When Michael White, a self-described “Joe Blow off the block,” set up a Web site to track U.S. casualties in Iraq he never imagined it would become a leading resource on the subject.

But his “Iraq Coalition Casualty” site, which keeps a log of the dead and wounded among the military and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, gets a million hits a day on peak days and at least four million hits a month, White said.

I-Casualties has also started tracking Iraqi civilian and military deaths, relying largely on media reports since the U.S. government says it keeps no record of civilian casualties.

White says he receives mail from military families who praise the site’s reliability, but he has also been attacked by those who see it as unpatriotic.

Now, who would attack a site like this as unpatriotic?

  1. Gig says:

    There is nothing unpatriotic about it at all. I remember when some newspapers did a weekly report and tally of those lost in Viet Nam.

    But, if you look at link:http://icasualties.org/oif/ via Google you will see that most of those that link to the site are anti-war and many are very unpatriotic.

  2. god says:


    Instead of the good old McCarthyite guilt-by-association we now have the Bush League guilt-by-link. Nice to see that technology doesn’t inhibit reactionary politics.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Civilian casualties… http://www.iraqbodycount.org/

  4. sdf says:

    But those are just “Left Behind” deaths, not real deaths. Wrong flag – doesn’t count

  5. Brian says:

    Who would attack it as unpatriotic?

    Those same sad sacks who want to keep pictures of flag draped coffins returning supressed; those who want any and all disagreement with the current regime, err administration obliterated.

  6. tallwookie says:

    thats some good info-porn there – now we just need to feed it all into a massive graph and whatnot.

    yeah I dont see this as unpatriotic either – but i can see why those that call this site “unpatriotic” say so… HINT: becasue it weakens their case to keep fighting a losing battle

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    But, if you look at link:http://icasualties.org/oif/ via Google you will see that most of those that link to the site are anti-war and many are very unpatriotic.
    Comment by Gig — 12/29/2006 @ 7:09 am

    So dissent is now unpatriotic? How about denying a person his First Amendment right being unpatriotic? How is being anti-war unpatriotic? How about any name calling to a loyal American being unpatriotic? Ooopps, the neo-cons lose big time there, but then most people know neo-cons ARE UNPATRIOTIC.

    The fact that anyone links to his site is irrelevant. Those that do link have absolutely nothing to do with his site’s content.


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