Well, this is different.

Prizes for prostitute-free New Year

The South Korean government is handing out gifts for office workers who promise not to visit brothels this holiday season.

“If you promise yourself to make it a healthy night out at the end of the year, and if you recommend this to others, we are giving lots of prizes,” the Ministry of Gender Equality said in an Internet posting.

The ministry is offering to pay companies whose employees pledge not to buy sex after what are typically alcohol-soaked, year-end parties.

A ministry spokesman confirmed the campaign but declined to answer questions about it.

But a ministry official told the Korea Times daily: “Korean corporate culture that includes heavy drinking is also what makes buying sex acceptable as a way for male-bonding, which is proving to be a hard-to-break ritual.”

The ministry is offering movie tickets based on the number of employees who pledge not to visit prostitutes as well as a cash prize of 1 million won ($1,077) for the company which enlists the most employees in the campaign.

Many South Koreans were bewildered by the plan, saying it was a waste of money and gave the impression that South Korean men cannot keep away from brothels.

“Do they really think men buy sex every time they have a dinner party?” wrote one Korean on a comment page of the South Korea’s largest daily Chosun Ilbo.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Wonder how many gets the tickets despite nailing a prostitutes…

  2. SN says:

    If the picture is representative of what South Korean hookers look like, I can understand why there is a problem.

  3. Reality says:

    Your prize is a blow up doll. Congrats!

  4. Ron Larson says:

    Ah yes… their tax dollars hard at work. If they have enough money to give it to men to not visit a brothel, then perhaps the good citizens of SK should be demanding a reduction in taxes.

  5. tallwookie says:

    How exactly would this be enforced?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    I promise not to visit any South Korean hookers on New years Day. I make this pledge in front of my wife here in the middle of Indiana.

    Hey honey, next vacation how about we visit Asia,…

  7. Podesta says:

    Well, at least this item is not a ‘Christmas miracle.’

  8. James Hill says:

    Sounds like a crew that really knows how to party.

  9. Slappy says:

    There’s odds against you winning a prize, but you’re guaranteed to get a hooker if you look for one. Do the math.

  10. Expat says:

    Korean women are, without a doubt, the foxiest in the world, and the absolulte best in the sexual arts. Seoul is a highly cosmopolitian city and the fashion center of Asia, and half the women look like models that walked off the pages of a magazine. A lot of washed up American alchoholics wash to Philippines and Thailand when they get a meager pension, but the Korean women are too smart and too classy to have anything to do with these losers (usually), hence the relative paucity of knowledge circulating about them.

    Avoid Korean hookers for the holidays? HELL NO!

  11. OmarThe Alien says:

    It was ’67 (or was it ’68?) and I was crew on a scruffy little LST just off Mekong Delta cargo ops doing a refit in Sasebo, Japan. The carrier Enterprise had just entered port, and the demostrators were tearing assing all over the place, raising hell and getting firehosed for their pains. A buddy and I holed up in a downtown hotel, the skipper decided he didn’t want any of his blue-jackets trying to get back to the ship in the near-combat conditions outside the gate, we had plenty of money and so the word was hold tight and check in daily.
    So the situation was: There were probably about four thousand crew locked down on the Enterprise, they’d probably been on Yankee Station or wherever the seagoing Navy hung out then, every bar hostess in Japan was converging on Sasebo and for a couple of days we were the only whitehats in town. That gave us certain opportunities, which we took advantage of, and when the fleet sailors finally did get liberty they had to be back by mid-nite, where we had permanent overnight and civilian clothes.
    These girls were not prostitutes, they were more in the Geisha mold, and they were heartstoppingly beautiful. I spent three weeks in a beatific daze with a nineteen year old from Nagasaki, and when I rotated out a year later I tried to get back to Sasebo, but the Navy, in it’s wisdom, sent me to South Carolina, instead.
    Sign a pledge? Not in this world.

  12. Gary Marks says:

    If the photo is representative, the prize given for not visiting a South Korean hooker pales in comparison to the prize you get if you do make that visit.

    The boobie prize is superior 😉

  13. tallwookie says:

    ya know, its kinda funny how my work tried to block this blog (prolly cuz of the “nicer” pics recently) – but they failed miserably. I keep getting a WordPress error, but deleting the /blog/ part of the url just redirects me back in – I’m sure they’ll figure it out in time (then its back to reading slashdot & digg)

    /emote shakes head is disgust.

    well, semi pleased disgust anyway – there a lot of funny shit that gets posted on this blog that I cant find anywhere else.

  14. Grrr says:

    Eh – no jokes yet connecting the “Ministry of Gender Equality” with California?
    I notice the article is carefully silent about women visiting prostitutes, or same-sex transactions…

  15. MajorMajorMajorMajor says:

    Korean women = hot.
    Japanese women = hot.
    Thai women = hot.
    Filipinas = hot.
    Some Chinese women = hot.

    American women = wretched, Prozac-sucking PIGS who no real man would ever date, let alone marry.

  16. James Hill says:

    #15 – You’re a virgin, aren’t you?

    Sounds like a few of you should be called “Rice Eaters” from now on.

  17. SN says:

    #16. “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

    So what’s your point, that people like MajorMajorMajorMajor who make insightful and accurate comments must be virgins?! Are you saying there is some sort of inverse relationship to getting laid and being intelligent? 😉

  18. Seven Shady says:

    The vast majority of my friends are now married to Asian women. A few left their bitchy American wifes for Asians, which was a smart move indeed.

