Two choices. Kindly old man or mean bastard? You tell me.

Insight — James Baker

Former Secretary of State James Baker was involved in a cover-up of illegal trading by his law firm with the regime of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, according to a former contractor who did work for Mr. Baker’s firm. Mr. Baker used non-Americans to help acquire funds from Iraq in violation of the United Nations embargo and U.S. law, the former contractor said…

“A month or two after 9/11, I got a phone call from the office of James Baker and they told me ‘Remember the deal we did?’ I said ‘Of course,'” Mr. Gouaz recalled. “He asked ‘Do you have any documents from this deal?’ I said I don’t remember. He said ‘If you do, destroy them.'”

Of course when a smear like this shows up out-of-the-blue in the Washington Times you have to look around for Karl Rove.

found by Aric Mackey

  1. Higghawker says:


  2. Roc Rizzo says:

    Hang him, along with Saddam!

  3. rctaylor says:

    How can you be a career politician without the need of occasional mean bastardly ways? You hope they see it your way, then you hope they see reason, and then you intimidate the Hell out of them.

  4. joshua says:

    He’s most likely a mean old bastard.
    But he’s not one of right-wingers the Washington Times likes, so this story could very well just be the paper itself, not Rove.

    Big time politics is not for softies and angels. I don’t care who they are, if they are in congress or any position of power, they are bastards. This is one sport where nice people always finish last.

  5. Odyssey67 says:

    A little background is in order here: The Washington Times & Insite magazine are owned by reverend Sun-Yung Moon – leader of the Moonies religious cult.

    This cult has owned armaments factories, hotel, and fishing industries going back to the 60s-70s. Despite carefully cultivating policitcal relationships at the highest levels since then (as a staunch anti-communist, Republicans especially embraised him), he was still arrested & convicted on federal tax evasion charges in the US in the 80s. This made Moon realize that his cult’s strange teachings (he is not the 2nd coming of Christ – he is even better!) rendered it’s vast wealth & holdings impotent, insofar as providing him the influence & immunity any self-respecting Messiah should have. So he started aquiring media outlets as a means of directly influencing US public opinion.

    BTW – the US is so important here b/c (for the time being) we can influence events throughout the world. So the ‘influencer’ of us is the influencer of all – again, a bit of leverage befitting a Messiah.

    Back to the Times and Insight; they have been used as Moon’s ‘mouthpiece’ almost since the day they launched. The first editorial staff quit over being forced to manipulate news & information to suit Moon’s agenda. Up until recently, both rags were monolithic in in their support of just about anything Republican. However, with the recent split in the GOP ranks between the old guard – exemplified by Baker – and the NeoCons, they have editorially thrown themselves in with the latter.

    What this means, in no uncertain terms, is that Dubya is being protected by the Moonies. Rev Moon has always curried the favor of the weakminded, recruited them into his movement, expressly b/c it is so easy to manipulate them for his purposes. It seems he’s finally extended this to the highest levels (the entire Bush family has been wierdly intertwined with Moon for decades), and is now performing hatchet jobs to protect his ‘investment’.

    I’m not saying Baker isn’t guilty of this alleged crime. I’m only saying that the news of it never would have emerged, or at least never from the Washington Times or Insight magazine, if Rev Moon wasn’t pissed off at him for trying to end Bush’s push for Armageddon in the Middle East. This is almost certainly the opening salvo of what will be a fratricidal war among conservatives in thsi country.

  6. Odyssey67 says:


  7. Odyssey67 says:


    “This cult has owned armaments factories, hotel, and fishing industries going back to the 60s-70s.” should read …

    “This cult has owned armaments factories, hotel, and fishing industries in this country going back to the 60s-70s.”


  8. Dallas says:

    OMG! A criminal associated with George W Bush. No ! How can that be?

  9. James Hill says:

    Even better: A crime associated with the guy who berated Bush.

    Looks like Rove can fuck over anybody.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    I see this as backfiring on the neo-cons. Maybe the whole Republican party. The Washington Times certainly won’t win any kudos from anyone.

  11. Milo says:

    GWB converts to the Unification Church! I want credit when it comes true!

  12. Eddie says:

    Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
    We don’t get fooled again
    Don’t get fooled again
    No, no!


    Meet the new boss
    Same as the old boss

  13. MikeR says:

    Now that former President Ford has scolded the current admin. (from beyond the grave), will he be the next one “exposed”?

  14. Haywood Jablome says:

    I’ve been pissed off at Ford ever since the German’s bombed Pearl Harbor. Er, yes I’ve had a couple beers officer…

  15. may this pic would be better…

  16. ChrisMac says:

    my rose colored glasses are mirrored on the inside

  17. tallwookie says:

    I think he looks a little bit like the Emperor in StarWars – put a little hooded cloak and some lightning on him and it’d be golden!


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