Rick Roberts, Idea Man

The current crop of right-wing talk show hosts pretty much have lined up in the same row. It’s as follows. Bush isn’t great but he’s better than any sicko liberal would ever be. The ACLU sucks. Illegal immigration must be stopped. We have to stay in Iraq because bad things will happen if we leave. Hillary Clinton is a threat to the nation. Bill Clinton was a terrible President and responsible for 9/11 somehow. Once in a while one of them comes up with a screwball notion that is actually compelling – at least to me. In this case it’s San Diego talker Rick Roberts who is suggesting, amidst serious skepticism, that the Saddam execution should be broadcast to the USA market via pay-per-view (PPV) and the proceeds distributed to the families of the dead and wounded soldiers. Apparently the local TV folks in Iraq will have cameras ready and it may be broadcast there. So it’s an easy process.

Personally I think the idea is brilliant and long overdue, especially for the apparent bloodthirsty American market which flock to Ultimate Fighting PPV broadcasts and other extreme events. Many viewers still think that professional wrestling is real. Perhaps they should be exposed to something that is real.

The drawback (or benefit, depending on your perspective) to this idea is having to listen to people moan-and-groan if such a plan comes to pass. Public executions are nothing new. It’s just a matter of time before they are broadcast. I say let’s do this one. Roberts is dead right.

It would be the mother of all executions! You can’t handle it!

  1. Damon Rondeau says:

    “It’s supposed to be a deterrent.” There’s part of the flaw in this whole sickening death perpetuation that’s going on. If capital punishment was a deterrent, why do we still have murder? Human societies have done that kind of thing forever — in public and in private, and using every disgusting means you can think of and *then* some — and it’s never freaking worked. “Deterrent” my hairy rear end — that’s a ridiculous notion and an infantile point of view on human behaviour.

  2. Ben says:

    Let’s get a few things straight. First, I am against the death penalty, period. You can’t change my mind on this, and most certainly not by dreaming up some circumstances where I might be persuaded that it is ok for the government to intentionally take the lives of civilians. The fact that the Republicans garner the “culture of life” vote but still support the death penalty makes me sick.

    Secondly, since I don’t think I can reasonably win an argument with proponents of the death penalty that Saddam (or anyone else for that matter) should not be put to death I do support making executions that do take place public. This is part of the open access culture I support. Openness is a key component of a successful legal system.

    Finally, I think that charging money for this is morally reprehensible and worse than almost anything else that might be proposed. Making death, anyone’s death, into entertainment is morally unjustifiable. A good amount of money from PPV events also finds its ways into the cable/satellite operator’s pocket which reaqlly means that some corporation will benefit from someone’s death, it serves no purpose and encourages such behavior in the future. What would make the soldier’s families the best recipients of this money anyway? While it’s a tradgedy when troops die, they are doing their job and should be aware of the risks. On the other hand, Iraqis who lived under Saddam are truly victims.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 So I take it you are all anti-death penalty too. I say this because it seems to me that if you, as a society, are going to execute people it should be done in the open. It’s supposed to be a deterrent. Who is deterred if nobody sees it?

    Comment by John C Dvorak — 12/29/2006 @ 11:36 am

    Well… I don’t know about these other folks, but yes… I am anti-death penalty, actually.

  4. Firas says:

    The war in Iraq has done more harm than good so far in my eyes. I don’t know how many Iraqi civilians Saddam killed, but I’m pretty sure he never killed 50,000 – give or take – over any 4 year stretch. He probably never killed 50k during his entire reign. I think that Saddam was a better ruler for the Iraqis than the coalition is today. At least you could walk down the street without worrying about taking an AK-47 bullet or an RPG up the arse. Something to think about.

  5. no one important says:

    To compare a public execution to watching UFC is insane. There has never been a death or even a serious (life-threatening) injury in a UFC fight. Rail against barbarians as much as you want, but consider facts and don’t let hyperbole ruin your arguments.

    On topic, I say make it public, but don’t charge money for it. People need to see that the results of their actions and the actions of their leaders are real.

  6. Jim W. says:

    And here i thought is was the liberals who wanted to broadcast executions because they are anti death penalty. Now because a conservative is advocating it, it becomes the worst thing in the world. hypocrisy anyone?

    BTW: the death penalty should not be used as a deterrent. It should be used as the ultimate punishment for the ultimate crime (i.e. murder)

  7. Central Coast says:

    Should We Broadcast the Saddam Execution on Pay-Per-View?

    Simple… 😉
    YES !!!

  8. JToso says:

    #37. Yes. But, that in it’s self, makes the death penalty a deterrent.

    It does stop people from killing.

  9. CynicAl says:

    I say yes, but only if we get to broadcast the execution of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld for war crimes after the impeachment.

  10. Oil Of Dog says:

    I’ve seen enough death, I’ll pass.
    Comment by rctaylor

    And I also, some by accident and others by intention.

  11. Jägermeister says:


    Why wait?

  12. Kent McDonald says:

    Apparently Firas hasn’t bothered to keep up with the news in Iraq for several years. 50,000? no. There have been more than 300,000 bodies removed from mass graves in Saddam’s Iraq. If ever a man deserved the death penalty this man does. And that’s not even bringing up the professional rape rooms that ran daily under his regime. Give me a break. and it is EXACTLY because life is so precious that someone who takes the life of another should pay with his own. There is no anomaly here. The Death Penalty SUPPORTS the idea that innocent life is precious. The person who is executed is not a victim. He forfeits his right to life by murdering another.

  13. Hang Ten says:

    PPV is an excellent idea, I’d like to see them hang some minor terrorists until they work up to the big one. Better yet, could they bury him alive and put a video camera in there with him? It is still more humane than the stuff that he and his sons did. I’m willing to dig holes, pull trap doors or anything to expedite his demise.

