy says:


    After all of the thousands of people this man has killed, you want to be decent to him and respect his death? Are you kidding me? After the things that man has said about our president you want to respect him? Whether or not you like the president, you should still respect him.

    We should be able to crack open a beer and pop some popcorn and watch that horrific human being die. The money collected from watching the execution should be used to send our troops what they want/need. Stop hugging trees and worrying about the respect for a man that doesn’t respect you or any kind of human life. I hope they put it on payperview, I would be more than happy to order it! God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Paul says:

    How many defenseless Iraqi citizens has George Bush slain? His Wehrmacht used white phosphorus in Fallujah — why isn’t there a rope around Bush’s scrawny neck? THAT I’d pay to see. Let us not forget that before this war was started BY BUSH, Saddam Hussein said he had no weapons of mass destruction. Bush said he had “PROOF” that they existed. Who lied? Who invaded whose country without a valid reason? And why are people trying to protect themselves from a foreign occupation army, the same as you or I would defend our country against an illegal, unprovoked attack, called “terrorists” or “insurgents” instead of freedom fighters, which is what they are? How are American troops in Iraq “defending my freedom?” Freedom disappeared with the advent of the so-called Patriot Act, another of Bush’s inventions. The crimes for which Saddam was just executed were committed BEFORE the first Gulf war — if they were so heinous, why didn’t Bush senior finish off Hussein’s regime? Where was the outrage when Hussein used poison gas against Iran, when the latter was our sworn enemy during the 1980’s? Why does even a Repiglican politician of Gerald R. Ford’s stature call the invasion of Iraq a stupid mistake? Hey, all you flag-waving assholes out there: WHERE ARE THE WMD? That was the lie that propelled the U.S. into the Iraq war. There WERE NO AL QAEDA TERRORISTS IN IRAQ until Bush turned it into a killing field. This brain-dead little pipsqueak has complicated the situation tenfold beyond what it was in mid-2001. For him to claim that he’s fighting “terrorism” in Iraq is just another lie. The real terrorist behind 9/11 is still at large. According to Bush, he’s “no longer a priority.” Compared to the crimes committed in Iraq by the U.S. military, and compared to the number of victims of Bush’s war, Hussein’s crimes pale into insignificance. Any volunteer who goes to Iraq deserves what’s coming to him. Going off to fight in Iraq, willingly, has nothing to do with patriotism. A real patriot would never shame his country by behaving like a Nazi. A real patriot would not aid and abet a criminal warmonger. A real patriot would go to jail first. If you want to televise a hanging, televise one that matters. Bush is a war criminal. Put him where he belongs.

  14. Paul says:

    “Whether or not you like the president, you should still respect him.”
    Hey, Tracy, you stupid cunt: where in the Constitution does it say I am duty-bound to “repect” anyone? Who the fuck are you to tell me what I “should” do? You can repect this filthy, warmongering little liar all you want – I regard him as the most loathsome of vermin. I suppose little goodie two shoes twerps like you, had you been alive in Boston in 1776, would have been telling Tom Paine he should “respect” George III. I’ll bet my last dollar you never even read Common Sense. You are garbage, just like your beloved prez.


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