From the crew of Dvorak Uncensored: John, Ed, Dave, Steve, Keith, JC, Alix, Catherine and Marc. Thanks for you support and valued readership!

  1. Santa says:

    And to all a good night

  2. Gary Marks says:

    Thanks to the DU crew for giving all of us a steady stream of provocative topics and opportunities to rant and rave. Any time I can’t find a reason to whip myself into a frenzy over something in my real life, I know I can always come here and see three or four reasons why the world is going to hell in a handbasket at breakneck speed. It’s quite a comfort 😉

    Happy Holidays and a healthy New Year to all !

    (I’m getting a strange craving for a sugarplum)

  3. Mucous says:

    Merry Christmas to the crew and posters at DU. This is unique place. Things here are frequently fun and frequently piss me off, but it’s always entertaining.

    I’m sitting here in Minnesota enjoying my first ever Christmas with NO snow on the ground. May you all get what you wanted as I’ve gotten mine!

    (Where can I buy those ornaments for next years tree? 😉 )

  4. RonD says:

    And a very Merry Christmas to the DU crew too.

  5. ryan says:

    merry christmas!

  6. J says:

    Bah Hum Bug! 🙂

  7. Smartalix says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well, Santa, the wife, and kid were good to me this year. I know they are happy too. Well, gotta put that new sound card in the wife’s ‘puter.

    Have a good one everybody.

  9. tom 2 says:

    Happy Christmas and a Merry Hanakah, and a kool Kwanza, and a fantastic festivus. And Happy anything else in between.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Merry Christmas (or whatever you celebrate)! Enjoy the good food folks. 🙂

  11. Eideard says:

    Sith gun robh so!

  12. bill says:

    May the farce be with you! Happy Whatever!
    oh, and a Merry Christmas!

    Thanks folks!

  13. FRAGaLOT says:

    thanks guys!

  14. moe29 says:

    Thanks for the great work you guys do all year!

    Have a safe Holiday : )

  15. Charbax says:

    Please produce lots of provocative and intelligent video shows in the new year. Stuff like the Marketwatch holliday gift suggestions video is really innovative. If you could setup a studio where you could quickly and easilly produce tech news content in form of video instead of text, this would I be fantastic, “when the tech guy started to make lots of videos on his blogs”.

  16. RDaneelOlivaw says:

    You guys are always awesome. Here’s to a great DU year. Thanks for all the “hard” work. HeHe. 🙂

  17. Todd says:

    Thank you for your daily dose of biting irreverence, abstaining from the banality of Left/Right banter, the punches directed with precision at the people, places, and peculiarities underlying the ebb and flow of daily discourse defining our times. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  18. OmarTheAlien says:

    Got my broadband, and spent the day patching in some new studio gear. It wasn’t actually for Christmas, it just happened at Christmas. Merry whatever to all, and just hope 2007 doesn’t become too thrilling.

  19. Esteban says:

    “Manuia le Kerisimasi” from your entire readership in Samoa. (i.e. me)

  20. Jonathan Fox says:

    Happy Christmas from Manchester, England. Its nice to know that there are still real people out there that see the world as it really is and are not afraid to comment on it.

    All the best and have a great 2007


  21. Miguel Correia says:

    whoops… taking the fact that it still is 25th in some parts of the world to wish you all a Merry Christmas!! I am not late though to wish you a wonderful 2007.

  22. Max Bell says:



  23. Higghawker says:

    Thanks for the great blog!! Happy Holidays

  24. ECA says:

    Happy Forth of July…
    Do you understand that??
    thats when allthe bills are about paid, and NEXT years holiday is coming FAST….

  25. Angel H. Wong says:

    Happy holidays to you all!

    Uh… Who’s Catherine and Who’s Marc? ’cause I can’t tell if that’s a chick with a short hair and a guy who still wears a glam rocker hairdo 😉


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