  14. joshua says:

    #35….Firas….I can think of 22,000 Kurds who died in one day of gas from Saddam that might disagree with you, and then there’s the 11,000 Shite women that were raped by Saddams sons and their friends. Or, maybe the 287,000 bodies briught out of mass graves since Saddam was toppled, or the 168,000 Iraqi troops sent to battle the Iranians with no ammunition that were massacurred to the man…..and the list can and does go on and on and on and on. Think about that!!!

    #42….Jagermeister….while I may not agree with Bush, Cheney or Rummie…..and think that their policies have been a complete disaster for the US and others……I would never condone killing any political leader for their crimes without a trial. What you suggest is asassination, and I think that goes beyond the pale.

  15. GoatBoy565 says:

    Oh well, to late now!!

    I hope to see footage or at least a clear still of him swinging from the neck. We need value for the BILLIONS spent and lives lost to bring him to this justice.

  16. Jägermeister says:


    Perhaps I should have put a 😉 after it?! 😉

    Cheers Joshua! 🙂

  17. tallwookie says:

    i, for one, look forward to the footage – its not often that you get to see an execution – kind of like a HUGE tsunami, it doesnt happen all that often

  18. Firas says:

    I apologize about my last comment, it was late and I wasn’t thinking the numbers straight. But I still think Saddam was a better ruler for Iraq; it was a prosperous – before the sanctions – and mostly safe country unlike now…

    Anyway, has anyone heard that the execution has occured? It’s all over the news.

  19. tallwookie says:

    yeah i’ve been searching for footage for the last few hrs – havent found anything yet – all in due time no doubt

  20. tallwookie says:

    ok – via: http://english.aljazeera.net

    The government had kept details of the execution plan secret amid concerns that it may provoke a violent backlash from Saddam’s supporters with Iraq on the brink of civil war.
    “It was very quick. He died right away,” an official Iraqi witnesses told the Reuters news agency.
    “We heard his neck snap,” said Sami al-Askari, a political ally of al-Maliki.
    Another witness said: “He seemed very calm. He did not tremble.”
    State television said that it would air footage of the hanging.

    so, the footage is out there – somewhere

  21. tallwookie says:

    more info –

    but im going to sleep now – someone else start lookin ;P

  22. James Hill says:

    They’ve shown video of him being strung up, and a post-death picture, on Fox News. I’d check CNN, but watching Anderson Cooper and The Cult of Personality for two hours last night wore me out.

  23. mcjj says:

    I would only pay for it few lead up execution to the main event.

  24. koolwillie says:

    Of course! Don’t have it for 39.99 It should be like 9.99 for the short film. Just so it is truely him and not some special effects show that depicts him. That way the Governments can re-coup some of the cash wasted on the “War for Oil” Classified as Democracy
    And it should be made public. Made an example of. The So-Called leaders of this world. The corruption and murder that rules throughout each and every government should be curtailed some how. And some of Leaders have to perish in order to cover-up and turn the spotlight away from the other bad leaders. Look what all the Governments Of Our World let happen in Africa Right Now.. How come they let all those killings continue.. Oh yeah, maybe there is no “Oil” there, it’s not about the people.
    Have the punshment fit the crime!!

  25. T says:

    I absolutley agree. We should be able to view his execution. It’s a great idea to have to proceeds go for something good. This man has killed for 30 years. The families that he has wiped out and destroyed didn’t have a chance and were slaughtered like animals. So why do we care if he is treated in a human way? Why do we give him any dignity? His supporters have basically turned him into a saint, a god even. Let the public see him for what he is, an evil political pawn. Americans for the most part don’t really have an accurate grasp of what is really happening in the rest of the world. This execution and the “real” news should be seen. Maybe we as a nation would be more willing to do something constructive about the slaughtering of innocent people. Have you heard of Darfur?
    Thousands of people getting slaughtered there every day. If we were allowed to see what is really happening maybe, just maybe it would not happen any more.
    Maybe we should see that he got what he deserves.


  26. sherri says:

    I thought I wanted to see it then I saw the picture of his body after the hanging and ummm no thanks . I have the images of the the videos of his totures still in my head there is not room for any more brutal graphic images . Human nature does have couriosity up but really thind about what you are asking to see .

  27. Jessica says:

    I wont believe he is dead until I see it myself. I would pay for that but would be cool if it was played for free on CNN and every other channel.

  28. M says:

    Yes I think the execution should be televised! Since some Americans believe it to be distasteful than placing it on a pay-per-view would be an excellent choice- giving the money made to a organization to help those families of the many people that he had murdered would be a better thought.
    We as Americans have to remember that he helped hide Osama and weapons that were planned to be used against our country. He has not hidden any of these ideas from people because of his arogance. He also has helped plan and aided financially those terrorist that have hurt our beloved country. I feel that the execution, in full, should be shown to the world so that we may all celebrate this horrible inhumane man’s death.
    Those that feel it is distasteful- turn off the television, computer, or anything else that may offend you and get over it. I am sure that you have something better to waste your time on than worrying over this tyrant and his long over due death!
    We want to see with our own eyes and watch the inhumane swing from the gallows!!!

  29. Thom Hutchinson says:

    I think that we should have the right to see the full footage. Me I have searched all over the internet, and I can’t find a thing. The only video that I have seen is the same video that is being played on CNN. I would debate to anyone weather or not Saddam is really dead. The first video is good quality and stops just as they tighten the noose. Then we view a very grainy photo of Saddams “dead body” do you mean to tell me that all of a sudden the technology in Iraq has taken about ten steps backwards? I want to see that he is really dead!!! I feel that I have the right as an American the watch the bastard hang until he chokes on his last breath!!!!!
    Semper Fi
    Thom Hutchinson IV

  30. Curtis says:



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