Criminals aren’t taking the holiday off. In fact, they’re marking it with strange crimes.

Teens in Ohio have stabbed an inflatable Frosty the snowman, and thieves snatched nearly three dozen baby Jesus dolls in Chicago.

One man dressed up as Santa has been arrested in South Carolina for trying to kidnap a little girl.

Police say Marcus McCoy and his girlfriend, Tanya White, trailed UPS trucks in Indiana and Illinois for about a month. They allegedly waited until the drivers dropped off the packages, then grabbed the loot for themselves.

The lumpen of any society gravitate to below the depths of acceptable behavior — even among criminals. They should be judged accordingly.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Oh, the Christmas spirit…

  2. Dennis Duffner says:

    I covered the two Grinches in my podcast.

    These two were busy little f***ers. When the cops searched the East Chicago, IN home where they lived, they found a mountain of packages, some still wrapped and some still with notes attached from grandparents and other relatives wishing the recipient a merry Christmas.

    Now, the police have a new problem: how to find who they all belong to. So, if you live in the Lake County, IN or southern Cook County IL area and you’re missing a UPS package, call the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.

    Police estimate the couple sole tens of thousands of dollars worth of presents.

  3. Daniel Johnson says:

    You may or may not believe this but Tanya is my half sister. I just found out about all this today myself as I do not talk much to the family and when I do they will not tell me about this sort of thing. I am not a bog fan of my sister’s. As a matter of fact if I tallyed up everything that she and/or others connected to her has taken from me alone it would be more than I care to think.
    I just hope that they can connect most of the things that belong to the people they took from and that justic id served for once. I am sure my Mother will not be happy with my two cents and tell me I should just ingonre it all but ftankly I have had it with all this sort of drama with my sister over the years. I would like to have a mom myself sometimes and she is far too busy with Tanya to know that. Call it spite on my part maybe but when i read that my family posted $7,500 to get her out of jail it burns my butt! My parents are both retired and my dad (step dad) just lost both of his parents last year. You would think they have been though enough but I guess my sister does not think about that when it comes down to it nor does she think about the fact that her actions effect all of us in some way or other.

  4. ECA says:

    Nice comment DJ..

    Parents are there to HELP when you are right…NOT if you are wrong..
    And the fun part, comes when many say, dont worry about it, or that it has nothing to Do with you….
    If we dont CARE, and act to fix something, it fails…Including the Family.


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