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John explains the how and why of pissing off Mac users. (Actually an imposter)

  1. James Hill says:

    I think it’s funny to watch non-Mac drones go on and on about trying to piss off Mac users when they themselves cannot do it.

    Also, Dvorak isn’t a troll. If he was he’d be more effective.

  2. jtoso says:


  3. Curmudgen says:

    #24 John once made a comment about another post, the content in this case doesn’t matter. What he said was that _____, You are better than that. I hope that this also applies to you.

  4. Mucous says:

    It would be so much fun to have the money to sponsor a multimillion dollar Mac virus writing contest just to watch the Ellen Feisses of the worl cry when their little Mac no longer “just worked”. Awwww.

    Then again, you have to wonder if Ellen didn’t mate with Stephen The Stoner Delldude. Maybe they’re older than they look and they’re Parasite Hilton’s real parents.

  5. Tom 2 says:

    The current Macintosh operating system is on its way to be as efficient as the XP operating system, it just needs a little work.

  6. JimR says:

    Tally of John’s fishing spree of 38 posts so far:

    Mac Shrimp: 4

    Multi-system Flounders: 10

    Microsoft Carp: 28

  7. James Hill says:

    #37 – I try.

  8. noname says:

    I am not sure even John knows what numbers he talking about. He seemed to stutter over that question in the video. If he thinks he is referring to increasing magazine subscription, I would think not. No way would I pay for a magazine whose contributors basically mislead. Makes me question the reliability of product recommendations.

  9. Babaganoosh says:

    The DVORAK keyboard isn’t all some people make it out to be. I used it for about 6 months a few years ago and all it did for me was to shoot my qwerty typing skills all to hell. I didn’t get any faster, and it always annoyed me that the “L” was stuck way up in the right corner of the keyboard. Maybe I’ve got short pinkies or something, but that strikes me as an absurd place for such a common letter.

    Oh, and that video was hilarious.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    Even better than the Dvorak keyboard are those court stenotype machines. They are amazing! — 200 + words a minute? And, when you watch them they make it look really easy with no manic keystrokes.

    Of course the output looks like gibberish but you’d think a computer could easily make it regular English.

    as for #20 (idealist) who do you speak Esperanto with? Is it useful? I’m fascinated by Esperanto.

  11. noname says:

    #43. Yea you are soo laughably right :)) A PC droop who doesn’t get it, his own text. The video is better then any virus that can be written for a mac.

  12. noname says:

    Lots of unanswered questions you got there Pedro!

    Another typical flushed PC user, no idea what he’s talking about, always confused and seeking answers.

    Poor Pedro, you need a Mac, bad! I can send you my old one if you like?

  13. Carpel Tunnel says:

    The Dvorak Keyboard is one of the things that is going to bring computing into the 21st century and beyond. If people can’t realize that QWERTY is outdated and idiotic, then we’re left with a whole world of people who aren’t thinking correctly. Why would people continue to use a keyboard layout that is intended to slow down their typing? It’s not hard to change, and all you Mac users ought to love it because you can learn it and then brag to your friends about how much better it is than what they are using. And you’ll be right.

    peace out


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