    I agree with #15. We were posted overseas for over a decade, and when I returned to the United States I could not believe how ugly, unhappy, obese, and mentally unstable American women are. The average American woman weighs (for real) 164 pounds and is a dress size 18. My wife (Asian) is a dress size 4.

    Asian women are far smarter than American women are. China, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, and Japan have higher average IQ’s than the US does. As for looks and who is best in bed, it is no contest. Men who have been to Asia know about that! Would you rather make love to a lithe, feminine lady who knows how to do it, or endure some nasty American woman who sweats grease and is so ugly that your dog is embarrased to see it?

    Go to any big US university. The Asians (many women, too) are taking the hard stuff. The American women are taking fluff, since they are not smart enough to take hard stuff. Then they will get jobs as losers in HR departments, and get fat, psycho (somebody here mentioned PROZAC) and bitter, as the smarter Asian women become doctors, engineers, and entrepreneurs. The Asian women also attract the better white men, since no white man with anything going for him would marry an American pig-woman, just ain’t going to happen.

    There is something about wimpy men that makes them attracted to bitchy women, which is why many cubicle clones who are wimps stick with American women.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, Shady

    We get some real assholes posting here (see #16). Your’s however, comes so very close to being the worst I have read.

    I don’t consider my wife ugly. For a fact, she is one of the most intelligent people I know. She doesn’t sweat grease. And she isn’t a pig.

    When I lived in Toronto a few years back, I lived just a few blocks from Broadview and Gerrard. If you are familiar with it you would understand why you’re an asshole. If you don’t know the area, it is worse then the Chinatown on Spadina. You want to talk about ugly, fat women? You want to talk about women (and men) who think little about squatting behind a garbage can for relief? You want to talk about roaches and vermin covering the area? You want to talk about never seeing a cat? You want to talk about stench that travels for miles?

    Don’t try to tell me how superior Asian women are. And don’t suggest my wife is a fat, stupid pig. Asshole.

  20. James Hill says:

    #15 – In your case, without question.

    What’s insightful about his comments? Just because you like rice is no reason to get pissy.

    FYI… I have no problem with marrying “outside your race”, but the same “men” posting on here about marrying asians are the same men that can’t handle anything other than a passive woman. In other words, you’re weak, and have no place in society.

    #19 – I doubt she’s fat, but has to be stupid to put up with you.

  21. Dr. Poon Tang says:

    #19: You must have failed statistics, if in fact you ever took it; nobody said that YOUR wife was fat (but you doth protest too much, methinks). The point that was made is true: American women are grostesquly fat, and, indeed, do have an average dress size of 18. Are you disputing this?

    And, just because *you* don’t consider your wife ugly or fat, doesn’t mean that she is not ugly and fat. What do you think of Rosie O’Donnel, the archetypal American woman? Foxy, eh?

    As for Asian women being passive, you must have failed history, too. America has never had a woman president. The Philippines has had two, one of whom (Aquino) brought down the dictator Marcos. Vice President of Taiwan: female (or was). Leading opposition to Burma’s evil dictatorship: female. Some of the most tenacious fighters and field doctors of the Viet Cong: female.

    When American’s say that Asian women are passive, they mean that they are not “bitchy.” Having manners does not make a lady passive, it makes her a lady. You’ve been around bitchy American pig-women so long that you don’t even know the difference.

    America’s gutless cubicle clone males are just metrosexuals, not man enough to appreciate Asian women. Those of us who have lived and operated overseas, however, particularly in the spicy and wild world of Asia, are real men, who like real ladies.

    A match made in heaven for real men, who are, indeed, rice-eaters.

    And why are divorce rates so high in the U.S.? Because who wants to be married to a porcine whiner? Not me.

    So, keep your Prozac-sucking, pop-psychology reading, therapy-seeking, cellulite-growing, stinky-pussied pigs for yourself, because, I assure you, nobody else wants them. Pigs are for pork, not for sex!

    P.S. Your next boss may be Asian, and your grandchildren will be learning Mandarin as they compete for jobs as nannies for the Chinese, as you live in ghettos with illegal aliens, so you’d better get some more Prozac.

  22. James Hill says:

    #21 – One of the most unintelligent posts ever. Well done.

    You fail to understand the difference between passive, bitch, and properly assertive.

    All (yes kids, an absolute) Asian women are passive: I’m not asking, I’m telling. If you disagree with this, then you know not of which you speak. The fact the nations they’re from elect women means nothing, as the majority of Asian men are passive as well.

    Some American women are bitchy: Specifically, the ones that don’t know how to get along with both sexes. Many American men who are rice-eaters identify most Amercian women as bitchy because they simply can’t handle women. They’re intimidated, much like yourself.

    Most American women are assertive, and their “spoils” are left for those American men who are equally assertive.

    In the end, the problem is you. You’re so weak that you cannot see the differences in people, and can only accept those you feel you can control.


    All rice-eaters have now been owned. I order you to stop posting.

  23. Slick3 says:

    Waaaa, waaa, I’ve got a FAT AMERICAN wife and I am mad that other men have beautiful Asian wives….

    It takes one hell of a lot of ASSERTIVENESS for a woman to bloat to 184 pounds (correctly noted as the American female average)! GIVE ME THAT PORK CHOP! I WANT ANOTHER TRIP TO THE SALAD BAR!


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